
Sklyanin algebra

In mathematics, specifically the field of algebra, Sklyanin algebras are a class of noncommutative algebra named after Evgeny Sklyanin. This class of algebras was first studied in the classification of Artin-Schelter regular algebras of global dimension 3 in the 1980s. Sklyanin algebras can be grouped into two different types, the non-degenerate Sklyanin algebras and the degenerate Sklyanin algebras, which have very different properties. A need to understand the non-degenerate Sklyanin algebras better has led to the development of the study of point modules in noncommutative geometry. (Wikipedia).

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Juliet Cooke: Skein categories

In this talk we will talk about skein categories which are a categorical analogue of skein algebras based on coloured ribbon tangles. We shall then see how these skein categories satisfy excision and therefore fit within the framework of factorisation homology as k-linear factorisation hom

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Chris Bowman: Weighted Schur algebras or "Diagrammatic Cherednik algebras" over fields of ...

Abstract: We begin by introducing to the diagrammatic Cherednik algebras of Webster. We then summarise some recent results (in joint work with Anton Cox and Liron Speyer) concerning the representation theory of these algebras. In particular we generalise Kleshchev-type decomposition numbe

From playlist Algebra

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Linear Transformations: Onto

Linear Algebra: Continuing with function properties of linear transformations, we recall the definition of an onto function and give a rule for onto linear transformations.

From playlist MathDoctorBob: Linear Algebra I: From Linear Equations to Eigenspaces | Mathematics

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Example of Skew-Symmetric Matrix

Matrix Theory: Let a be an invertible skew-symmetric matrix of size n. Show that n is even, and then show that A^{-1} is also skew-symmetric. We show the identities (AB)^T = B^T A^T and (AB)^{-1} = B^{-1}A^{-1}.

From playlist Matrix Theory

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Alexander Moll: A new spectral theory for Schur polynomials and applications

Abstract: After Fourier series, the quantum Hopf-Burgers equation vt+vvx=0 with periodic boundary conditions is equivalent to a system of coupled quantum harmonic oscillators, which may be prepared in Glauber's coherent states as initial conditions. Sending the displacement of each oscilla

From playlist Combinatorics

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Quaternion algebras via their Mat2x2(F) representations

In this video we talk about general quaternion algebras over a field, their most important properties and how to think about them. The exponential map into unitary groups are covered. I emphasize the Hamiltionion quaternions and motivate their relation to the complex numbers. I conclude wi

From playlist Algebra

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The Lie-algebra of Quaternion algebras and their Lie-subalgebras

In this video we discuss the Lie-algebras of general quaternion algebras over general fields, especially as the Lie-algebra is naturally given for 2x2 representations. The video follows a longer video I previously did on quaternions, but this time I focus on the Lie-algebra operation. I st

From playlist Algebra

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David Jordan: Skeins, clusters, and character sheaves

Abstract: Skein algebras are certain diagrammatically defined algebras spanned by tangles drawn on the cylinder of a surface, with multiplication given by stacking diagrams. Quantum cluster algebras are certain systems of mutually birational quantum tori whose defining relations are encode

From playlist Algebraic and Complex Geometry

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Winter School JTP: Skew-gentle algebras and surface orbifolds, Claire Amiot

In the 80’s, Reiten and Riedtmann introduced the notion of skew-group algebra attached to an algebra with the action of a group by automorphisms. They studied in particular its representation theory. Skew-gentle algebras were introduced by Geiss and de la Pen ̃a in the 90’s as certain skew

From playlist Winter School on “Connections between representation Winter School on “Connections between representation theory and geometry"

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Group Definition (expanded) - Abstract Algebra

The group is the most fundamental object you will study in abstract algebra. Groups generalize a wide variety of mathematical sets: the integers, symmetries of shapes, modular arithmetic, NxM matrices, and much more. After learning about groups in detail, you will then be ready to contin

From playlist Abstract Algebra

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FIT2.3.3. Algebraic Extensions

Field Theory: We define an algebraic extension of a field F and show that successive algebraic extensions are also algebraic. This gives a useful criterion for checking algberaic elements. We finish with algebraic closures.

From playlist Abstract Algebra

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Kristin Courtney: "The abstract approach to classifying C*-algebras"

Actions of Tensor Categories on C*-algebras 2021 Mini Course: "The abstract approach to classifying C*-algebras" Kristin Courtney - Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics, UCLA January 21, 2021 For more information:

From playlist Actions of Tensor Categories on C*-algebras 2021

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Rahim Moosa 11/14/14

Title: Differential Varieties with Only Algebraic Images

From playlist Fall 2014

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Homeschool Algebra 2 - What Every Homeschool Parent Needs to Know

TabletClass Math Homeschool: How to homeschool Algebra 2 successfully. Need help with homeschooling Pre-Algebra, Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2 and Pre-Calculus? Check out TabletClass Math for all your homeschooling needs: .

From playlist Homeschool Math

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Homeschool Geometry Before Algebra 2

TabletClass Math: This video explains why you should homeschool geometry before algebra 2.

From playlist Homeschool Math

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A geometric model for the bounded derived category of a gentle algebra, Sibylle Schroll, Lecture 1

Gentle algebras are quadratic monomial algebras whose representation theory is well understood. In recent years they have played a central role in several different subjects such as in cluster algebras where they occur as Jacobian algebras of quivers with potentials obtained from triangula

From playlist Winter School on “Connections between representation Winter School on “Connections between representation theory and geometry"

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Omar León Sánchez, University of Manchester

December 17, Omar León Sánchez, University of Manchester A Poisson basis theorem for symmetric algebras

From playlist Fall 2021 Online Kolchin Seminar in Differential Algebra

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Units in a Ring (Abstract Algebra)

The units in a ring are those elements which have an inverse under multiplication. They form a group, and this “group of units” is very important in algebraic number theory. Using units you can also define the idea of an “associate” which lets you generalize the fundamental theorem of ar

From playlist Abstract Algebra

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Homeschool Algebra - What Every Homeschool Parent Needs to Know

TabletClass Math Homeschool: How to homeschool Algebra successfully. Need help with homeschooling Pre-Algebra, Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2 and Pre-Calculus? Check out TabletClass Math for all your homeschooling needs: .

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