Statistical hypothesis testing | Design of experiments | Sequential methods

Sequential analysis

In statistics, sequential analysis or sequential hypothesis testing is statistical analysis where the sample size is not fixed in advance. Instead data are evaluated as they are collected, and further sampling is stopped in accordance with a pre-defined stopping rule as soon as significant results are observed. Thus a conclusion may sometimes be reached at a much earlier stage than would be possible with more classical hypothesis testing or estimation, at consequently lower financial and/or human cost. (Wikipedia).

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Introduction to Regression Analysis

This video introduced analysis and discusses how to determine if a given regression equation is a good model using r and r^2.

From playlist Performing Linear Regression and Correlation

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Linear Algebra for Computer Scientists. 9. Decomposing Vectors

This computer science video is one of a series on linear algebra for computer scientists. In this video you will learn how to express a given vector as a linear combination of a set of given basis vectors. In other words, you will learn how to determine the coefficients that were used to

From playlist Linear Algebra for Computer Scientists

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Network Analysis. Course introduction.

Introduction to the Social Network Analysis course.

From playlist Structural Analysis and Visualization of Networks.

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Systems of equations: algebra and geometry

This is part of an online course on beginner/intermediate linear algebra, which presents theory and implementation in MATLAB and Python. The course is designed for people interested in applying linear algebra to applications in multivariate signal processing, statistics, and data science.

From playlist Linear algebra: theory and implementation

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Network Analysis. Lecture 9. Graph partitioning algorithms

Graph density. Graph pertitioning. Min cut, ratio cut, normalized and quotient cuts metrics. Spectral graph partitioning (normalized cut). Direct (spectral) modularity maximization. Multilevel recursive partitioning Lecture slides:

From playlist Structural Analysis and Visualization of Networks.

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Avoiding circular inference

Discussions of circular inference (a.k.a. biased selection, a.k.a. double-dipping) and how to avoid it during statistical analyses. For more online courses about programming, data analysis, linear algebra, and statistics, see

From playlist OLD ANTS #8) Statistics

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GTAC 2015: Multithreaded Test Synthesis Slides: Murali Krishna Ramanathan (Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore) Subtle concurrency errors in multithreaded libraries that arise because of incorrect or inadequate synchronization are often diffi

From playlist GTAC 2015

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Hans G. Feichtinger: Mathematical and numerical aspects of frame theory - Part 1

Find this video and other talks given by worldwide mathematicians on CIRM's Audiovisual Mathematics Library: And discover all its functionalities: - Chapter markers and keywords to watch the parts of your choice in the video - Videos enriched with abstracts, b

From playlist Analysis and its Applications

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Metric Spaces - Lectures 17 & 18: Oxford Mathematics 2nd Year Student Lecture

For the first time we are making a full Oxford Mathematics Undergraduate lecture course available. Ben Green's 2nd Year Metric Spaces course is the first half of the Metric Spaces and Complex Analysis course. This is the 9th of 11 videos. The course is about the notion of distance. You ma

From playlist Oxford Mathematics Student Lectures - Metric Spaces

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Felix Kwok: Analysis of a Three-Level Variant of Parareal

In this talk, we present a three-level variant of the parareal algorithm that uses three propagators at the fine, intermediate and coarsest levels. The fine and intermediate levels can both be run in parallel, only the coarsest level propagation is completely sequential. We interpret our a

From playlist Jean-Morlet Chair - Gander/Hubert

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Sequential Stopping for Parallel Monte Carlo by Peter W Glynn

PROGRAM: ADVANCES IN APPLIED PROBABILITY ORGANIZERS: Vivek Borkar, Sandeep Juneja, Kavita Ramanan, Devavrat Shah, and Piyush Srivastava DATE & TIME: 05 August 2019 to 17 August 2019 VENUE: Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore Applied probability has seen a revolutionary growth in resear

From playlist Advances in Applied Probability 2019

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NIPS 2011 Big Learning - Algorithms, Systems, & Tools Workshop: Fast Cross-Validation...

Big Learning Workshop: Algorithms, Systems, and Tools for Learning at Scale at NIPS 2011 Invited Talk: Fast Cross-Validation via Sequential Analysis by Tammo Kruger Abstract: With the increasing size of today's data sets, finding the right parameter configuration via cross-validatio

From playlist NIPS 2011 Big Learning: Algorithms, System & Tools Workshop

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Jorge Nocedal: "Tutorial on Optimization Methods for Machine Learning, Pt. 3"

Graduate Summer School 2012: Deep Learning, Feature Learning "Tutorial on Optimization Methods for Machine Learning, Pt. 3" Jorge Nocedal, Northwestern University Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics, UCLA July 18, 2012 For more information:

From playlist GSS2012: Deep Learning, Feature Learning

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MAST30026 Lecture 8: Compactness I

This is the first of several lectures on compactness. I recalled the proof of the Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem, defined sequential compactness in metric spaces and the characterisation of continuity of functions in terms of limits, and proved that the image of a compact set is compact. Lec

From playlist MAST30026 Metric and Hilbert spaces

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Keras Tutorial For Beginners | Python Certification Training | Edureka | Python Live - 3

🔥AI & Deep Learning Training: This Edureka Tutorial on "Keras Tutorial" (Deep Learning Blog Series: provides you a quick and insightful tutorial on the working of Keras along with an interesting use-case! Pytho

From playlist Edureka Live Classes 2020

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Linear Algebra for Computer Scientists. 1. Introducing Vectors

This computer science video is one of a series on linear algebra for computer scientists. This video introduces the concept of a vector. A vector is essentially a list of numbers that can be represented with an array or a function. Vectors are used for data analysis in a wide range of f

From playlist Linear Algebra for Computer Scientists

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Data Assimilation in Global NWP... - Bonavita - Workshop 2 - CEB T3 2019

Bonavita (ECMWF, UK) / 12.11.2019 Data Assimilation in Global NWP: A case study in Big Data and Uncertainty Quantification ---------------------------------- Vous pouvez nous rejoindre sur les réseaux sociaux pour suivre nos actualités. Facebook :

From playlist 2019 - T3 - The Mathematics of Climate and the Environment

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