Fixed-point theorems | Topological vector spaces | Theorems in functional analysis

Schauder fixed-point theorem

The Schauder fixed-point theorem is an extension of the Brouwer fixed-point theorem to topological vector spaces, which may be of infinite dimension. It asserts that if is a nonempty convex closed subset of a Hausdorff topological vector space and is a continuous mapping of into itself such that is contained in a compact subset of , then has a fixed point. A consequence, called Schaefer's fixed-point theorem, is particularly useful for proving existence of solutions to nonlinear partial differential equations.Schaefer's theorem is in fact a special case of the far reaching which was proved earlier by Juliusz Schauder and Jean Leray.The statement is as follows: Let be a continuous and compact mapping of a Banach space into itself, such that the set is bounded. Then has a fixed point. (A compact mapping in this context is one for which the image of every bounded set is relatively compact.) (Wikipedia).

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Paul Shafer:Reverse mathematics of Caristi's fixed point theorem and Ekeland's variational principle

The lecture was held within the framework of the Hausdorff Trimester Program: Types, Sets and Constructions. Abstract: Caristi's fixed point theorem is a fixed point theorem for functions that are controlled by continuous functions but are necessarily continuous themselves. Let a 'Caristi

From playlist Workshop: "Proofs and Computation"

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What is a fixed point?

In this video, I prove a very neat result about fixed points and give some cool applications. This is a must-see for calculus lovers, enjoy! Old Fixed Point Video: Banach Fixed Point Theorem: Continuity Playlist: https://www.youtu

From playlist Calculus

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A quantum particle starting in a well of a periodic egg carton potential

Like the video this one shows a simulation of a quantum particle in a periodic potential. The point of view rotates around the potential landscape, which remains fixed in space. While on the previous video, the initial state was a Gaussian wave packet located n

From playlist Schrödinger's equation

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A beautiful combinatorical proof of the Brouwer Fixed Point Theorem - Via Sperner's Lemma

Using a simple combinatorical argument, we can prove an important theorem in topology without any sophisticated machinery. Brouwer's Fixed Point Theorem: Every continuous mapping f(p) from between closed balls of the same dimension have a fixed point where f(p)=p. Sperner's Lemma: Ever

From playlist Cool Math Series

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Lefschetz Fixed Point Theorem example

Here we give an example of how to use the Lefschetz fixed point theorem. These notes were really useful as a graduate student, some of them are down now, but I think these notes I had came from here:

From playlist Riemann Hypothesis

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A quantum particle in a periodic egg carton potential

This simulation of a quantum particle in a periodic particle explores a new visualization, in which the z-coordinate is the sum of the potential, and another quantity related to the wave function (either its real part, or its modulus squared). There is a detailed theory on Schrödinger's eq

From playlist Schrödinger's equation

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Bourgain–Delbaen ℒ_∞-spaces and the scalar-plus-compact property – R. Haydon & S. Argyros – ICM2018

Analysis and Operator Algebras Invited Lecture 8.16 Bourgain–Delbaen ℒ_∞-spaces, the scalar-plus-compact property and related problems Richard Haydon & Spiros Argyros Abstract: We outline a general method of constructing ℒ_∞-spaces, based on the ideas of Bourgain and Delbaen, showing how

From playlist Analysis & Operator Algebras

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Félix Otto: The matching problem

The optimal transport between a random atomic measure described by the Poisson point process and the Lebesgue measure in d-dimensional space has received attention in diverse communities. Heuristics suggest that on large scales, the displacement potential, which is a solution of the highly

From playlist Probability and Statistics

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The dynamical Φ43Φ34 model: derivation of the renormalised equations - Martin Hairer

Martin Hairer University of Warwick March 5, 2014 For more videos, visit

From playlist Mathematics

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Banach fixed point theorem & differential equations

A novel application of Banach's fixed point theorem to fractional differential equations of arbitrary order. The idea involves a new metric based on the Mittag-Leffler function. The technique is applied to gain the existence and uniqueness of solutions to initial value problems. http://

From playlist Mathematical analysis and applications

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A quite energetic quantum particle starting in a well of a periodic egg carton potential

This fourth simulation of a quantum particle in a periodic potential uses a Gaussian wave packet centered in a potential minimum as initial state, as do the simulations and . The momentum of the initial state has been taken larger

From playlist Schrödinger's equation

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Some 20+ year old problems about Banach spaces and operators on them – W. Johnson – ICM2018

Analysis and Operator Algebras Invited Lecture 8.17 Some 20+ year old problems about Banach spaces and operators on them William Johnson Abstract: In the last few years numerous 20+ year old problems in the geometry of Banach spaces were solved. Some are described herein. © Internatio

From playlist Analysis & Operator Algebras

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Thomas Ransford: Constructive polynomial approximation in Banach spaces of holomorphic functions

Recording during the meeting "Interpolation in Spaces of Analytic Functions" the November 21, 2019 at the Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques (Marseille, France) Filmmaker: Guillaume Hennenfent Find this video and other talks given by worldwide mathematicians on CIRM's Audio

From playlist Analysis and its Applications

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Approximate solutions to fractional differential equations

I introduce the idea of an approximate solution to fractional differential equations of arbitrary order. The ideas are applied together with sequential arguments to form new approaches to existence theory for solutions to initial value problems. This presentation is a showcase of recent m

From playlist Mathematical analysis and applications

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Banach Fixed Point Theorem

In this video, I prove the celebrated Banach fixed point theorem, which says that in a complete metric space, a contraction must have a fixed point. The proof is quite elegant and illustrates the beauty of analysis. This theorem is used for example to show that ODE have unique solutions un

From playlist Real Analysis

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Physics - Ch 66 Ch 4 Quantum Mechanics: Schrodinger Eqn (12 of 92) Time & Position Dependencies 1/3

Visit for more math and science lectures! In this video I will separate the time and position dependencies of the Schrodinger's equation, part 1/3. Next video in this series can be seen at:


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C. De Lellis - Center manifolds and regularity of area-minimizing currents (Part 4)

A celebrated theorem of Almgren shows that every integer rectifiable current which minimizes (locally) the area is a smooth submanifold except for a singular set of codimension at most 2. Almgren’s theorem is sharp in codimension higher than 1, because holomorphic subvarieties of Cn are ar

From playlist Ecole d'été 2015 - Théorie géométrique de la mesure et calcul des variations : théorie et applications

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C. De Lellis - Center manifolds and regularity of area-minimizing currents (Part 5)

A celebrated theorem of Almgren shows that every integer rectifiable current which minimizes (locally) the area is a smooth submanifold except for a singular set of codimension at most 2. Almgren’s theorem is sharp in codimension higher than 1, because holomorphic subvarieties of Cn are ar

From playlist Ecole d'été 2015 - Théorie géométrique de la mesure et calcul des variations : théorie et applications

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C. De Lellis - Center manifolds and regularity of area-minimizing currents (Part 3)

A celebrated theorem of Almgren shows that every integer rectifiable current which minimizes (locally) the area is a smooth submanifold except for a singular set of codimension at most 2. Almgren’s theorem is sharp in codimension higher than 1, because holomorphic subvarieties of Cn are ar

From playlist Ecole d'été 2015 - Théorie géométrique de la mesure et calcul des variations : théorie et applications

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Schrodinger's Equation

Schrodinger's Equation for wave functions in Quantum Physics. My Patreon Page is at

From playlist Physics

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