Analysis of parallel algorithms

Scalable parallelism

Software is said to exhibit scalable parallelism if it can make use of additional processors to solve larger problems,i.e. this term refers to software for which Gustafson's law holds.Consider a program whose execution time is dominated by one or more loops,each of that updates every element of an array ---for example, the following finite difference heat equation stencil calculation: for t := 0 to T do for i := 1 to N-1 do new(i) := (A(i-1) + A(i) + A(i) + A(i+1)) * .25 // explicit forward-difference with R = 0.25 end for i := 1 to N-1 do A(i) := new(i) endend In the above code, we can execute all iterations of each "i" loop concurrently,i.e., turn each into a parallel loop.In such cases,it is often possible to make effective use of twice as many processors for a problem of array size 2Nas for a problem of array size N.As in this example, scalable parallelism is typically a form of data parallelism.This form of parallelism is often the target of automatic parallelization of loops. Distributed computing systems and non-uniform memory access architecturesare typically the most easily scaled to large numbers of processors,and thus would seem a natural target for software that exhibits scalable parallelism.However, applications with scalable parallelism may not have parallelism ofsufficiently coarse grainto run effectively on such systems (unless the software is embarrassingly parallel).In our example above, the second "i" loop is embarrassingly parallel,but in the first loop each iteration requires results produced in several prior iterations.Thus, for the first loop, parallelization may involve extensive communication or synchronization among processors,and thus only result in a net speedup if such interactions have very low overhead,or if the code can be transformed to resolve this issue (i.e., by combined scalable locality/scalable parallelism optimization). (Wikipedia).

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Parallel Vectors

This video explains how to determine if vectors are parallel.

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What are parallel lines and a transversal

๐Ÿ‘‰ Learn about converse theorems of parallel lines and a transversal. Two lines are said to be parallel when they have the same slope and are drawn straight to each other such that they cannot meet. In geometry, parallel lines are identified by two arrow heads or two small lines indicated i

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What is the Consecutive Interior Angle Converse Theorem

๐Ÿ‘‰ Learn about converse theorems of parallel lines and a transversal. Two lines are said to be parallel when they have the same slope and are drawn straight to each other such that they cannot meet. In geometry, parallel lines are identified by two arrow heads or two small lines indicated i

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Multivariable Calculus | The scalar multiple of a vector.

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Proving Parallel Lines with Angle Relationships

๐Ÿ‘‰ Learn about converse theorems of parallel lines and a transversal. Two lines are said to be parallel when they have the same slope and are drawn straight to each other such that they cannot meet. In geometry, parallel lines are identified by two arrow heads or two small lines indicated i

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Parallel vectors

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What are the Angle Relationships for Parallel Lines and a Transversal

๐Ÿ‘‰ Learn about converse theorems of parallel lines and a transversal. Two lines are said to be parallel when they have the same slope and are drawn straight to each other such that they cannot meet. In geometry, parallel lines are identified by two arrow heads or two small lines indicated i

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RubyConf 2010 - Pwrake : a Distributed Workflow Engine for e-Science by: Masahiro Tanaka

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Up Your R Game - Break Through R Limitations

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The Future of Rails 6: Scalable by Default

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Enabling Rapid COVID-19 Small Molecule Drug Design Through Scalable Deep Learning Generative Models

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Pascal Hรฉnon: Linear solvers for reservoir simulation

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Paul Mikesell (CEO, Clustrix) interviewed at Web 2.0 Expo SF 2010

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Lec 17 | MIT 6.189 Multicore Programming Primer, IAP 2007

Lecture 17: The Raw experience License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA More information at More courses at Subtitles are provided through the generous assistance of Rohan Pai.

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What is the Corresponding Angle Converse Theorem

๐Ÿ‘‰ Learn about converse theorems of parallel lines and a transversal. Two lines are said to be parallel when they have the same slope and are drawn straight to each other such that they cannot meet. In geometry, parallel lines are identified by two arrow heads or two small lines indicated i

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Finite difference method | SequenceL | Scalable locality | Loop optimization | Embarrassingly parallel | Heat equation | Automatic parallelization | Stencil (numerical analysis) | Gustafson's law