Satellite knots and links

Satellite link (knot theory)

No description. (Wikipedia).

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Satellite operations and Legendrian knot theory - John Etnyre

Satellite operations and Legendrian knot theory Augmentations and Legendrians at the IAS Topic: Satellite operations and Legendrian knot theory Speaker: John Etnyre Date: Thursday, February 11 Satellite operations are a common way to create interesting knot types in the smooth category. I

From playlist Mathematics

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Algebraic topology: Fundamental group of a knot

This lecture is part of an online course on algebraic topology. We calculate the fundamental group of (the complement of) a knot, and give a couple of examples. For the other lectures in the course see

From playlist Algebraic topology

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Three Knot-Theoretic Perspectives on Algebra - Zsuzsanna Dancso

Zsuzsanna Dancso University of Toronto; Institute for Advanced Study September 21, 2011 For more videos, visit

From playlist Mathematics

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In this video, I define connectedness, which is a very important concept in topology and math in general. Essentially, it means that your space only consists of one piece, whereas disconnected spaces have two or more pieces. I also define the related notion of path-connectedness. Topology

From playlist Topology

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MegaFavNumbers - 1701936 knots

My contribution to the #MegaFavNumbers project. A brief introduction to mathematical knot theory, and a 19th-century Theory of Everything that didn't quite work out. References: J Hoste, M Thistlethwaite, J Weeks, "The First 1701936 Knots", Mathematical Intelligencer 20.4 (1998) 33-48

From playlist MegaFavNumbers

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Teach Astronomy - Topology of the Universe Astronomers sometimes talk about the topology of the universe which is a mathematical description of the three dimensional structure in terms of mathematical shapes. Using this formalism astronomers are of course simplifying something that's actually very co

From playlist 20. Galaxy Interaction and Motion

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Kimihiko Motegi: L-space knots in twist families and satellite L-space knots

Abstract: Twisting a knot K in S3 along a disjoint unknot c produces a twist family of knots {Kn} indexed by the integers. Comparing the behaviors of the Seifert genus g(Kn) and the slice genus g4(Kn) under twistings, we prove that if g(Kn)−g4(Kn) [is less than] C for some constant C for i

From playlist Topology

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Jessica Purcell - Lecture 1 - Hyperbolic knots and alternating knots

Jessica Purcell, Monash University Title: Hyperbolic knots and alternating knots Hyperbolic geometry has been used since around the mid-1970s to study knot theory, but it can be difficult to relate geometry of knots to a diagram of a knot. However, many results from the 1980s and beyond s

From playlist 39th Annual Geometric Topology Workshop (Online), June 6-8, 2022

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Colin Adams: Hyperbolic Volumes of Virtual Knots and their Compositions

Colin Adams, Williams College Title: Hyperbolic Volumes of Virtual Knots and their Compositions Hyperbolic Volumes of Virtual Knots and their Compositions\\ \noindent\textbf{Abstract:} Many knots are known to be hyperbolic and therefore have a hyperbolic volume. But composite knots are n

From playlist 39th Annual Geometric Topology Workshop (Online), June 6-8, 2022

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Sergey Melikhov - Not all links are isotopic to PL links

38th Annual Geometric Topology Workshop (Online), June 15-17, 2021 Sergey Melikhov, Steklov Math Institute (Moscow) Title: Not all links are isotopic to PL links Abstract: Two links in the 3-sphere are called (non-ambiently) isotopic if they are homotopic through embeddings. D. Rolfsen (

From playlist 38th Annual Geometric Topology Workshop (Online), June 15-17, 2021

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A survey of quandle theory by Mohamed Elhamdadi

PROGRAM KNOTS THROUGH WEB (ONLINE) ORGANIZERS: Rama Mishra, Madeti Prabhakar and Mahender Singh DATE & TIME: 24 August 2020 to 28 August 2020 VENUE: Online Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the original program has been canceled. However, the meeting will be conducted through onli

From playlist Knots Through Web (Online)

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Hopf link bagel

A bagel cut into a Hopf link.

From playlist Algebraic Topology

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Marc Lackenby - Using machine learning to formulate mathematical conjectures - IPAM at UCLA

Recorded 14 February 2023. Marc Lackenby of the University of Oxford presents "Using machine learning to formulate mathematical conjectures" at IPAM's Machine Assisted Proofs Workshop. Abstract: I will describe how machine learning can be used as a tool for pure mathematicians to formulate

From playlist 2023 Machine Assisted Proofs Workshop

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Knot Theory and Machine Learning - Andras Juhasz

DeepMind Workshop Topic: Knot Theory and Machine Learning Speaker: Andras Juhasz Affiliation: University of Oxford Date: March 28, 2022 The signature of a knot K in the 3-sphere is a classical  invariant that gives a lower bound on the genera of compact oriented surfaces in the 4-ball wi

From playlist DeepMind Workshop

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Hyperbolic Knot Theory (Lecture - 2) by Abhijit Champanerkar

PROGRAM KNOTS THROUGH WEB (ONLINE) ORGANIZERS: Rama Mishra, Madeti Prabhakar, and Mahender Singh DATE & TIME: 24 August 2020 to 28 August 2020 VENUE: Online Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the original program has been canceled. However, the meeting will be conducted through onl

From playlist Knots Through Web (Online)

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Why Space Itself May Be Quantum in Nature - with Jim Baggott

Loop quantum gravity aims to unify the theories of general relativity and quantum mechanics, as explained by Jim Baggott. Subscribe for regular science videos: Buy Jim's book "Quantum Space": Quantum gravity is the holy grail for modern theo

From playlist Ri Talks

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Taut foliations and cyclic branched covers - Cameron Gordon

Cameron Gordon, Univ Texas Workshop on Flows, Foliations and Contact Structures 2015-2016 Monday, December 7, 2015 - 08:00 to Friday, December 11, 2015 - 12:00 This workshop is part of the topical program "Geometric Structures on 3-Manifolds" which will take place during the 2015-2016 aca

From playlist Workshop on Flows, Foliations and Contact Structures

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Introduction to Algebraic Theory of Quandles (Lecture - 2) by Valeriy Bardakov

PROGRAM KNOTS THROUGH WEB (ONLINE) ORGANIZERS: Rama Mishra, Madeti Prabhakar, and Mahender Singh DATE & TIME: 24 August 2020 to 28 August 2020 VENUE: Online Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the original program has been canceled. However, the meeting will be conducted through onl

From playlist Knots Through Web (Online)

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Satellite knot