Lattice theorists

Rudolf Wille

Rudolf Wille (2 November 1937 – 22 January 2017) was a German mathematician and was professor of General Algebra from 1970 to 2003 at Technische Universität Darmstadt (TU Darmstadt). His most celebrated work is the invention of formal concept analysis, an unsupervised machine learning technique that applies mathematical lattice theory to organize data based on objects and their shared attributes. An accomplished musician and has also made contributions to Mathematics in Music, Mathematical Pedagogy and the Philosophy of Science, Wille played an active leadership role in the concept lattice research community. Wille was a member of the Board of Directors of the Institute for Philosophy at TU Darmstadt from 1976. From 1983, was leader of the research group on Formal concept analysis and from 1993 Chairman of the "Ernst Schröder Center for Conceptual Knowledge Engineering". Wille was also a founding member of the Center for Inter-Disciplinary Research in Darmstadt and maintained a footprint in other research groups around the world as a visiting consulting/scholar. Wille's research interests included algebra, order and lattice theory, foundations of geometry, discrete mathematics, measurement theory, mathematics in music, philosophy of science, conceptual knowledge engineering and contextual logic. A significant international community of researchers follow Wille's work on Formal concept analysis, the main forums being the International Conferences on Formal Concept Analysis, Conceptual Structures (see also Conceptual graphs) (ICCS) and Concept Lattices and their Application (CLA) conferences. The first two are published in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science and the latter is a multi-stage conference that produces journal papers. A leader, inter-disciplinarian, peace activist and prolific mentor, Wille oversaw more than 100 German "Diplom- und Staatsexamenarbeiten" in Mathematics, 51 PhD dissertations, and 8 Postdoctoral "habilitation" qualifications. (Wikipedia).

Rudolf Wille
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Hitler - The Road to Revenge

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"Ehre, Freude, Stolz": Peter Scholze ist zurück in Deutschland

Einen Tag nach seiner Rückkehr von der IMC in Rio des Janeiro traf Fields-Medaillen-Träger Prof. Dr. Peter Scholze die wartenden Journalisten. zeigt hier die Pressekonferenz der Uni Bonn vom 07.08.2018. ' © Universität Bonn / / LENTFER FILMPRODUKTION

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Hitler - Revenge to Ruin

Portraits of Power - Hitler - Revenge to Ruin Narrated by Henry Fonda Adolf Hitler (20 April 1889 -- 30 April 1945) was an Austrian-born German politician and the leader of the Nazi Party (German: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (NSDAP); National Socialist German Workers Pa

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Zahlen und Geometrie. Antrittsvorlesung Prof. Peter Scholze

Am dies academicus der Universität Bonn im lfd. Sommersemester 2017 hat Prof. Dr. Peter Scholze (geb. 1987, u. a. Leibniz-Preisträger) seine Antrittsvorlesung gehalten. Peter Scholze ist Hausdorff Chair am Exzellenzcluster Hausdorff Center for Mathematics der Universität Bonn. Weitere Inf

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The Soviet Master Spy - Rudolf Abel I THE COLD WAR

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Farmer Hero Who Captured Rudolf Hess (1941) | Unissued Nº10 | British Pathé

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The Diesel Engine: Where did it come from? | Stuff of Genius

Born in 1858, Rudolf Diesel was fascinated by engines from a young age. However, the engines of the time were incredibly inefficient -- at least, that is, until Rudolf's Stuff of Genius struck. Learn the stories of unsung inventor heroes and their trials, tribulations and successes.

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Habsburg Dynasty Family Tree

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Rudolf Hess: The Last Prisoner of Spandau

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How Adolf Hitler Becomes Führer of the Nazi Party I THE GREAT WAR 1921

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Nürnberg - Justizpalast im November 1945, der Internationale Militärgerichtshof beginnt zu tagen. Angeklagt sind 22 Deutsche, von Göring bis Fritzsche, Politiker, Beamte, Militärs des Dritten Reiches sowie 7 Organisationen. Auch als DVD erhältlich: ** Die 4 Chefank

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Der Nürnberger Prozess - Die Anklage (3/8) / Hauptkriegsverbrecher-Prozess

Nürnberg - Justizpalast im November 1945, der Internationale Militärgerichtshof beginnt zu tagen. Angeklagt sind 22 Deutsche, von Göring bis Fritzsche, Politiker, Beamte, Militärs des Dritten Reiches sowie 7 Organisationen. Auch als DVD erhältlich: ** Die 4 Chefank

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The Leader, His Driver and the Driver's Wife (Nick Broomfield S. Africa Documentary) | Real Stories

Nick Broomfield's film chronicles the collapse of the far-right AWB party in apartheid-era South Africa through a portrait of its leader, Eugene Terre'Blanche, his driver JP and JP's wife Anita From The Leader, His Driver and the Driver's Wife Twitter:

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Der Nürnberger Prozess - Die Anklage (2/8) / Hauptkriegsverbrecher-Prozess

Nürnberg - Justizpalast im November 1945, der Internationale Militärgerichtshof beginnt zu tagen. Angeklagt sind 22 Deutsche, von Göring bis Fritzsche, Politiker, Beamte, Militärs des Dritten Reiches sowie 7 Organisationen. Auch als DVD erhältlich: ** Die 4 Chefank

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Red Spy Rudolf Abel Arrested In Brooklyn (1957)

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The Death Of The Austro-Hungarian Army 1916 (Brusilov Offensive Documentary)

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Der Nürnberger Prozess - Die Anklage (7/8) / Hauptkriegsverbrecher-Prozess

Nürnberg - Justizpalast im November 1945, der Internationale Militärgerichtshof beginnt zu tagen. Angeklagt sind 22 Deutsche, von Göring bis Fritzsche, Politiker, Beamte, Militärs des Dritten Reiches sowie 7 Organisationen. Auch als DVD erhältlich: ** Die 4 Chefank

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