Algebraic groups

Rost invariant

In mathematics, the Rost invariant is a cohomological invariant of an absolutely simple simply connected algebraic group G over a field k, which associates an element of the Galois cohomology group H3(k, Q/Z(2)) to a principal homogeneous space for G. Here the coefficient group Q/Z(2) is the tensor product of the group of roots of unity of an algebraic closure of k with itself. Markus Rost first introduced the invariant for groups of type F4 and later extended it to more general groups in unpublished work that was summarized by Serre. The Rost invariant is a generalization of the Arason invariant. (Wikipedia).

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The Routh-Hurwitz Stability Criterion

In this video we explore the Routh Hurwitz Stability Criterion and investigate how it can be applied to control systems engineering. The Routh Hurwitz Stability Criterion can be used to determine how many roots of a polynomial are in the right half plane. Topics and time stamps: 0:00 –

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Vector Calculus: Understanding Curl

Some formal and informal intuition regarding curl, a vector calculus concept.

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Review of Linear Time Invariant Systems for more great signal-processing content: ad-free videos, concept/screenshot files, quizzes, MATLAB and data files. Review: systems, linear systems, time invariant systems, impulse response and convolution, linear constant-coefficient difference equations

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What is the curl?

Free ebook A basic introduction to the curl of a vector field - one of the basic operations of vector calculus. I show how to calculate the curl and discuss its relationship with rotation and circulation density. Many examples are presented.

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Why do we have to flip the sign when we divide or multiply by negative one - Cool Math

👉 Learn about solving an inequality and graphing it's solution. An inequality is a relation where the expression in the left hand side is not equal to the expression in the right hand side of the inequality sign. A linear inequality is an inequality whose highest power in the variable(s) i

From playlist Solve and Graph Inequalities | Learn About

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Automorphy: Automorphy Lifting Theorems I (continued)

David Geraghty Princeton University; Institute for Advanced Study March 10, 2011 For more videos, visit

From playlist Mathematics

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Summary for solving one variable inequalities

👉 Learn about solving an inequality and graphing it's solution. An inequality is a relation where the expression in the left hand side is not equal to the expression in the right hand side of the inequality sign. A linear inequality is an inequality whose highest power in the variable(s) i

From playlist Solve and Graph Inequalities | Learn About

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Matrix invariants and algebraic complexity theory - Harm Derksen

Computer Science/Discrete Mathematics Seminar I Topic: Matrix invariants and algebraic complexity theory Speaker: Harm Derksen More videos on

From playlist Mathematics

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Alien Inhabitants Of Our Coral Reefs (Ocean Documentary) | Real Wild

Coral reefs are some of the richest hotspots of biodiversity on the planet. The warm water reefs of the Pacific Ocean and Caribbean Sea are well know, but they don't only occur in warm waters. In some of the oceans coldest, darkest depths they are thriving. The deep water reefs are formed

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Mixture Rasch model analysis with free software Jamovi

In this video, I will show how to do a mixture Rasch model analysis with free software Jamovi. Please download Jamovi from this link: Recommended papers: 1. Language Testing 2. Internationa

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Korrosion – verletzlicher Stahl

Bei der Korrosion von Eisen spielen Wasser und Sauerstoff zusammen und wandeln das Metall unaufhörlich in Rost um, eine Mischung verschiedener Eisenoxide und –hydroxide. Der Prozesse läuft in mehreren Schritten ab und wird durch Salz im Wasser dramatisch beschleunigt. Material für die Sch

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Jean-Louis Colliot-Thélène : H3 non ramifié et cycles de codimension 2

Find this video and other talks given by worldwide mathematicians on CIRM's Audiovisual Mathematics Library: And discover all its functionalities: - Chapter markers and keywords to watch the parts of your choice in the video - Videos enriched with abstracts, b

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The History Guy Podcast: Fantastic Frauds: Titanic Thompson and Stanley Weyman

The History Guy podcast features two stories of fraudsters, who despite their less than honest lives deserve to be remembered. First is the story of Titanic Thompson, supposedly the inspiration for Sky Masterson of Guys and Dolls, who was so good that he cheated Al Capone at a bet - and ma

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Building Malware in Rust TBG by Stu Small - Denver Rust Meetup

This was recorded on 2021-01-06 at the Denver Rust meetup.

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Making liquid chlorine gas and then ampouling it

DO NOT TRY THIS OUT YOURSELF! Proper PPE and safety measurements were alway in place. I do not take any responsibility if you recreate what was done in this video. These chlorine ampoules are under high pressure. They can easily break sending shrapnels and toxic chlorine gas everywhere.

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Korrosion - Rost gehört zum alten Eisen

Korrosion frisst jährlich etwa drei Prozent der Wirtschaftsleistung, das sind alleine in Deutschland 70 Milliarden Euro. Eine Polymerbeschichtung, die bei Bedarf korrosionshemmende Substanzen freisetzt und Kratzer sogar selbst heilt, soll den Schaden begrenzen. Doch die verschiedenen Kompo

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The Myth of the Gun - Why America Loves FPS Games So Much - Extra Credits

Why does the US produce so many more First Person Shooters than Japan? How does our culture shape the way we view our weapons and ourselves as warriors? Subscribe for new episodes every Wednesday! (---More below) (Original air date: May 18, 2011) _________ Get your

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Geometric and algebraic aspects of space curves | Differential Geometry 20 | NJ Wildberger

A space curve has associated to it various interesting lines and planes at each point on it. The tangent vector determines a line, normal to that is the normal plane, while the span of adjacent normals (or equivalently the velocity and acceleration) is the osculating plane. In this lectur

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Geometry of Quantum Uncertainty - Leonid Polterovich

Symplectic Seminar Topic: Geometry of Quantum Uncertainty Speaker: Leonid Polterovich Affiliation: Tel Aviv University Date: April 10, 2020 For more video please visit

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How to solve and graph one variable inequalities

👉 Learn about solving an inequality and graphing it's solution. An inequality is a relation where the expression in the left hand side is not equal to the expression in the right hand side of the inequality sign. A linear inequality is an inequality whose highest power in the variable(s) i

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Arason invariant | Root of unity | Galois cohomology | Absolutely simple group | Algebraic group | Tensor product | Étale cohomology | Cohomological invariant