Representation theory of Lie groups | Rotation in three dimensions

Representation theory of SU(2)

In the study of the representation theory of Lie groups, the study of representations of SU(2) is fundamental to the study of representations of semisimple Lie groups. It is the first case of a Lie group that is both a compact group and a non-abelian group. The first condition implies the representation theory is discrete: representations are direct sums of a collection of basic irreducible representations (governed by the Peter–Weyl theorem). The second means that there will be irreducible representations in dimensions greater than 1. SU(2) is the universal covering group of SO(3), and so its representation theory includes that of the latter, by dint of a surjective homomorphism to it. This underlies the significance of SU(2) for the description of non-relativistic spin in theoretical physics; see for other physical and historical context. As shown below, the finite-dimensional irreducible representations of SU(2) are indexed by a non-negative integer and have dimension . In the physics literature, the representations are labeled by the quantity , where is then either an integer or a half-integer, and the dimension is . (Wikipedia).

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Representation theory: Introduction

This lecture is an introduction to representation theory of finite groups. We define linear and permutation representations, and give some examples for the icosahedral group. We then discuss the problem of writing a representation as a sum of smaller ones, which leads to the concept of irr

From playlist Representation theory

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RT6. Representations on Function Spaces

Representation Theory: We note how to transfer a group action of a group G on a set X to a group action on F(X), the functions on X. Because F(X) is a vector space, we obtain a representation of the group, and we can apply previous techniques. In particular, the group acts on itself in

From playlist Representation Theory

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Representation Theory as Gauge Theory - David Ben-Zvi [2016]

Slides for this talk: Notes for this talk: David Ben-Zvi (University of Texas, Austin) Title: Representation Theory as G

From playlist Number Theory

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Representation theory: Induced representations

We define induced representations of finite groups in two ways as either left or right adjoints of the restriction functor. We calculate the character of an induced representation, and give an example of an induced representation of S3.

From playlist Representation theory

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RT1: Representation Theory Basics

Representation Theory: We present basic concepts about the representation theory of finite groups. Representations are defined, as are notions of invariant subspace, irreducibility and full reducibility. For a general finite group G, we suggest an analogue to the finite abelian case, whe

From playlist *** The Good Stuff ***

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RT2: Unitary Representations

Representation Theory: We explain unitarity and invariant inner products for representations of finite groups. Full reducibility of such representations is derived. Course materials, including problem sets and solutions, available at

From playlist Representation Theory

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Representation theory: Abelian groups

This lecture discusses the complex representations of finite abelian groups. We show that any group is iomorphic to its dual (the group of 1-dimensional representations, and isomorphic to its double dual in a canonical way (Pontryagin duality). We check the orthogonality relations for the

From playlist Representation theory

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PiTP-Supersymmetric Grand Unification, Part 1 - Stuart Raby

PiTP-Supersymmetric Grand Unification, Part 1 Stuart Raby The Ohio State University July 14, 2008

From playlist PiTP 2008

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Representation theory: Orthogonality relations

This lecture is about the orthogonality relations of the character table of complex representations of a finite group. We show that these representations are unitary and deduce that they are all sums of irreducible representations. We then prove Schur's lemma describing the dimension of t

From playlist Representation theory

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SQCD and Pairs of Pants by Shlomo Razamat

PROGRAM QUANTUM FIELDS, GEOMETRY AND REPRESENTATION THEORY 2021 (ONLINE) ORGANIZERS: Aswin Balasubramanian (Rutgers University, USA), Indranil Biswas (TIFR, india), Jacques Distler (The University of Texas at Austin, USA), Chris Elliott (University of Massachusetts, USA) and Pranav Pan

From playlist Quantum Fields, Geometry and Representation Theory 2021 (ONLINE)

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A Mathematical Introduction to 3d N = 4 Gauge Theories (Lecture 1) by Mathew Bullimore

PROGRAM : QUANTUM FIELDS, GEOMETRY AND REPRESENTATION THEORY 2021 (ONLINE) ORGANIZERS : Aswin Balasubramanian (Rutgers University, USA), Indranil Biswas (TIFR, india), Jacques Distler (The University of Texas at Austin, USA), Chris Elliott (University of Massachusetts, USA) and Pranav Pan

From playlist Quantum Fields, Geometry and Representation Theory 2021 (ONLINE)

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PiTP-Supersymmetric Grand Unification, Part 2 - Stuart Raby

PiTP-Supersymmetric Grand Unification, Part 2 Stuart Raby The Ohio State University July 17, 2008

From playlist PiTP 2008

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An Introduction to Class-S and Tinkertoys (Lecture 2 )by Jacques Distler

Program: Quantum Fields, Geometry and Representation Theory ORGANIZERS : Aswin Balasubramanian, Saurav Bhaumik, Indranil Biswas, Abhijit Gadde, Rajesh Gopakumar and Mahan Mj DATE & TIME : 16 July 2018 to 27 July 2018 VENUE : Madhava Lecture Hall, ICTS, Bangalore The power of symmetries

From playlist Quantum Fields, Geometry and Representation Theory

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Lecture 4 | New Revolutions in Particle Physics: Standard Model

(February 1, 2010) Professor Leonard Susskind continues his discussion of group theory. This course is a continuation of the Fall quarter on particle physics. The material will focus on the Standard Model of particle physics, especially quantum chromodynamics (the theory of quarks) and th

From playlist Lecture Collection | Particle Physics: Standard Model

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Supersymmetric gauge theories (Lecture 4) by Shiraz Minwalla

Kavli Asian Winter School (KAWS) on Strings, Particles and Cosmology 2018 DATE:08 January 2018 to 18 January 2018 VENUE:Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore The Kavli Asian Winter School (KAWS) on Strings, Particles and Cosmology is a pan-Asian collaborative effort of high energy theori

From playlist Kavli Asian Winter School (KAWS) on Strings, Particles and Cosmology 2018

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Workshop 1 "Operator Algebras and Quantum Information Theory" - CEB T3 2017 - M.Brannan

Michael Brannan (College station) / 12.09.17 Title: Entangled subspaces from quantum groups and their associated quantum channels. Abstract:I will describe a class of highly entangled subspaces of bipartite quantum systems arising from the representation theory of a class of compact quan

From playlist 2017 - T3 - Analysis in Quantum Information Theory - CEB Trimester

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A simple Qubit Regularization Scheme for SU(N) Lattice Gauge Theories by Shailesh Chandrasekharan

PROGRAM NONPERTURBATIVE AND NUMERICAL APPROACHES TO QUANTUM GRAVITY, STRING THEORY AND HOLOGRAPHY (HYBRID) ORGANIZERS: David Berenstein (University of California, Santa Barbara, USA), Simon Catterall (Syracuse University, USA), Masanori Hanada (University of Surrey, UK), Anosh Joseph (II

From playlist NUMSTRING 2022

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RT4.2. Schur's Lemma (Expanded)

Representation Theory: We introduce Schur's Lemma for irreducible representations and apply it to our previous constructions. In particular, we identify Hom(V,V) with invariant sesquilinear forms on V when (pi, V) is unitary. Course materials, including problem sets and solutions, availa

From playlist Representation Theory

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Wall Crossing, Part 1 - Greg Moore

Wall Crossing, Part 1 Greg Moore Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey July 27, 2010

From playlist PiTP 2010

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