Self-replicating machines

Replicating nanorobots

No description. (Wikipedia).

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The Nano Robots Inside You

Inside of you, at all times, there are trillions of natural nano robots walking around, taking out the trash, and packaging strands of DNA. Below the calm, ordered exterior of a living organism lies a complex collection of molecular machines working together to create something greater tha

From playlist Technology

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MakerBot Mystery Build: Back to the Basics

It's time for another mystery build! Our trusty new MakerBot replicator makes something out of nothing, but it's up to you to figure out what it is before our robot can finish. Post your best guess in the comments below!

From playlist MakerBot Mystery Object

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MakerBot Mystery Build: The Prototyping Will Be Televised

It's time for another MakerBot mystery build! Spot the cameos!

From playlist MakerBot Mystery Object

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How Do You Make a Nanobot?

Working at a small scale has big challenges. Nanoroboticist Metin Sitti designs and builds microscopic robots that can venture into the human body. What does it take to build tiny robots? Will this advancing nanotechnology revolutionize medicine? Learn more about nanotechnology and watch

From playlist Technology

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Microscopic pop-up books: Turning 2D nanostructures into 3D shapes

Producing artificial versions of thin and flexible 3D structures that appear in nature, like neural circuits and networks of blood vessels, is extremely difficult to do at a small scale. Now, researchers have developed a new strategy that makes this easier. They've figured out how to turn

From playlist Materials and technology

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What is Nanotechnology? | Sci Guide (Ep 36) w/ Mark Champkins | Head Squeeze

Discover the incredible applications for nanotechnology with Mark Champkins in this Science Guide Headsqueeze video. Basically nanotechnology is engineering or science at the nano scale. That is one-thousandth millionth of a metre. Pretty small, but not for modern science. It's actually

From playlist Sci Guide - the latest science and tech news

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Cancer Killing Nanobots

Pre-order the New Thinking book here: Happy new year! Let's start things off with a look at the surprising new field of biological nanobots. CRISPR Cancer video:

From playlist Scientific Medical Videos

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MakerBot Mystery Build: The Triumphant Return!

It's back! Now that we have the new MakerBot Replicator running and calibrated properly, we're bringing back the weekly mystery build. Watch our new awesome 3D printer in beautiful time-lapse and hum along to a familiar tune.

From playlist MakerBot Mystery Object

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Nanotechnology: A New Frontier

Nanotechnology: A New Frontier - Nanotechnology Explained Start learning today for FREE: Follow me on Instagram!: Nanotechnology is ironically becoming larger by the day, but not literally. As a field, Nanotechnology impacts

From playlist Science & Technology 🚀

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MakerBot Mystery Build: We're Not Squares

Our MakerBot prints an object that will love you forever.

From playlist MakerBot Mystery Object

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The Caltech Effect: Nanorobots to the Rescue

The editorial team at The Caltech Effect gave five Caltech postdoctoral scholars and graduate students a challenge: “Using the simplest terms possible, tell us about a concept related to your research.” Stewart Mallory, an AGEP (California Alliance for Graduate Education and the Professor

From playlist Break Through: The Caltech Campaign

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The Nanorobot Surgeon You Can Swallow

In 1959, Richard Feynman made the famous assertion that one day we will be able to swallow the surgeon. Advancements in nanomedicine are making that dream come true. Nanoroboticist Metin Sitti shows the tiny robot that can take pictures, biopsy, and deliver medicine inside of you. Watch

From playlist Technology

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What Are These Tiny Robots Doing Inside You?

Nanobots are the future of medicine, but how do these tiny robots work? Visit the Foresight Institute to learn about their work on advancing technology at Support the great work being done by Lifespan, the team powering Life Noggin:

From playlist Life Extension Science | Life Noggin

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Michio Kaku: What is the Strongest Material Known to Man? | Big Think

What is the Strongest Material Known to Man? New videos DAILY: Join Big Think Edge for exclusive videos: --------------------------------------------------------- OVERVIEW Dr. Michio Kaku discusses the strongest material known to man--graph

From playlist Big Think Selects

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Bringing Life to Design: Data Science in 3D - Autodesk's Mike Haley

From Strata + Hadoop World 2015 in London: Mike Haley is the senior director, emerging products & technology at Autodesk. In his Strata+Hadoop keynote he shows how Autodesk's customers use it to bring life to their designs. Visit Strata Conference: Read Learning Aut

From playlist Strata + Hadoop World in Europe (London) 2015

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Biobots: The Scientists Building Robots Inspired By Nature's Design [4K] | The Age of Robots | Spark

Mankind has always looked at nature to solve problems, taking a cue from the solutions that biological systems have refined through natural selection. In this episode we look at a robotic plant that mimics the mechanics of plant roots, and dive underwater to see robots inspired by fish. -

From playlist Age of Robots

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aantonop Crypto Comedy: Awkward Holiday Conversations about Cryptocurrency [This is Satire]

Watch this video where Andreas delivers 30+ minutes of crypto comedy on topics like, why do people buy xrp & conspiracy theories and bitcoin. Everyone has had an awkward holiday conversation about cryptocurrency, let's talk about what you should have said. This entire video is comedy, you

From playlist English Subtitles - aantonop Videos with subtitles in English

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DNA: Not Just for Life Anymore!

Our DNA stores the information that makes us who we are, but that's not all it can do! There are applications for DNA that go way beyond its use for life, like storing data and folding it into complicated shapes. Hosted by: Stefan Chin SciShow has a spinoff podcast! It's called SciShow T

From playlist Uploads

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How It's Made: Skeletal Replicas

Stream Full Episodes of How It's Made: Subscribe to Science Channel: Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Follow us on

From playlist How It's Made

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