Theorems in algebraic geometry | Algebraic surfaces

Reider's theorem

In algebraic geometry, Reider's theorem gives conditions for a line bundle on a projective surface to be very ample. (Wikipedia).

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Geordie Williamson: Miraculous Treumann-Smith theory and geometric Satake

Abstract: This talk will be about geometric approaches to the representation theory of reductive algebraic groups in positive characteristic p. A cornerstone of the geometric theory is the geometric Satake equivalence, which gives an incarnation of the category of representations as a cate

From playlist Geordie Williamson: Representation theory and the Geometric Satake

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Is Reality Real? The Simulation Argument

Watch Part 2 on Vsauce 3: OUR CHANNELS ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ German Channel: Spanish Channel: HOW CAN YOU SUPPORT US? ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ This is how we make our living and i

From playlist The Existential Crisis Playlist

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CDIS 4017 - Acoustics of Vowels 2 (DONE)

Chaya Guntupalli (Nanjundeswaran) Ph.D. CDIS 4017 - Speech and Hearing Science I ETSU Online Programs -

From playlist ETSU: CDIS 4017 - Speech and Hearing Science I | CosmoLearning Audiology

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What Happens If We Throw an Elephant From a Skyscraper? Life & Size 1

Size is the most under appreciated regulators of living things. Let us demonstrate that by throwing animals from buildings. OUR CHANNELS ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ German Channel: Spanish Channel: HOW CAN YOU SUPPORT US? ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀

From playlist Our Best Stuff

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Why Black Holes Could Delete The Universe – The Information Paradox

Black holes are scary things. But they also might reveal the true nature of the universe to us. This video was realised with the help of Dr. Alessandro Sfondrini and it was funded by SNSF under Agora Grant n. 171622 and through the NCCR SwissMAP: The Mathematics of Physics. See also our

From playlist The Existential Crisis Playlist

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The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus | Algebraic Calculus One | Wild Egg

In this video we lay out the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus --from the point of view of the Algebraic Calculus. This key result, presented here for the very first time (!), shows how to generalize the Fundamental Formula of the Calculus which we presented a few videos ago, incorporating t

From playlist Algebraic Calculus One

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Abug Talks - Jason Fitzpatrick shows Steve Furber's 'Proto Beeb' from the museum collection

Abug Talks - Jason Fitzpatrick (computinghistory) shows Steve Furber's 'Proto Beeb' from the museum collection. Virtual Abug Meet-Up - 16th May 2020. Recorded via Zoom during the Coronavirus Outbreak. Help us create more videos! Support us through Patreon :

From playlist Abug Meetups - May 2020

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Lec 32 - Phys 237: Gravitational Waves with Kip Thorne

Watch the rest of the lectures on Redistributed with permission. This video is taken from a 2002 Caltech on-line course on "Gravitational Waves", organized and designed by Kip S. Thorne, Mihai Bondarescu and

From playlist Caltech: Gravitational Waves with Kip Thorne - Physics

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Introduction to additive combinatorics lecture 10.8 --- A weak form of Freiman's theorem

In this short video I explain how the proof of Freiman's theorem for subsets of Z differs from the proof given earlier for subsets of F_p^N. The answer is not very much: the main differences are due to the fact that cyclic groups of prime order do not have lots of subgroups, so one has to

From playlist Introduction to Additive Combinatorics (Cambridge Part III course)

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Amaury Pouly

A (truly) universal polynomial differential equation Lee A. Rubel proved in 1981 that there exists a universal fourth-order algebraic differential equation P(y,y',y'',y''')=0 (1) and provided an explicit example. It is universal in the sense that for any continuous function f from R to

From playlist DART X

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Euler's Identity (Equation)

This video given Euler's identity, reviews how to derive Euler's formula using known power series, and then verifies Euler's identity with Euler's formula

From playlist Mathematics General Interest

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From Stanford to Startup

(May 11, 2011) Stanford alumni Kevin Systrom and Michael Krieger, Co-founders of the iPhone app Instagram, use their experience as startup founders to de-bunk eight startup myths. Systrom and Krieger share many stories about the early stages of Instagram, a photo sharing app, and give advi

From playlist Lecture Collection | Entrepreneurial Thought Leaders Seminar

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Calculus - The Fundamental Theorem, Part 3

The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. Specific examples of simple functions, and how the antiderivative of these functions relates to the area under the graph.

From playlist Calculus - The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus

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Cayley-Hamilton Theorem: General Case

Matrix Theory: We state and prove the Cayley-Hamilton Theorem over a general field F. That is, we show each square matrix with entries in F satisfies its characteristic polynomial. We consider the special cases of diagonal and companion matrices before giving the proof.

From playlist Matrix Theory

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Calculus 5.3 The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus

My notes are available at (so you can write along with me). Calculus: Early Transcendentals 8th Edition by James Stewart

From playlist Calculus

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Riemann Roch. Proof (part 2)

This is the second part of a proof of the Riemann Roch theorem. In it we prove Roch's part of the theorem ("Serre duality") which states that i(D) = l(K-D). We first work over the complex numbers where we can use the residue calculus. This gives two key points: a 1-form has a well defined

From playlist Algebraic geometry: extra topics

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Proof: Ore's Theorem for Hamiltonian Graphs | Sufficient Condition for Hamilton Graphs, Graph Theory

What is Ore's Theorem for Hamiltonian graphs and how do we prove it? Ore's Theorem gives us a sufficient condition for a graph to have a Hamiltonian cycle and therefore be a Hamiltonian or Hamilton graph. The theorem tells us that if, in a graph with order n greater than or equal to 3, the

From playlist Graph Theory

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Calculus 1 (Stewart) Ep 22, Mean Value Theorem (Oct 28, 2021)

This is a recording of a live class for Math 1171, Calculus 1, an undergraduate course for math majors (and others) at Fairfield University, Fall 2021. The textbook is Stewart. PDF of the written notes, and a list of all episodes is at the class website. Class website: http://cstaecker.f

From playlist Math 1171 (Calculus 1) Fall 2021

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Equidistribution of Unipotent Random Walks on Homogeneous spaces by Emmanuel Breuillard

PROGRAM : ERGODIC THEORY AND DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS (HYBRID) ORGANIZERS : C. S. Aravinda (TIFR-CAM, Bengaluru), Anish Ghosh (TIFR, Mumbai) and Riddhi Shah (JNU, New Delhi) DATE : 05 December 2022 to 16 December 2022 VENUE : Ramanujan Lecture Hall and Online The programme will have an emphasis

From playlist Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 2022

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C73 Introducing the theorem of Frobenius

The theorem of Frobenius allows us to calculate a solution around a regular singular point.

From playlist Differential Equations

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