Semigroup theory

Refinement monoid

In mathematics, a refinement monoid is a commutative monoid M such that for any elements a0, a1, b0, b1 of M such that a0+a1=b0+b1, there are elements c00, c01, c10, c11 of M such that a0=c00+c01, a1=c10+c11, b0=c00+c10, and b1=c01+c11. A commutative monoid M is said to be conical if x+y=0 implies that x=y=0, for any elements x,y of M. (Wikipedia).

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Geometry of Frobenioids - part 2 - (Set) Monoids

This is an introduction to the basic properties of Monoids. This video intended to be a starting place for log-schemes, Mochizuki's IUT or other absolute geometric constructions using monoids.

From playlist Geometry of Frobenioids

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Categories 6 Monoidal categories

This lecture is part of an online course on categories. We define strict monoidal categories, and then show how to relax the definition by introducing coherence conditions to define (non-strict) monoidal categories. We finish by defining symmetric monoidal categories and showing how super

From playlist Categories for the idle mathematician

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Substructural Type Theory - Zeilberger

Noam Zeilberger IMDEA Software Institute; Member, School of Mathematics March 22, 2013 For more videos, visit

From playlist Mathematics

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Monotone Expanders - Constructions and Applications - Zeev Dvir

Monotone Expanders -- Constructions and Applications Zeev Dvir Princeton University; Member, School of Mathematics April 22, 2011 A Monotone Expander is an expander graph which can be decomposed into a union of a constant number of monotone matchings, under some fixed ordering of the verti

From playlist Mathematics

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Higher Algebra 13: The Tate diagonal

In this video we discuss the Tate diagonal, which is a surprising feature of the world of spectra. For further details on this construction, see, section III.1. Feel free to post comments and questions at our public forum at https://www.uni-muenster

From playlist Higher Algebra

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How to Multiply Two Monomials by a Trinomial and Binomial

👉 Learn how to multiply polynomials. We apply the distributive property to polynomials by multiplying a monomial to every term in a polynomial. When multiplying monomials it is important that we multiply the coefficients and apply the rules of exponents to add the powers of each variable.

From playlist How to Multiply Polynomials

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Multiply a Monomial by a Trinomial - Free Math Help Videos

👉 Learn how to multiply polynomials. We apply the distributive property to polynomials by multiplying a monomial to every term in a polynomial. When multiplying monomials it is important that we multiply the coefficients and apply the rules of exponents to add the powers of each variable.

From playlist How to Multiply Polynomials

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Using the Box Method to Multiply a Monomial by a Trinomial

👉 Learn how to multiply polynomials. We apply the distributive property to polynomials by multiplying a monomial to every term in a polynomial. When multiplying monomials it is important that we multiply the coefficients and apply the rules of exponents to add the powers of each variable.

From playlist How to Multiply Polynomials

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How to Multiply a Monomial by a Trinomial Polynomial Product

👉 Learn how to multiply polynomials. We apply the distributive property to polynomials by multiplying a monomial to every term in a polynomial. When multiplying monomials it is important that we multiply the coefficients and apply the rules of exponents to add the powers of each variable.

From playlist How to Multiply Polynomials

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Moduli Spaces of Principal 2-group Bundles and a Categorification of the Freed.. by Emily Cliff

Program Quantum Fields, Geometry and Representation Theory 2021 (ONLINE) ORGANIZERS: Aswin Balasubramanian (Rutgers University, USA), Indranil Biswas (TIFR, india), Jacques Distler (The University of Texas at Austin, USA), Chris Elliott (University of Massachusetts, USA) and Pranav Pandi

From playlist Quantum Fields, Geometry and Representation Theory 2021 (ONLINE)

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Lecture 10: The circle action on THH

In this video we construct an action of the circle group S^1 = U(1) on the spectrum THH(R). We will see how this is the homotopical generalisation of the Connes operator. The key tool will be Connes' cyclic category. The speaker is of course Achim Krause and not Thomas Nikolaus as falsely

From playlist Topological Cyclic Homology

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From PhD to PhD: A Conference Mapping the Network on Lebanese Mathematics - Day 3 - June 3, 2021

“I dislike frontiers, political or intellectual, and I find that ignoring them is an essential catalyst for creative thought. Ideas should flow without hindrance in their natural course.” Michael Atiyah In the midst of social-political turmoil, financial meltdown, disease induced lockdown,

From playlist From PhD to PhD: A Conference Mapping the Network on Lebanese Mathematics - June 1-3, 2021

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How to Multiply a Monomial by a Trinomial Using Distributive Property

👉 Learn how to multiply polynomials. We apply the distributive property to polynomials by multiplying a monomial to every term in a polynomial. When multiplying monomials it is important that we multiply the coefficients and apply the rules of exponents to add the powers of each variable.

From playlist How to Multiply Polynomials

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Higher algebra 4: Derived categories as ∞-categories

In this video, we construct the ∞-categorical refinement of the derived category of an abelian category. This is the fourth video in our introduction to ∞-categories and Higher Algebra. Feel free to post comments and questions at our public forum at

From playlist Higher Algebra

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Higher Algebra 9: Symmetric monoidal infinity categories

In this video, we introduce the notion of a symmetric monoidal infinity categories and give some examples. Feel free to post comments and questions at our public forum at Homepage with further information: https://www.uni-mu

From playlist Higher Algebra

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Foundations S2 - Seminar 9 - Morgan Rogers on Morita equivalences and topological monoids

In this guest lecture, Morgan Rogers presents some results on topological monoids, topoi and Morita equivalences. Abstract: This talk presents the story which convinced me that logic has something positive to contribute in resolving questions in other areas of mathematics. Groups (and mor

From playlist Foundations seminar

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David Ayala: Factorization homology (part 3)

The lecture was held within the framework of the Hausdorff Trimester Program: Homotopy theory, manifolds, and field theories and Introductory School (8.5.2015)

From playlist HIM Lectures 2015

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Learn how to simplify a complex fraction

👉 Learn how to simplify complex fractions. To simplify complex fractions having the addition/subtraction of more than one fractions in the numerator or/and in the denominator we first evaluate the numerator or/and the denominator separately to have one fraction in the numerator and in the

From playlist How to Simplify Complex Fractions with Monomials

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