Decision theory

Recognition primed decision

Recognition-primed decision (RPD) is a model of how people make quick, effective decisions when faced with complex situations. In this model, the decision maker is assumed to generate a possible course of action, compare it to the constraints imposed by the situation, and select the first course of action that is not rejected. RPD has been described in diverse groups including trauma nurses, fireground commanders, chess players, and stock market traders. It functions well in conditions of time pressure, and in which information is partial and goals poorly defined. The limitations of RPD include the need for extensive experience among decision-makers (in order to correctly recognize the salient features of a problem and model solutions) and the problem of the failure of recognition and modeling in unusual or misidentified circumstances. It appears, as discussed by Gary A. Klein in Sources of Power, to be a valid model for how human decision-makers make decisions. (Wikipedia).

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(ML 11.4) Choosing a decision rule - Bayesian and frequentist

Choosing a decision rule, from Bayesian and frequentist perspectives. To make the problem well-defined from the frequentist perspective, some additional guiding principle is introduced such as unbiasedness, minimax, or invariance.

From playlist Machine Learning

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Transformer (Attention is all you need)

understanding Transformer with its key concepts (attention, multi head attention, positional encoding, residual connection label smoothing) with example. all machine learning youtube videos from me,

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Management Tutorial - Employee recognition tips

Learn ways to recognize employees regularly so they hear that what they do matters, and feel that they matter. Explore more Leadership and Management courses and advance your skills on LinkedIn Learning:

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Decision-Making Strategies

In this video, you’ll learn strategies for making decisions large and small. Visit for our text-based tutorial. We hope you enjoy!

From playlist Making Decisions

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Pattern Matching - Correctness

Learn how to use pattern matching to assist you in your determination of correctness. This video contains two examples, one with feedback and one without.

From playlist Pattern Matching with Computation Layer

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PSY 523 Word Recognition Part 1

Lecturer: Dr. Erin M. Buchanan Missouri State University Summer/Fall 2016 PSY 523 Psychology and Language lectures covering material from Harley's The Psychology of Language: From Data to Theory. Lecture materials and assignments available at https://statisticsofdo

From playlist PSY 523 Psychology and Language

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PSY 523 Word Recognition Part 2

Lecturer: Dr. Erin M. Buchanan Missouri State University Summer/Fall 2016 PSY 523 Psychology and Language lectures covering material from Harley's The Psychology of Language: From Data to Theory. Lecture materials and assignments available at https://statisticsofdo

From playlist PSY 523 Psychology and Language

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PSY 523 Word Recognition Part 3

Lecturer: Dr. Erin M. Buchanan Missouri State University Summer/Fall 2016 PSY 523 Psychology and Language lectures covering material from Harley's The Psychology of Language: From Data to Theory. Lecture materials and assignments available at https://statisticsofdoo

From playlist PSY 523 Psychology and Language

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Fairness in commercial face recognition algorithms

Session 3 – Dr Santhosh Narayanan, The Alan Turing Institute

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Stanford Digital Transformation Certificate Program

Learn more: It is not a question of "if" your company should take on a digital transformation, but "how." The Digital Transformation Program provides a comprehensive framework for implementing digital transformation throughout your company. It brings together p

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13 Decision Making

Recorded: Spring 2014 Lecturer: Dr. Erin M. Buchanan Materials: created for Memory and Cognition (PSY 422) using Smith and Kosslyn (2006) Lecture materials and assignments available at

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PSY 523 Word Recognition Part 4

Lecturer: Dr. Erin M. Buchanan Missouri State University Summer/Fall 2016 PSY 523 Psychology and Language lectures covering material from Harley's The Psychology of Language: From Data to Theory. Lecture materials and assignments available at https://statisticsofdo

From playlist PSY 523 Psychology and Language

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Towards Robust Deep Learning (Remote talk) by Stephan Zheng

DISCUSSION MEETING THE THEORETICAL BASIS OF MACHINE LEARNING (ML) ORGANIZERS: Chiranjib Bhattacharya, Sunita Sarawagi, Ravi Sundaram and SVN Vishwanathan DATE : 27 December 2018 to 29 December 2018 VENUE : Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS, Bangalore ML (Machine Learning) has enjoyed tr

From playlist The Theoretical Basis of Machine Learning 2018 (ML)

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4.2 - Introduction to Machine Learning

Information Service Engineering 2021 Prof. Dr. Harald Sack Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Summer semester 2021 Lecture 10: Basic Machine Learning - 1 4.2 Introduction to Machine Learning - How do we learn? - Definition of machine learning - supervised and unsupervised learning - regre

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The Inflammasome

When you get a bacterial infection, the immune response needs to be very rapid. But it can take hours to sense a threat, and generating effector proteins in response takes time. Luckily, we all have large protein complexes called inflammasomes that can also initiate inflammation. What are

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Can Eyewitnesses be Trusted?

Alan Alda talks to legal expert Nita Farahany and neuroscientist Anthony Wagner, who say that fMRI studies show that we cannot rely on our memories to be accurate. But technology to prove this is not yet ready for the courtroom.

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Basics of Machine Learning: Geordie Williamson

Machine Learning for the Working Mathematician: Week One 25 February 2022 Geordie Williamson, Basics of Machine Learning: classic problems in machine learning, kernel methods, deep neural networks, supervised learning, and basic examples. Seminar series homepage (includes Zoom link): htt

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Inclusion by design: Creating digital identity solutions that work for all

The need for improved digital identity systems and infrastructure has been a pressing requirement for many years, as more businesses have moved their operations online. The pandemic presents us with a unique opportunity to enable economic and societal value creation as digital identity sys

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