Spacecraft attitude control | Gyroscopes

Reaction wheel

A reaction wheel (RW) is used primarily by spacecraft for three-axis attitude control, and does not require rockets or external applicators of torque. They provide a high pointing accuracy, and are particularly useful when the spacecraft must be rotated by very small amounts, such as keeping a telescope pointed at a star. A reaction wheel is sometimes operated as (and referred to as) a momentum wheel, by operating it at a constant (or near-constant) rotation speed, to provide a satellite with a large amount of stored angular momentum. Doing so alters the spacecraft's rotational dynamics so that disturbance torques perpendicular to one axis of the satellite (the axis parallel to the wheel's spin axis) do not result directly in spacecraft angular motion about the same axis as the disturbance torque; instead, they result in (generally smaller) angular motion (precession) of that spacecraft axis about a perpendicular axis. This has the effect of tending to stabilize that spacecraft axis to point in a nearly-fixed direction, allowing for a less-complicated attitude control system. Satellites using this "momentum-bias" stabilization approach include SCISAT-1; by orienting the momentum wheel's axis to be parallel to the orbit-normal vector, this satellite is in a "pitch momentum bias" configuration. A control moment gyroscope (CMG) is a related but different type of attitude actuator, generally consisting of a momentum wheel mounted in a one-axis or two-axis gimbal. When mounted to a rigid spacecraft, applying a constant torque to the wheel using one of the gimbal motors causes the spacecraft to develop a constant angular velocity about a perpendicular axis, thus allowing control of the spacecraft's pointing direction. CMGs are generally able to produce larger sustained torques than RWs with less motor heating, and are preferentially used in larger or more-agile (or both) spacecraft, including Skylab, Mir, and the International Space Station. (Wikipedia).

Reaction wheel
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Introducing Reaction Wheels

You hear about them in space news a lot, but what do reaction wheels actually do? Title image via NASA. Music "The Coup" by AudioQuattro from Music Loops. For more Vintage Space, add me on Facebook, Google+, and Twitter as @astVintageSpace. And subscribe to Vintage Space on Popular Scien

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Flash Science: World's Simplist Motor

This week, Kenn shows us how to build world’s simplest motor! This is known as a homopolar motor. Parts Needed 1 AA battery 1 Rare earth disk magnet 1 Steel screw 1 Insulated wire (stranded)

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Reaction Wheels - Things Kerbal Space Program Doesn't Teach

Reaction wheels in Kerbal Space Program might actually refer to a number of different technologies used to control the attitude of spacecraft. Let's go into some detail about these.

From playlist Gyroscopes and Reactions Wheels Playlist

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AWESOME Physics demonstrations. Wheel race (explaining simply)!

The concept of moment of inertia is demonstrated by rolling different bodies down an inclined plane (explaining simply).

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Interesting Speed Reducer A cycloidal drive or cycloidal speed reducer is a mechanism for reducing the speed of an input shaft by a certain ratio. Cycloidal speed reducers are capable of high ratios in compact sizes. The input shaft drives an eccentric bearing that in

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Spring toggle mechanism 9

Spring toggle mechanism enables to reach end positions of a lever quickly and holds it there firmly. The pink double crank represents action from outside.

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Twister car

Other names of this toy: Rolling coaster car, Plasma car. Only four orange wheels touch the ground. Two violet wheels located at the front of the car do not touch the ground or spin: they are merely there for stability and safety in case the rider leans forward or drives into an elevated

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Spacecraft Gyroscopes And Reaction Wheels. You Can Never Have Enough

It’s amazing to think there are telescopes up in space, right now, directing their gaze at distant objects for hours, days and even weeks. Providing a point of view so stable and accurate that we can learn details about galaxies, exoplanets and more. And then, when the time is up, the spa

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Scientists May Have Figured Out Why So Many Spacecraft Were Failing

In the last 20 years it's been surprisingly common for space probes to end missions early because reaction wheels have failed, moreover there's been a large number of failures associated with a specific supplier - Ithaco. A NASA spin off which developed low cost reaction wheel systems that

From playlist Gyroscopes and Reactions Wheels Playlist

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Mechanical Engineering: Ch 11: Friction (44 of 47) What is Rolling Friction?

Visit for more math and science lectures! In this video I will explain what is rolling friction of a tire. Next video in this series can be seen at:


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Turbines, cavitation

Advanced Hydraulics by Dr. Suresh A Kartha,Department of Civil Engineering,IIT Guwahati.For more details on NPTEL visit

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Mechanical Engineering: Ch 11: Friction (37 of 47) Journal Bearing: Find the Moment

Visit for more math and science lectures! In this video I will find the moment of a journal bearing of a plain, solid bearing, with little to no lubricant. Next video in this series can be seen at:


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Q&A 54: Why Doesn't NASA Mass Produce Spacecraft? and More...

In this week's episode, Fraser talks about how you can support the creators you love, why NASA doesn't make duplicates of its spacecraft, and what binoculars he's using. Astronomy Binoculars: Audio Podcast version: ITunes: https:

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Torque Converter, How does it work?

Most of us enjoy the smooth and effortless feeling of driving in an automatic transmission car. The driving is effortless because you don’t need to worry about gear changing and you don’t have a clutch pedal to operate. In an automatic transmission car the work, of the clutch pedal, is aut

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Simple Machines (1 of 7) Pulleys; Defining Forces, Distances and MA

For the pulley simple machine this video defines the terms input and output force, input and output distance and mechanical advantage. A simple machine is a mechanical device that changes the direction and the magnitude of a force. In general, they can be defined as the simplest mechanis

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Limiting Reactants


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Physics, Torque (6 of 13) Compound Wheel

Shows how to calculate the individual torques and net torque produced by forces applied to a compound wheel. Torque is a rotating force. It is a measure of how much force is acting on an object that causes the object to rotate. The object will rotate about an axis, which is called the piv

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The Kepler Space Telescope

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