Graphical concepts in set theory

Randolph diagram

A Randolph diagram (R-diagram) is a simple way to visualize logical expressions and combinations of sets. Randolph diagrams were created by mathematician John F. Randolph in 1965, while he was teaching at the University of Arkansas. (Wikipedia).

Randolph diagram
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another Riemann-Zeta function identity.

We present an interesting identity involving the even values of the Riemann-Zeta function. Some more Riemann-zeta function identities: Please Subscribe:

From playlist The Riemann Zeta Function

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Representations of Finite Groups | A few more common examples.

We present a few more common examples of representations of finite groups. These include cyclic groups, dihedral groups, the quaternions, and the symmetric group. Please Subscribe: Personal Website: R

From playlist Representations of Finite Groups

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Constructing interesting integrals

We give an example of an approach to construct interesting and surprising integrals. Playlist: Please Subscribe: Merch:

From playlist Interesting Integrals

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A limit of a trigonometric integral.

Building on our last integral video, we prove a nice result involving the limit of a certain trigonometric integral. Last Time: Playlist: Please Subscribe:

From playlist Interesting Limits

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Maxwell's equations via differential forms.

We present a form of Maxwell's equations int he language of differential forms. These involve a relationship between the electromagnetic two form, the current one form, the Hodge operator, and the exterior derivative. Please Subscribe:

From playlist Physics

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Putnam Battle part 3!! @Michael Penn vs @ProfOmarMath

This is the third in a series of videos with @ProfOmarMath where we look at a total of four solutions to Question A6 from the 2018 William Lowell Putnam Mathematic Competition. Our strategy for this solution is to reinterpret the question as a linear algebra problem and use some nice pro

From playlist Putnam Exam Solutions

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Introduction to Integer Partitions -- Number Theory 28

Suggest a problem: Please Subscribe: Patreon: Merch: Personal Website: Randolp

From playlist Number Theory v2

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Quiz: Composition of Functions (Graph & Table)


From playlist Algebra 1: Dynamic Interactives!

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The Genesis of Vertex Algebras

We have a guest for this very special video. Richard Borcherds (Berkeley) has contributed a video regarding the history of vertex algebras. This video was also posted on his channel and is included here as well with permission and to increase its reach. Subscribe to his channel: https:/

From playlist Vertex Operator Algebras

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What really is a function?

We look at the precise definition of a function. Suggest a problem: Please Subscribe: Merch: Personal Website: Randol

From playlist Proof Writing

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Can you find the area of this triangle??

Suggest a problem: Please Subscribe: Patreon: Merch: Personal Website: Randolp

From playlist Geometry

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Randolph, Rustin, & the Origins of the March on Washington: Crash Course Black American History #32

The March on Washington of 1963 is an enduring and widely-known event of the Civil Rights movement. But the March has its roots in an earlier planned March on Washington that didn't happen. In 1941, labor leader A. Philip Randolph began planning a gathering aimed at many of the same goals

From playlist Black American History

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Lecture 12. Depression and Double V (continued)

American History: From Emancipation to the Present (AFAM 162) In this lecture, Professor Holloway continues discussing African American political possibilities in the second half of the 1930s by examining the new mentality at work in black America. He focuses on the National Negro Congres

From playlist American History: From Emancipation to the Present

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A viewer suggested geometry problem.

We look at a nice geometry problem. Playlist: Please Subscribe: Merch: Personal Website: http://www.michael-penn

From playlist Geometry

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What is the radius of the large circle?

We solve a nice problem that originated as a classical Japanese temple geometry problem. Playlist: Please Subscribe: Merch:

From playlist Geometry

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Frullani Integral

We look at a nice integral identity that allows us to evaluate an entire family of integrals. Please Subscribe: Merch: Personal Website: Randolph College

From playlist Interesting Integrals

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The trig functions you have never heard of!!

We present definitions of some historical trigonometric functions. Further investigation is made as to why they have fallen out of favor. Please Subscribe: Personal Website: Randolph College Math: http

From playlist Trigonometric Identities

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An inscribed tower of squares.

We solve a nice traditional Japanese geometry. Playlist: Please Subscribe: Merch: Personal Website: http://www.m

From playlist Geometry

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Hexagon, meet parabola.

We look at a nice problem involving calculating the area between a pair of parabolas and an inscribed regular hexagon. Playlist: Please Subscribe: Merch: http

From playlist Geometry

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All the world's a stage - Preparing our graduates for success - A/Prof Chinthaka Balasooriya

UNSW Scientia Education Academy Lecture Series All the world's a stage - Preparing our graduates for success on a global scale - A/Prof Chinthaka Balasooriya The world is changing. We know that the needs of the future could be radically different, but we don’t know how different they wil

From playlist UNSW Scientia Education Academy Lecture Series

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