Color space

RG color models

An RG color model is a dichromatic color model represented by red and green primary colors. The name of the pair of models comes from the initials of the two primary colors: red and green. The model may be either additive or subtractive. The primaries are added together in varying proportions to reproduce a linear gamut of colors, which can reproduce only a fraction of the colors possible with a trichromatic color space, such as for human color vision. The appearance of the color gamut changes depending on the primary colors chosen. When the primaries are complementary colors (e.g. red and cyan), then an equal mixture of the primaries will yield a neutral color (gray or white). However, when the primaries are not complementary colors, an equal mixture of the primaries will yield yellow, and a neutral color cannot be reproduced by the color space. Despite its shortcomings in color reproduction, these models were used in early color processes for films. (Wikipedia).

RG color models
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Spectrum of Hg Lamp / amazing science experiment

Identify the spectral lines of Hg lamp Enjoy the amazing colors! Music:

From playlist Optics

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RGB Colour Mixer: 7. Updating Form Labels

This is the seventh and final video in a series about how to build an RGB colour mixer using Visual Basic.NET. This series covers the use of the VB.NET graphics object, along with a range of related objects and their methods for drawing and filling shapes on a Windows Form. This particul

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RGB Colour Mixer: 5. Simple User Input

This is the fifth in a series of videos about how to build an RGB colour mixer using Visual Basic.NET. This series covers the use of the VB.NET graphics object, along with a range of related objects and their methods for drawing and filling shapes on a Windows Form. This particular video

From playlist Images

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mandelbrot fractal animation 4

blue, yellow and green.

From playlist Fractal

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mandelbrot fractal animation 6

another mandelbrot/julia/mix animation. this time the rainbow colors fit really well, so I left them.

From playlist Fractal

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Lattice N=4 Supersymmetric Yang--Mills by David Schaich

Nonperturbative and Numerical Approaches to Quantum Gravity, String Theory and Holography DATE:27 January 2018 to 03 February 2018 VENUE:Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore The program "Nonperturbative and Numerical Approaches to Quantum Gravity, String Theory and Holography" aims to

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Session 2 - Aspects of 2d (0,2) theories: Abhijit Gadde

From playlist Strings 2015 conference

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Introduction to Wilsonian Renormalization Group by Anna Hasenfratz

PROGRAM NONPERTURBATIVE AND NUMERICAL APPROACHES TO QUANTUM GRAVITY, STRING THEORY AND HOLOGRAPHY (HYBRID) ORGANIZERS: David Berenstein (University of California, Santa Barbara, USA), Simon Catterall (Syracuse University, USA), Masanori Hanada (University of Surrey, UK), Anosh Joseph (II

From playlist NUMSTRING 2022

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Introduction to Lattice Field Theory (Lecture 3) by Anna Hasenfratz

PROGRAM NONPERTURBATIVE AND NUMERICAL APPROACHES TO QUANTUM GRAVITY, STRING THEORY AND HOLOGRAPHY (HYBRID) ORGANIZERS: David Berenstein (University of California, Santa Barbara, USA), Simon Catterall (Syracuse University, USA), Masanori Hanada (University of Surrey, UK), Anosh Joseph (II

From playlist NUMSTRING 2022

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R2-D2 Dykem Blue

Trying to recreate the original R2-D2 color with Dykem dye and Blue Anodized overcoat.

From playlist Building my life-size R2D2

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Low-x phenomenology (LXPH - Lecture 3) by Raju Venugopalan

PROGRAM THE MYRIAD COLORFUL WAYS OF UNDERSTANDING EXTREME QCD MATTER ORGANIZERS: Ayan Mukhopadhyay, Sayantan Sharma and Ravindran V DATE: 01 April 2019 to 17 April 2019 VENUE: Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore Strongly interacting phases of QCD matter at extreme temperature and

From playlist The Myriad Colorful Ways of Understanding Extreme QCD Matter 2019

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SYK like Tensor models on lattice by Prithvi Narayan

Bangalore Area Strings Meeting - 2017 TIME : 31 July 2017 to 02 August 2017 VENUE:Madhava Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore Bengaluru now has a large group of string theorists, with 9 faculty members in the area, between ICTS and IISc. This is apart from a large group of postdocs and graduate

From playlist Bangalore Area Strings Meeting - 2017

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Change histogram colors using Plotly for R

In this tutorial, we take a closer look at histograms. More specifically, at how to change the colors of histogram using Plotly for R. The RPubs rendered document is available at The RMD file is available for d

From playlist Data viz using Plotly for R

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Everything You Need to Know About JPEG - Episode 7: YCbCr To RGB

In this series you will learn all of the in-depth details of the complex and sophisticated JPEG image compression format In this episode, we finish the basics of JPEG decoding by performing the color conversion from the YCbCr color space to the RGB color space Jump into the playlist here

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Slava Rychkov - Random Field Ising Model and Parisi-Sourlas Supersymmetry (4/4)

Numerical evidence suggests that the Random Field Ising Model loses Parisi-Sourlas SUSY and the dimensional reduction property somewhere between 4 and 5 dimensions, while a related model of branched polymers retains these features in any d. I will present a recent theory, developed in 2019

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Kondo Effect in a non-Hermitian, Symmetric Anderson Model with Rashba Spin-orbit... Vinayak Kulkarni

DISCUSSION MEETING : APS SATELLITE MEETING AT ICTS ORGANIZERS : Ranjini Bandyopadhyay (RRI, India), Subhro Bhattacharjee (ICTS-TIFR, India), Arindam Ghosh (IISc, India), Shobhana Narasimhan (JNCASR, India) and Sumantra Sarkar (IISc, India) DATE & TIME: 15 March 2022 to 18 March 2022 VEN

From playlist APS Satellite Meeting at ICTS-2022

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mandelbrot fractal animation 3

red and green.

From playlist Fractal

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Alessandro Giuliani - 1/2 The scaling limit of non-solvable 2D Ising models via fermionic RG

The scaling limit of any 2D Ising model with ferromagnetic short range interactions at the critical point is expected to be a Conformal Field Theory with c=1/2, one instance of which is the theory of free Majorana fermions. This expectation comes with extremely detailed predictions on crit

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