Morphisms of schemes

Quasi-compact morphism

In algebraic geometry, a morphism between schemes is said to be quasi-compact if Y can be covered by open affine subschemes such that the pre-images are quasi-compact (as topological space). If f is quasi-compact, then the pre-image of a quasi-compact open subscheme (e.g., open affine subscheme) under f is quasi-compact. It is not enough that Y admits a covering by quasi-compact open subschemes whose pre-images are quasi-compact. To give an example, let A be a ring that does not satisfy the ascending chain conditions on radical ideals, and put . X contains an open subset U that is not quasi-compact. Let Y be the scheme obtained by gluing two X's along U. X, Y are both quasi-compact. If is the inclusion of one of the copies of X, then the pre-image of the other X, open affine in Y, is U, not quasi-compact. Hence, f is not quasi-compact. A morphism from a quasi-compact scheme to an affine scheme is quasi-compact. Let be a quasi-compact morphism between schemes. Then is closed if and only if it is stable under specialization. The composition of quasi-compact morphisms is quasi-compact. The base change of a quasi-compact morphism is quasi-compact. An affine scheme is quasi-compact. In fact, a scheme is quasi-compact if and only if it is a finite union of open affine subschemes. gives a necessary and sufficient condition for a quasi-compact scheme to be affine. A quasi-compact scheme has at least one closed point. (Wikipedia).

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Schemes 17: Finite, quasifinite

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From playlist Algebraic geometry II: Schemes

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algebraic geometry 25 Morphisms of varieties

This lecture is part of an online algebraic geometry course, based on chapter I of "Algebraic geometry" by Hartshorne. It covers the definition of a morphism of varieties and compares algebraic varieties with other types of locally ringed spaces.

From playlist Algebraic geometry I: Varieties

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Schemes 24: Proper morphisms

This lecture is part of an online algebraic geometry course on schemes, based on chapter II of "Algebraic geometry" by Hartshorne.. We define proper morphisms in topology and geometry, and show that finite morphisms are proper.

From playlist Algebraic geometry II: Schemes

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Derived Categories part 1

We give a buttload of definitions for morphisms on various categories of complexes. The derived category of an abelian category is a category whose objects are cochain complexes and whose morphisms I describe in this video.

From playlist Derived Categories

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Weil conjectures 7: What is an etale morphism?

This talk explains what etale morphisms are in algebraic geometry. We first review etale morphisms in the usual topology of complex manifolds, where they are just local homeomorphism, and explain why this does not work in algebraic geometry. We give a provisional definition of etale morphi

From playlist Algebraic geometry: extra topics

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Schemes 15: Quasicompact, Noetherian

This lecture is part of an online algebraic geometry course on schemes, based on chapter II of "Algebraic geometry" by Hartshorne. We define quasi-compact, Noetherian, and locally Noetherian schemes, give a few examples, and show that "locally Noetherian" is a local property.

From playlist Algebraic geometry II: Schemes

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Schemes 21: Separated morphisms

This lecture is part of an online algebraic geometry course on schemes, based on chapter II of "Algebraic geometry" by Hartshorne.. We define separated and quasi-separated schemes and morphisms, give a few examples, and show that if a scheme has a separated morphism to an affine scheme the

From playlist Algebraic geometry II: Schemes

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Math 101 Fall 2017 112917 Introduction to Compact Sets

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Schemes 16: Morphisms of finite type

This lecture is part of an online algebraic geometry course on schemes, based on chapter II of "Algebraic geometry" by Hartshorne. We introduce three properties of morphisms: quasicompact, finite type, and locally of finite type, and give a few examples.

From playlist Algebraic geometry II: Schemes

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Math 131 092816 Continuity; Continuity and Compactness

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Schemes 18: Immersions

This lecture is part of an online algebraic geometry course on schemes, based on chapter II of "Algebraic geometry" by Hartshorne. We define open and closed immersion, and give some basic properties and some examples.

From playlist Algebraic geometry II: Schemes

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Winter School JTP: Introduction to A-infinity structures, Bernhard Keller, Lecture 3

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C. Leininger - Teichmüller spaces and pseudo-Anosov homeomorphism (Part 1)

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Virtual rigid motives of definable sets in valued fields - A. Forey - Workshop 2 - CEB T1 2018

Arthur Forey (Sorbonne Université) / 08.03.2018 Virtual rigid motives of definable sets in valued fields. In an instance of motivic integration, Hrushovski and Kazhdan study the definable sets in the theory of algebraically closed valued fields of characteristic zero. They show that the

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Drinfeld's lemma for schemes - Kiran Kedlaya

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