
Quasi-Hopf algebra

A quasi-Hopf algebra is a generalization of a Hopf algebra, which was defined by the Russian mathematician Vladimir Drinfeld in 1989. A quasi-Hopf algebra is a quasi-bialgebra for which there exist and a bijective antihomomorphism S (antipode) of such that for all and where and where the expansions for the quantities and are given by and As for a quasi-bialgebra, the property of being quasi-Hopf is preserved under twisting. (Wikipedia).

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GT2. Definition of Subgroup

Abstract Algebra: We define the notion of a subgroup and provide various examples. We also consider cyclic subgroups and subgroups generated by subsets in a given group G. Example include A4 and D8. U.Reddit course materials available at

From playlist Abstract Algebra

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What is a Group? | Abstract Algebra

Welcome to group theory! In today's lesson we'll be going over the definition of a group. We'll see the four group axioms in action with some examples, and some non-examples as well which violate the axioms and are thus not groups. In a fundamental way, groups are structures built from s

From playlist Abstract Algebra

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Group automorphisms in abstract algebra

Group automorphisms are bijective mappings of a group onto itself. In this tutorial I define group automorphisms and introduce the fact that a set of such automorphisms can exist. This set is proven to be a subgroup of the symmetric group. You can learn more about Mathematica on my Udem

From playlist Abstract algebra

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Claudia Pinzari: "Weak quasi-Hopf algebras associated to Verlinde fusion categories"

Actions of Tensor Categories on C*-algebras 2021 "Weak quasi-Hopf algebras associated to Verlinde fusion categories" Claudia Pinzari - Sapienza Università di Roma Abstract: Unitary modular fusion categories arise in various frameworks. After a general overview on unitarity, we discuss th

From playlist Actions of Tensor Categories on C*-algebras 2021

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Yinhuo Zhang: Braided autoequivalences, quantum commutative Galois objects and the Brauer groups

Find this video and other talks given by worldwide mathematicians on CIRM's Audiovisual Mathematics Library: And discover all its functionalities: - Chapter markers and keywords to watch the parts of your choice in the video - Videos enriched with abstracts, b

From playlist Algebra

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algebraic geometry 26 Affine algebraic sets and commutative rings

This lecture is part of an online algebraic geometry course, based on chapter I of "Algebraic geometry" by Hartshorne. It covers the relation between morphisms of affine algebraic sets and homomorphisms of commutative rings. As examples it describes some homomorphisms of commutative rings

From playlist Algebraic geometry I: Varieties

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The Lie-algebra of Quaternion algebras and their Lie-subalgebras

In this video we discuss the Lie-algebras of general quaternion algebras over general fields, especially as the Lie-algebra is naturally given for 2x2 representations. The video follows a longer video I previously did on quaternions, but this time I focus on the Lie-algebra operation. I st

From playlist Algebra

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Inna Entova-Aizenbud: Jacobson-Morozov Lemma for Lie superalgebras using semisimplification

I will present a generalization of the Jacobson-Morozov Lemma for quasi-reductive algebraic supergroups (respectively, Lie superalgebras), based on the idea of semisimplification of tensor categories, which will be explained during the talk. This is a joint project with V. Serganova.

From playlist Workshop: Monoidal and 2-categories in representation theory and categorification

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All About Subgroups | Abstract Algebra

We introduce subgroups, the definition of subgroup, examples and non-examples of subgroups, and we prove that subgroups are groups. We also do an example proving a subset is a subgroup. If G is a group and H is a nonempty subset of G, we say H is a subgroup of G if H is closed with respect

From playlist Abstract Algebra

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Moduli of p-divisible groups (Lecture 1) by Ehud De Shalit

PERFECTOID SPACES ORGANIZERS: Debargha Banerjee, Denis Benois, Chitrabhanu Chaudhuri, and Narasimha Kumar Cheraku DATE & TIME: 09 September 2019 to 20 September 2019 VENUE: Madhava Lecture Hall, ICTS, Bangalore Scientific committee: Jacques Tilouine (University of Paris, France) Eknath

From playlist Perfectoid Spaces 2019

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Group Isomorphisms in Abstract Algebra

Please Subscribe here, thank you!!! Group Isomorphisms in Abstract Algebra - Definition of a group isomorphism and isomorphic groups - Example of proving a function is an Isomorphism, showing the group of real numbers under addition is isomorphic to the group of posit

From playlist Abstract Algebra

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Matt SZCZESNY - Toric Hall Algebras and infinite-dimentional Lie algebras

The process of counting extensions in categories yields an associative (and sometimes Hopf) algebra called a Hall algebra. Applied to the category of Feynman graphs, this process recovers the Connes-Kreimer Hopf algebra. Other examples abound, yielding various combinatorial Hopf algebras.

From playlist Algebraic Structures in Perturbative Quantum Field Theory: a conference in honour of Dirk Kreimer's 60th birthday

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Isomorphisms in abstract algebra

In this video I take a look at an example of a homomorphism that is both onto and one-to-one, i.e both surjective and injection, which makes it a bijection. Such a homomorphism is termed an isomorphism. Through the example, I review the construction of Cayley's tables for integers mod 4

From playlist Abstract algebra

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Cyclic groups and generators

Cyclic groups are first and foremost, as the term implies, groups. What makes them cyclic is that at least on of the elements in the set that makes up the group under a specific binary operation can generate the group by performing the binary operation on itself. So, if a is an element o

From playlist Abstract algebra

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Pablo Linares & Markus Tempelmayr - A tree-free construction of the structure group

We present a new approach to regularity structures, and in particular to the construction of the structure group, which replaces the tree-based framework of Hairer by a more Lie-geometric setting. We consider the space of pairs (a,p), where a is a placeholder for the nonlinearity and p is

From playlist Research Spotlight

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Duality for polygons and the Fundamental theorem of Algebra | Algebraic Topology | NJ Wildberger

We define the dual of a polygon in the plane with respect to a fixed origin and unit circle. This duality is related to the notion of the dual of a cone. Then we give a purely rational formulation of the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra, and a proof which keeps track of the winding number of

From playlist Algebraic Topology

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MAE5790-17 Chaos in the Lorenz equations

Global stability for the origin for r is less than 1. Liapunov function. Boundedness. Hopf bifurcations. No quasiperiodicity. Simulations of the Lorenz system. Stories of how Lorenz made his discovery. Strange attractor and butterfly effect. Exponential divergence of nearby trajectories. L

From playlist Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos - Steven Strogatz, Cornell University

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Symmetries of hamiltonian actions of reductive groups - David Ben-Zvi

Explicit, Epsilon-Balanced Codes Close to the Gilbert-Varshamov Bound II - Amnon Ta-Shma Computer Science/Discrete Mathematics Seminar II Topic: Explicit, Epsilon-Balanced Codes Close to the Gilbert-Varshamov Bound II Speaker: Amnon Ta-Shma Affiliation: Tel Aviv University Date: January 3

From playlist Mathematics

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Every Cyclic Group is Abelian | Abstract Algebra

We prove every cyclic group is abelian by taking two arbitrary elements from an arbitrary cyclic group and showing they commute. Recall a cyclic group is entirely generated by all powers of a particular element. #abstractalgebra #grouptheory Cyclic Groups, Generators, and Cyclic Subgroup

From playlist Abstract Algebra

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Perverse sheaves on configuration spaces, Hopf algebras and parabolic induction - Mikhail Kapranov

Virtual Workshop on Recent Developments in Geometric Representation Theory Topic: Perverse sheaves on configuration spaces, Hopf algebras and parabolic induction Speaker: Mikhail Kapranov Affiliation: Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe, University of Tokyo Dat

From playlist Virtual Workshop on Recent Developments in Geometric Representation Theory

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