Complex surfaces | Algebraic surfaces

Quartic surface

In mathematics, especially in algebraic geometry, a quartic surface is a surface defined by an equation of degree 4. More specifically there are two closely related types of quartic surface: affine and projective. An affine quartic surface is the solution set of an equation of the form where f is a polynomial of degree 4, such as . This is a surface in affine space A3. On the other hand, a projective quartic surface is a surface in projective space P3 of the same form, but now f is a homogeneous polynomial of 4 variables of degree 4, so for example . If the base field is or the surface is said to be real or complex respectively. One must be careful to distinguish between algebraic Riemann surfaces, which are in fact quartic curves over , and quartic surfaces over . For instance, the Klein quartic is a real surface given as a quartic curve over . If on the other hand the base field is finite, then it is said to be an arithmetic quartic surface. (Wikipedia).

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Quaternions EXPLAINED Briefly

This is a video I have been wanting to make for some time, in which I discuss what the quaternions are, as mathematical objects, and how we do calculations with them. In particular, we will see how the fundamental equation of the quaternions i^2=j^2=k^2=ijk=-1 easily generates the rule for

From playlist Quaternions

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Folding the Klein Quartic

From playlist Geometry

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Klein Quartic folding This is work in progress. The transition is linear at the moment, which causes a lot of self-intersection.

From playlist Geometry

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The Klein Quartic

Made from 24 heptagons. Source code and meshes here:

From playlist Geometry

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Cylindrical Surfaces

This video defines a cylindrical surface and explains how to graph a cylindrical surface.

From playlist Quadric, Surfaces, Cylindrical Coordinates and Spherical Coordinates

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MATH331: Riemann Surfaces - part 1

We define what a Riemann Surface is. We show that PP^1 is a Riemann surface an then interpret our crazy looking conditions from a previous video about "holomorphicity at infinity" as coming from the definition of a Riemann Surface.

From playlist The Riemann Sphere

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Quaternions as 4x4 Matrices - Connections to Linear Algebra

In math, it's usually possible to view an object or concept from many different (but equivalent) angles. In this video, we will see that the quaternions may be viewed as 4x4 real-valued matrices of a special form. What is interesting here is that if you know how to multiply matrices, you a

From playlist Quaternions

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Not the Klein Quartic

I made this video when I thought I had made a model of the Klein Quartic. But it is wrong, so please ignore it. You can find a corrected version here:

From playlist Geometry

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Mirror symmetry for the mirror quartic, and other stories - Ivan Smith

Workshop on Homological Mirror Symmetry: Methods and Structures Speaker: Ivan Smith Topic: Mirror symmetry for the mirror quartic, and other stories Affiliation: University of Cambridge Date: November, 9, 2016 For more video, visit

From playlist Workshop on Homological Mirror Symmetry: Methods and Structures

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Isabel Vogt - An enriched count of the bitangents to a smooth plane quartic curve - AGONIZE

Recent work of Kass–Wickelgren gives an enriched count of the 27 lines on a smooth cubic surface over arbitrary fields, generalizing Segre’s signed count count of elliptic and hyperbolic lines. Their approach using 𝔸1-enumerative geometry suggests that other classical enumerative problems

From playlist Arithmetic Geometry is ONline In Zoom, Everyone (AGONIZE)

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Persistence of the Brauer-Manin obstruction under field extension - Viray - Workshop 2 - CEB T2 2019

Bianca Viray (University of Washington) / 27.06.2019 Persistence of the Brauer-Manin obstruction under field extension. We consider the question of when an empty Brauer set over the ground field gives rise to an empty Brauer set over an extension. We first consider the case of quartic d

From playlist 2019 - T2 - Reinventing rational points

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Noam Elkies, Rank speculation

VaNTAGe seminar, on Sep 15, 2020 License: CC-BY-NC-SA.

From playlist Rational points on elliptic curves

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Artan Sheshmani : On the proof of S-duality modularity conjecture on quintic threefolds

Find this video and other talks given by worldwide mathematicians on CIRM's Audiovisual Mathematics Library: And discover all its functionalities: - Chapter markers and keywords to watch the parts of your choice in the video - Videos enriched with abstracts, b

From playlist Algebraic and Complex Geometry

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"Numerical evidence for the Bruinier-Yang conjecture" Kristin Lauter, Microsoft Research [2011]

Kristin Lauter, Microsoft Research Wednesday Nov 9, 2011 11:00 - 11:40 Numerical evidence for the Bruinier-Yang conjecture and comparison with denominators of Igusa class polynomials Women in Numbers Conference Video taken from:

From playlist Mathematics

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Bitangents to plane quartics - tropical, real and arithmetic count by Hannah Markwig

PROGRAM COMBINATORIAL ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY: TROPICAL AND REAL (HYBRID) ORGANIZERS Arvind Ayyer (IISc, India), Madhusudan Manjunath (IITB, India) and Pranav Pandit (ICTS-TIFR, India) DATE: 27 June 2022 to 08 July 2022 VENUE: Madhava Lecture Hall and Online Algebraic geometry is the study of

From playlist Combinatorial Algebraic Geometry: Tropical and Real (HYBRID)

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Tropical Geometry - Lecture 8 - Surfaces | Bernd Sturmfels

Twelve lectures on Tropical Geometry by Bernd Sturmfels (Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences | Leipzig, Germany) We recommend supplementing these lectures by reading the book "Introduction to Tropical Geometry" (Maclagan, Sturmfels - 2015 - American Mathematical Society)

From playlist Twelve Lectures on Tropical Geometry by Bernd Sturmfels

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The three types of eight-fold way path on the Klein Quartic

Source code and mesh files here:

From playlist Geometry

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Cubic surface | Kummer surface | K3 surface | Projective space | Riemann surface | Surface (mathematics) | Affine space | Complex number | Dupin cyclide | Klein quartic | Mathematics | Real number | Algebraic geometry | Degree of a polynomial | Weddle surface | Plücker surface | Homogeneous polynomial