Signal processing

Pulse (signal processing)

A pulse in signal processing is a rapid, transient change in the amplitude of a signal from a baseline value to a higher or lower value, followed by a rapid return to the baseline value. (Wikipedia).

Pulse (signal processing)
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Introduction to Signal Processing for free e-book on frequency relationships and more great signal processing content, including concept/screenshot files, quizzes, MATLAB and data files. Introductory overview of the field of signal processing: signals, signal processing and applications, phi

From playlist Introduction and Background

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Notation and Basic Signal Properties for free e-book on frequency relationships and more great signal processing content, including concept/screenshot files, quizzes, MATLAB and data files. Signals as functions, discrete- and continuous-time signals, sampling, images, periodic signals, displayi

From playlist Introduction and Background

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Quantization and Coding in A/D Conversion for more great signal-processing content: ad-free videos, concept/screenshot files, quizzes, MATLAB and data files. Real sampling systems use a limited number of bits to represent the samples of the signal, resulting in quantization of the signal amplitude t

From playlist Sampling and Reconstruction of Signals

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Determining Signal Similarities

Get a Free Trial: Get Pricing Info: Ready to Buy: Find a signal of interest within another signal, and align signals by determining the delay between them using Signal Processing Toolbox™. For more on Signal Processing To

From playlist Signal Processing and Communications

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Performing Peak Analysis

Get a Free Trial: Get Pricing Info: Ready to Buy: Determine the period of a signal by measuring the distance between the peaks, and find peaks in a noisy signal using Signal Processing Toolbox™. For more on Signal Process

From playlist Signal Processing and Communications

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Demonstrating beat frequency

A beat is an interference pattern between two sounds of slightly different in frequencies You can download this app or a similar app on two devices and TRY it at home Enjoy!!!

From playlist Beats

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Amazing science experiment-Demonstrating beat frequency

A beat is an interference pattern between two sounds of slightly different in frequencies You can download this app or a similar app on two devices and TRY it at home Enjoy!!!

From playlist Beats

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Amazing science experiment-Demonstrating beat frequency

A beat is an interference pattern between two sounds of slightly different in frequencies You can download this app or a similar app on two devices and TRY it at home Enjoy!!!

From playlist Beats

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Introduction to Sampling and Reconstruction for free e-book on frequency relationships and more great signal processing content, including concept/screenshot files, quizzes, MATLAB and data files. Introduction to the analysis of converting between continuous and discrete time forms of a signal using s

From playlist Sampling and Reconstruction of Signals

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Lecture 15, Discrete-Time Modulation | MIT RES.6.007 Signals and Systems, Spring 2011

Lecture 15, Discrete-Time Modulation Instructor: Alan V. Oppenheim View the complete course: License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA More information at More courses at

From playlist MIT RES.6.007 Signals and Systems, 1987

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Lec 20b - Phys 237: Gravitational Waves with Kip Thorne

Watch the rest of the lectures on Redistributed with permission. This video is taken from a 2002 Caltech on-line course on "Gravitational Waves", organized and designed by Kip S. Thorne, Mihai Bondarescu and

From playlist Caltech: Gravitational Waves with Kip Thorne - Physics

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Chem 203. Organic Spectroscopy. Lecture 08. Introduction to NMR Spectroscopy, Part 2

UCI Chem 203 Organic Spectroscopy (Fall 2011) Lec 08. Organic Spectroscopy -- Introduction to NMR Spectroscopy -- Concepts and Theory, Part 2 View the complete course: Instructor: James Nowick, Ph.D. License: Creative Commons B

From playlist Chem 203: Organic Spectroscopy

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Stanford Seminar - Computational memory: A stepping-stone to non-von Neumann computing?

EE380: Computer Systems Colloquium Seminar Computational memory: A stepping-stone to non-von Neumann computing? Speaker: Abu Sebastian, IBM Research - Zürich In the advent of the data-centric AI era and the imminent end of CMOS scaling laws, the time is ripe to adopt computing units base

From playlist Stanford EE380-Colloquium on Computer Systems - Seminar Series

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AstroGPU Real time Digital Signal Processing in Radio Astronomy - Walter Brisken

AstroGPU Real time Digital Signal Processing in Radio Astronomy Walter Brisken November 9, 2007

From playlist Natural Sciences

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!!Con 2016 - Convolution and the Fourier Transform: Math! (in pictures!!) By Laura Lindzey

Convolution and the Fourier Transform: Math! (in pictures!!) By Laura Lindzey Do you want to understand how GPS or cell phones work? MP3 or JPEG compression? Are you playing with image processing? Solving PDEs? Learning about how to process ice-penetrating radar data used for studying Ant

From playlist !!Con 2016

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Chem 203. Lecture 09: NMR Spectroscopy Concepts and Theory, Part 2

Full Chem 203 Playlist: UCI Chem 203 Organic Spectroscopy (Fall 2020) Lecture 09: NMR Spectroscopy Concepts and Theory, Part 2 Instructor: James S. Nowick, Ph.D. License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA Terms of Use: http:

From playlist Chemistry 203, Organic Spectroscopy (2020)

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Electron microscope image capture via microcontroller (with drill bit animation)

This video shows a microcontroller-based image capture system that makes it easier for me to record animations with my scanning electron microscope. Support Applied Science videos: The diagram in the video is missing equal-valued resistors for the s

From playlist Electronics

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23. Auditory cortex 2: Language; bats and echolocation

MIT 9.04 Sensory Systems, Fall 2013 View the complete course: Instructor: Chris Brown This video discusses echolocation by bats and the cortical processing of language. License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA More information at More courses

From playlist MIT 9.04 Sensory Systems, Fall 2013

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Frequency Domain Interpretation of Sampling for more great signal-processing content: ad-free videos, concept/screenshot files, quizzes, MATLAB and data files. Analysis of the effect of sampling a continuous-time signal in the frequency domain through use of the Fourier transform.

From playlist Sampling and Reconstruction of Signals

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Closed loop discrete controller Lecture 2019-04-08

Evaluating the response of a continuous system controlled by a discrete controller using several methods

From playlist Discrete

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Gaussian function | Gaussian filter | Signal processing | Dirac delta function | Square wave | Heaviside step function | Sinc function | Pulse shaping | Rectangular function | Impulse response | Filter (signal processing) | Boxcar function