Lattice theory


In mathematics, particularly in order theory, a pseudocomplement is one generalization of the notion of complement. In a lattice L with bottom element 0, an element x ∈ L is said to have a pseudocomplement if there exists a greatest element x* ∈ L with the property that x ∧ x* = 0. More formally, x* = max{ y ∈ L | x ∧ y = 0 }. The lattice L itself is called a pseudocomplemented lattice if every element of L is pseudocomplemented. Every pseudocomplemented lattice is necessarily bounded, i.e. it has a 1 as well. Since the pseudocomplement is unique by definition (if it exists), a pseudocomplemented lattice can be endowed with a unary operation * mapping every element to its pseudocomplement; this structure is sometimes called a p-algebra. However this latter term may have other meanings in other areas of mathematics. (Wikipedia).

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