Complexity classes | Strongly NP-complete problems | Computational complexity theory

Pseudo-polynomial transformation

In computational complexity theory, a pseudo-polynomial transformation is a function which maps instances of one strongly NP-complete problem into another and is computable in pseudo-polynomial time. (Wikipedia).

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Linear Transformations

Showing something is a linear transformation Check out my Linear Equations playlist: Subscribe to my channel:

From playlist Linear Transformations

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Introduction to Matrix Transformations

This video defines a matrix transformation, linear transformation and provides example on how to find images of a transformation.

From playlist Matrix (Linear) Transformations

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Sketch a Linear Transformation of a Unit Square Given the Transformation Matrix (Shear)

This video explains 2 ways to graph a linear transformation of a unit square on the coordinate plane.

From playlist Matrix (Linear) Transformations

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Inverse Transformation

In this video, I calculate the inverse of a linear transformation, by first writing it as a matrix A and then calculating A^-1 This illustrates the nice relationship between linear transformations and matrices. Enjoy! Check out my Linear Transformations Playlist:

From playlist Linear Transformations

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Sketch a Linear Transformation of a Rectangle Given the Transformation Matrix (Reflection)

This video explains 2 ways to graph a linear transformation of a rectangle on the coordinate plane.

From playlist Matrix (Linear) Transformations

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Linear Transformations and Linear Systems

In this video we discuss linear transformations. We start by examining the mathematical definition of a linear transformation and apply it to several examples including matrix multiplication and differentiation. We then see how linear transformations relate to linear systems (AKA linear

From playlist Linear Algebra

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Ethan Farber - Constructing pseudo-Anosovs from expanding interval maps

38th Annual Geometric Topology Workshop (Online), June 15-17, 2021 Ethan Farber, Boston College Title: Constructing pseudo-Anosovs from expanding interval maps Abstract: Pseudo-Anosov homeomorphisms of a surface are encoded by their action on a graph embedded in the surface. If this grap

From playlist 38th Annual Geometric Topology Workshop (Online), June 15-17, 2021

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Oracle Separation of Quantum Polynomial time and the Polynomial Hierarchy - Avishay Tal

Computer Science/Discrete Mathematics Seminar I Topic: Oracle Separation of Quantum Polynomial time and the Polynomial Hierarchy Speaker: Avishay Tal Affiliation: University of California, Berkeley Date: Oct 1, 2018 For more video please visit

From playlist Mathematics

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Slowly converging pseudo-Anosovs - Mark Bell

Geometric Structures on 3-manifolds Topic: Slowly converging pseudo-Anosovs Speaker: Mark Bell Date: Tuesday, March 22 A classical property of pseudo-Anosov mapping classes is that they act on the space of projective measured laminations with north-south dynamics. This means that u

From playlist Mathematics

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Matrix Transformations are the same thing as Linear Transformations

Learning Objectives: 1) Recall the defining properties of Matrix-vector product and of Linear Transformations 2) Apply algebraic rules to deduce that Matrix transformations are Linear transformations 3) Prove that Linear Transformations are Matrix transformations by writing a vector as a l

From playlist Linear Algebra (Full Course)

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Derivative in a box

Calculating the matrix of a linear transformation with respect to a basis B and a basis C. Here is the case where the input basis is different from the output basis. Check out my Vector Space playlist: Su

From playlist Linear Transformations

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Rod Gover - An introduction to conformal geometry and tractor calculus (Part 1)

After recalling some features (and the value of) the invariant « Ricci calculus » of pseudo­‐Riemannian geometry, we look at conformal rescaling from an elementary perspective. The idea of conformal covariance is visited and some covariant/invariant equations from physics are recovered in

From playlist Ecole d'été 2014 - Analyse asymptotique en relativité générale

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Kai Zeng - Schatten Properties of Commutators

Given a quantum tori $\mathbb{T}_{\theta}^d$, we can define the Riesz transforms $\mathfrak{R}_j$ on the quantum tori and the commutator $đx_i$ := [$\mathfrak{R}_i,M_x$], where $M_x$ is the operator on $L^2(\mathbb{T}_{\theta}^d)$ of pointwise multiplication by $x \in L^\infty (\mathbb{T}_

From playlist Annual meeting “Arbre de Noël du GDR Géométrie non-commutative”

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Steve Awodey: Type theories and polynomial monads​

Abstract: A system of dependent type theory T gives rise to a natural transformation p : Terms → Types of presheaves on the category Ctx of contexts, termed a "natural model of T". This map p in turn determines a polynomial endofunctor P : Ctxˆ → Ctxˆ on the category of all presheaves. It

From playlist Topology

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AGACSE2021 Martin Roelfs - Graded Symmetry Groups

Graded Symmetry Groups - Plane and Simple. Find the paper here:

From playlist AGACSE2021

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Decay of quantum systems analysed with pseudomodes of reservoir structures by Barry Garraway

Open Quantum Systems DATE: 17 July 2017 to 04 August 2017 VENUE: Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore There have been major recent breakthroughs, both experimental and theoretical, in the field of Open Quantum Systems. The aim of this program is to bring together leaders in the Open Q

From playlist Open Quantum Systems

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In this video, I define a cool operation called the symmetrization, which turns any matrix into a symmetric matrix. Along the way, I also explain how to show that an (abstract) linear transformation is one-to-one and onto. Finally, I show how to decompose and matrix in a nice way, sort of

From playlist Linear Transformations

Related pages

Pseudo-polynomial time | Primality test | Computational complexity theory