Prolog programming language family | Logic programming languages


Arity/Prolog32 is an extended version of Prolog, a logic programming language associated with artificial intelligence and computational linguistics. It was originally developed at the Arity Corporation by Peter Gabel, Paul Weiss and Jim Greene. Arity/Prolog32 allows a developer to create and execute Prolog programs for Windows, which are also operable on Linux using WINE. The software includes a compiler and interpreter written in Prolog, C, Assembler. The interpreter provides debugging support, and can be invoked from compiled code for applications that require dynamically modifiable code. It can either produce stand-alone programs, dynamic-link libraries, or applications where the code becomes subjugated within another system (one written, for example, in C). The software has been applied in various ways across a range of industries. For example, in the clothing industry, it was used to address differentials in quantity related to size, while in education, it provided a semi-automatic tool for teaching aids. A grammatical analyzer was implemented with SWI-Prolog, and after it was tested and analyzed with the Airty/Prolog32 interpreter and in the study of protein folding simulation. (Wikipedia).

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Why I love 4294967296? MegaFavNumbers.

Bitonic sorter: Fast Fourier Transform,frequency%20domain%20and%20vice%20versa. #MegaFavNumbers I know that this video is horrible, but an invite

From playlist MegaFavNumbers

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MegaFavNumbers My Mega Favorite Number ? 《百萬最數配》 你最愛哪個百萬大數?

身為百萬頻道(一百訂閱一萬觀看) 我們也來響應 #MegaFavNumbers 的活動啦! 你喜歡哪個百萬大數?歡迎一起參與活動喔! (英文這麼破的我們都挑戰了,你也一定行!) 活動說明: 影片清單:

From playlist MegaFavNumbers

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how to simplify an expression raised to a negative power

👉 Learn how to simplify expressions using the power rule and the negative exponent rule of exponents. When several terms of an expression is raised to an exponent outside the parenthesis, the exponent is distributed over the individual terms in the expression and the exponent outside the p

From playlist Simplify Using the Rules of Exponents

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Using the reciprocal of a fraction to rewrite an expression with a positive power

👉 Learn how to simplify expressions using the power rule and the negative exponent rule of exponents. When several terms of an expression is raised to an exponent outside the parenthesis, the exponent is distributed over the individual terms in the expression and the exponent outside the p

From playlist Simplify Using the Rules of Exponents

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Simplify an expression using rules of exponents when the denominator has negative exponent

👉 Learn how to simplify expressions using the power rule and the negative exponent rule of exponents. When several terms of an expression is raised to an exponent outside the parenthesis, the exponent is distributed over the individual terms in the expression and the exponent outside the p

From playlist Simplify Using the Rules of Exponents

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How to simplify a fraction raised to a negative exponent

👉 Learn how to simplify expressions using the power rule and the negative exponent rule of exponents. When several terms of an expression is raised to an exponent outside the parenthesis, the exponent is distributed over the individual terms in the expression and the exponent outside the p

From playlist Simplify Using the Rules of Exponents

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1,010,010,101,000,011 - #MegaFavNumbers

This is my submission to the #megafavnumbers project. My number is 1010010101000011, which is prime in bases 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 10. I've open-sourced my code: Clarification: by "ignoring 1" I mean ignoring base 1, since this number cannot be fo

From playlist MegaFavNumbers

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Applying the power rule of exponents to simplify an expression

👉 Learn how to simplify expressions using the power rule and the negative exponent rule of exponents. When several terms of an expression is raised to an exponent outside the parenthesis, the exponent is distributed over the individual terms in the expression and the exponent outside the p

From playlist Simplify Using the Rules of Exponents

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#MegaFavNumbers - 6086555670238378989670371734243169622657830773351885970528324860512791691264

Hey, it's free publicity and I do have an interest in numbers. Besides, since when have I ever had a consistent theme on this channel? #MegaFavNumbers

From playlist MegaFavNumbers

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Prolog | Logic programming | Artificial intelligence