Convex geometry

Projection body

In convex geometry, the projection body of a convex body in n-dimensional Euclidean space is the convex body such that for any vector , the support function of in the direction u is the (n – 1)-dimensional volume of the projection of K onto the hyperplane orthogonal to u. Minkowski showed that the projection body of a convex body is convex. and used projection bodies in their solution to Shephard's problem. For a convex body, let denote the polar body of its projection body. There are two remarkable affine isoperimetric inequality for this body. proved that for all convex bodies , where denotes the n-dimensional unit ball and is n-dimensional volume, and there is equality precisely for ellipsoids. proved that for all convex bodies , where denotes any -dimensional simplex, and there is equality precisely for such simplices. The intersection body IK of K is defined similarly, as the star body such that for any vector u the radial function of IK from the origin in direction u is the (n – 1)-dimensional volume of the intersection of K with the hyperplane u⊥.Equivalently, the radial function of the intersection body IK is the Funk transform of the radial function of K.Intersection bodies were introduced by . showed that a centrally symmetric star-shaped body is an intersection body if and only if the function 1/||x|| is a positive definite distribution, where ||x|| is the homogeneous function of degree 1 that is 1 on the boundary of the body, and used this to show that the unit balls lpn, 2 < p ≤ ∞ in n-dimensional space with the lp norm are intersection bodies for n=4 but are not intersection bodies for n ≥ 5. (Wikipedia).

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3D Printing

If you are interested in learning more about this topic, please visit to view the entire tutorial on our website. It includes instructional text, informational graphics, examples, and even interactives for you to practice and apply what you've learned.

From playlist 3D Printing

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THE FIGURE: Foreshortening & The Head

Marc takes you through two common viewpoints to solve in foreshortening of the head.

From playlist THE FIGURE

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Transformable Hyperboloid

This object is transformable hyperboloid,you can transform from cylinder to various hyperboloids.See video. Buy at Copyright (c) 2014,AkiraNishihara

From playlist 3D printed toys

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LIGHT shadow (stereographic projection)

Stereographic projection spheres available at

From playlist 3D printing

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THE FIGURE: Head Proportions and Landmarks Demonstrations

Marc demonstrates in varied drawing media, head structure demonstrations to help you find proportions and landmarks of the human head.

From playlist THE FIGURE

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How To Model Articulated Action Figurine For 3D Printing | Session 03 | #gamedev

Don’t forget to subscribe! In this project series, you will learn how to model articulated action figurines for 3D printing. In this tutorial, we will be designing Futurama's Bender articulated figurine for 3D printing. It will have fully articulated arms and legs (these will utilize mu

From playlist Model Articulated Action Figurine For 3D Printing

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How To Model Articulated Action Figurine For 3D Printing | Introduction | #gamedev

Don’t forget to subscribe! In this project series, you will learn how to model articulated action figurines for 3D printing. In this tutorial, we will be designing Futurama's Bender articulated figurine for 3D printing. It will have fully articulated arms and legs (these will utilize mu

From playlist Model Articulated Action Figurine For 3D Printing

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How To Model Articulated Action Figurine For 3D Printing | Session 06 | #gamedev

Don’t forget to subscribe! In this project series, you will learn how to model articulated action figurines for 3D printing. In this tutorial, we will be designing Futurama's Bender articulated figurine for 3D printing. It will have fully articulated arms and legs (these will utilize mu

From playlist Model Articulated Action Figurine For 3D Printing

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How To Model Articulated Action Figurine For 3D Printing | Session 02 | #gamedev

Don’t forget to subscribe! In this project series, you will learn how to model articulated action figurines for 3D printing. In this tutorial, we will be designing Futurama's Bender articulated figurine for 3D printing. It will have fully articulated arms and legs (these will utilize mu

From playlist Model Articulated Action Figurine For 3D Printing

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New isoperimetric inequalities for convex bodies - Amir Yehudayoff

Computer Science/Discrete Mathematics Seminar I Topic: New isoperimetric inequalities for convex bodies Speaker: Amir Yehudayoff Affiliation: Technion - Israel Institute of Technology Date: November 23, 2020 For more video please visit

From playlist Mathematics

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Franz Schuster: Blaschke–Santaló Inequalities for Minkowski and Asplund Endomorphisms

The Blaschke–Santaló inequality is one of the best known and most powerful affine isoperimetric inequalities in convex geometric analysis. In particular, it is significantly stronger than the classical Euclidean Urysohn inequality. In this talk, we present new isoperimetric inequalities fo

From playlist Workshop: High dimensional measures: geometric and probabilistic aspects

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Ramon van Handel: The mysterious extremals of the Alexandrov-Fenchel inequality

The Alexandrov-Fenchel inequality is a far-reaching generalization of the classical isoperimetric inequality to arbitrary mixed volumes. It is one of the central results in convex geometry, and has deep connections with other areas of mathematics. The characterization of its extremal bodie

From playlist Trimester Seminar Series on the Interplay between High-Dimensional Geometry and Probability

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Spectrahedral lifts of convex sets – Rekha Thomas – ICM2018

Control Theory and Optimization Invited Lecture 16.6 Spectrahedral lifts of convex sets Rekha Thomas Abstract: Efficient representations of convex sets are of crucial importance for many algorithms that work with them. It is well-known that sometimes, a complicated convex set can be expr

From playlist Control Theory and Optimization

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Seminar 1: Larry Abbott - Mind in the Fly Brain

MIT RES.9-003 Brains, Minds and Machines Summer Course, Summer 2015 View the complete course: Instructor: Larry Abbott Modeling neural processes in the mushroom bodies of the insect brain to understand how flies learn to recognize scents. Training flies w

From playlist MIT RES.9-003 Brains, Minds and Machines Summer Course, Summer 2015

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NOTACON 7: Newbie Neurohacking

Speaker: Ne0nRa1n & Tottenkoph Have a keen interest in the many flavours of neurohacking, but don't know where to get started? Discover the direction that is right for you and let our understanding and passionate advisers with a proven success record help guide you through the basics on y

From playlist Notacon 7

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How We Think with Bodies and Things

(May 7, 2010) David Kirsh, Professor of Cognitive Science at University of California-San Diego, discusses the concept of enactive thought and provides data from extensive ethnographic studies and a few simple experiments to prove that it exists. Stanford University: http://www.stanford.e

From playlist Lecture Collection | Human-Computer Interaction Seminar (2009-2010)

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Jean-Louis Colliot-Thélène : H3 non ramifié et cycles de codimension 2

Find this video and other talks given by worldwide mathematicians on CIRM's Audiovisual Mathematics Library: And discover all its functionalities: - Chapter markers and keywords to watch the parts of your choice in the video - Videos enriched with abstracts, b

From playlist Algebraic and Complex Geometry

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Lec 13 | MIT 5.80 Small-Molecule Spectroscopy and Dynamics, Fall 2008

Lecture 13: Laser schemes for rotational assignment first lines for Ω', Ω" assignments Instructor: Robert Field License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA More information at More courses at

From playlist MIT 5.80 Small-Molecule Spectroscopy and Dynamics, Fall 2008

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Geometric Algebra, First Course, Episode 13: Position and Attitude

In this video we begin to construct a 2D Physics simulation framework with visualization. Our first step will be to define a rigid body with position and attitude so that we can translate and rotate it in the plane, and render it as a Square (paying homage to Flatland).

From playlist Geometric Algebra, First Course, in STEMCstudio

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Most Insane Immersive Movie Experience EVER, Part 1

Check out this guy's room totally change into the movie he is watching! No SFX, no post production, no cuts, everything you see here is 100% for real. We were funded by the Video Store of PlayStation® Store ( to make a series of movie related videos us

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