Frequency distribution | Nonparametric statistics | Statistical charts and diagrams | Estimation of densities

Price-Jones curve

A Price-Jones curve is a graph showing the distribution of diameters of red blood cells. Higher diameter may be seen in pernicious anaemia, while lower diameter may be seen after haemorrhage. (Wikipedia).

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Equilibrium Point

From playlist Applications of Definite Integration

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Computing z-scores(standard scores) and comparing them

Please Subscribe here, thank you!!! Computing z-scores(standard scores) and comparing them

From playlist Statistics

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Short-Run Cost Curves (Part 2)- Micro Topic 3.2

In this video I explain how to draw and analyze the cost curves. Most teacher sad professors focus on the per unit cost curves. That included marginal cost, average total cost, average variable costs, and the average fixed cost. Each have a specific shape. It might not be the most exciting

From playlist Micro Unit 3: Production, Cost, and Perfect Competition

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Par yield

The yield (aka, yield to maturity, YTM) is the single rate that correctly prices the bond; it impounds the spot rate curve. For each coupon bond, there is a different implied yield. The PAR YIELD is the yield (YTM) for a bond that happens to price at par, and therefore is equal to this bon

From playlist Bonds: Yields

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Demand and Supply- EconMovies #4: Indiana Jones (Reupload)

Teachers! I created NEW worksheets for all my EconMovies episodes and for all the Crash Course Economics episodes. If you want to learn more about these worksheets and get some samples, fill out this form: Hey econ students, this is Jacob Clifford. In t

From playlist EconMovies

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How do the Rolling Stones get their satisfaction? | Number Hub (Ep 7) | Head Squeeze

Australian Numeracy Ambassador, Simon Pampena, has discovered how the Rolling Stones get their satisfaction from concert ticket prices, using mathematical formulas. Head Squeeze is running a competition with 10 prizes up for grabs between Monday 18th February and Sunday 24th February! To e

From playlist Number Hub - stats that will blow your mind

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Supply and Demand Tips- Macro and Micro

What's up. First, thanks for watching my videos. Your rock! Second, I made this video to help you see the big picture. I cover topics like the law of demand, the law of supply, equilibrium, disequilibrium, single-shifts, and double-shifts. I give you a few memory tools and some helpful tip

From playlist Micro Unit 2: Supply and Demand

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Alasdair MacIntyre on the Sources of Unpredictability in Human Affairs (1972)

This lecture explicates an early form of the argument, developed in MacIntyre’s 1972 paper “Predictability and Explanation in the Social Sciences,” that becomes the central claim of chapter 8 of After Virtue. Namely, that generalizations in social science lack predictive power or value. Ma

From playlist Social & Political Philosophy

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Demand and Supply Explained Part 2 - Macro Topic 1.5 (Micro Topic 2.2)

Need help? Check out the Ultimate Review Packet: In this video I explain supply, the law of supply, the shifters of the supply curve, equilibrium, surplus, and shortage. Make sure to draw the graphs on your own. Make sure that you watch the first vi

From playlist Micro Unit 2: Supply and Demand

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Demand and Supply Explained- Macro Topic 1.4 (Micro Topic 2.1)

Thanks for watching. In this video I explain the law of demand, the substitution effect, the income effect, the law of diminishing marginal utility, and the shifters of demand. Make sure that you understand the difference between a change in quantity demanded and a change in demand. This i

From playlist Micro Unit 2: Supply and Demand

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Implied Volatility & Expected Range Using Confidence Levels - Options Trading Concepts

This options trading video provides a basic introduction on implied volatility and how it affects the prices of options. It also describes how to use IV to calculate a stock's expected trading range within a given time period at a 68% confidence level. Long Call Options Trading Strategy:

From playlist Stocks and Bonds

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Modern finance and Macroeconomics: connecting various threads by Srinivas Raghavendra

Modern Finance and Macroeconomics: A Multidisciplinary Approach URL: DESCRIPTION: The financial meltdown of 2008 in the US stock markets and the subsequent protracted recession in the Western economies have accentuated the need to understand the dy

From playlist Modern Finance and Macroeconomics: A Multidisciplinary Approach

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Find x given the z-score, sample mean, and sample standard deviation

Please Subscribe here, thank you!!! Find x given the z-score, sample mean, and sample standard deviation

From playlist Statistics

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How To Calculate Your Average Cost Basis When Investing In Stocks

This video tutorial explains how to calculate the average cost basis or average cost per share when making multiple investment purchases of the same stock at different prices. Stock Trading Strategies For Beginners: Call and Put Options: https:

From playlist Stocks and Bonds

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5. Is There a Nutrition-Based Poverty Trap?

MIT 14.73 The Challenge of World Poverty, Spring 2011 View the complete course: Instructor: Esther Duflo License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA More information at More courses at

From playlist MIT 14.73 The Challenge of World Poverty, Spring 2011

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Supply and Demand

Supply and demand! We've all hear these terms before, and we probably have a pretty solid conception of what they mean. But let's formalize them a bit by looking at the law of demand and the law of supply, as well as the substitution effect, the income effect, and equilibrium price. Scrip

From playlist Economics

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Demand Curve as Marginal Benefit Curve

Thinking about a demand curve in terms of quantity driving price More free lessons at:

From playlist Supply, demand, and market equilibrium | AP Microeconomics | Khan Academy

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1. Why Finance?

Financial Theory (ECON 251) This lecture gives a brief history of the young field of financial theory, which began in business schools quite separate from economics, and of my growing interest in the field and in Wall Street. A cornerstone of standard financial theory is the efficient mar

From playlist Financial Theory with John Geanakoplos

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