Super linear algebra | Symplectic geometry

Poisson superalgebra

In mathematics, a Poisson superalgebra is a Z2-graded generalization of a Poisson algebra. Specifically, a Poisson superalgebra is an (associative) superalgebra A with a Lie superbracket such that (A, [·,·]) is a Lie superalgebra and the operator is a superderivation of A: A supercommutative Poisson algebra is one for which the (associative) product is supercommutative. This is one possible way of "super"izing the Poisson algebra. This gives the classical dynamics of fermion fields and classical spin-1/2 particles. The other is to define an antibracket algebra instead. This is used in the BRST and Batalin-Vilkovisky formalism. (Wikipedia).

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Pythagorean theorem in Geogebra [PART 2] [Tutorial]

Pythagorean theorem in Geogebra [PART 2] [Tutorial] Pitagorina teorema u Geogebri [prvi dio] [Tutorial] In case you wanna to pay me a drink:

From playlist Geogebra [Tutoriali]

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Pythagorean theorem in Geogebra [PART 1] [Tutorial]

Pythagorean theorem in Geogebra [PART 1] [Tutorial] Pitagorina teorema u Geogebri [prvi dio] [Tutorial] In case you wanna to pay me a drink:

From playlist Geogebra [Tutoriali]

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Visual proof of the Pythagorean theorem in Geogebra [Tutorial]

Visual proof of the Pythagorean theorem in Geogebra [Tutorial] Vizuelni dokaz sa animacijom Pitagorine teoreme u Geogebri In case you wanna to pay me a drink:

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Exponent Law: Geometric Interpretation

GeoGebra Resource Link:

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Geometric Algebra - Rotors and Quaternions

In this video, we will take note of the even subalgebra of G(3), see that it is isomorphic to the quaternions and, in particular, the set of rotors, themselves in the even subalgebra, correspond to the set of unit quaternions. This brings the entire subject of quaternions under the heading

From playlist Math

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Serganova, Vera, Lecture V - 3 February 2015

Vera Serganova (University of California, Berkeley) - Lecture V The goal of this minicourse is to review recent results in representation theory of finite-dimensional Lie superalgebras. Lecture 1 Finite-dimensional Lie superalgebras: classification, exam

From playlist Lie Theory and Representation Theory - 2015

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Serganova, Vera, Lecture IV - 28 January 2015

Vera Serganova (University of California, Berkeley) - Lecture IV The goal of this minicourse is to review recent results in representation theory of finite-dimensional Lie superalgebras. Lecture 1 Finite-dimensional Lie superalgebras: classification, exa

From playlist Lie Theory and Representation Theory - 2015

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Serganova, Vera, Lecture III - 26 January 2015

Vera Serganova (University of California, Berkeley) - Lecture III The goal of this minicourse is to review recent results in representation theory of finite-dimensional Lie superalgebras. Lecture 1 Finite-dimensional Lie superalgebras: classification, ex

From playlist Lie Theory and Representation Theory - 2015

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Vera Serganova, Lecture I - 20 January 2015

Vera Serganova (University of California, Berkeley) - Lecture I The goal of this minicourse is to review recent results in representation theory of finite-dimensional Lie superalgebras. Lecture 1 Finite-dimensional Lie superalgebras: classification, exam

From playlist Lie Theory and Representation Theory - 2015

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Serganova, Vera, Lecture II - 22 January 2015

Vera Serganova (University of California, Berkeley) - Lecture II The goal of this minicourse is to review recent results in representation theory of finite-dimensional Lie superalgebras. Lecture 1 Finite-dimensional Lie superalgebras: classification, exa

From playlist Lie Theory and Representation Theory - 2015

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Nezhla Aghaei - Combinatorial Quantisation of Supergroup Chern-Simons Theory

Chern-Simons Theories with gauge super-groups appear naturally in string theory and they possess interesting applications in mathematics, e.g. for the construction of knot and link invariants. In my talk, I will review the framework of combinatorial quantization of Chern Simons theory and

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Vera Serganova: Capelli eigenvalue problem for Lie superalgebras and supersymetric polynominals

Abstract: We study invariant differential operators on representations of supergroups associated with simple Jordan superalgebras, in the classical case this problem goes back to Kostant. Eigenvalues of Capelli differential operators give interesting families of polynomials such as super J

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Shun-Jen Cheng: Representation theory of exceptional Lie superalgebras

SMRI Algebra and Geometry Online: Shun-Jen Cheng (Institute of Mathematics, Academia Sinica) Abstract: In the first half of the talk we shall introduce the notion of Lie superalgebras, and then give a quick outline of the classification of finite-dimensional complex simple Lie superalgebr

From playlist SMRI Algebra and Geometry Online

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Minoru Wakimoto, Mock modular forms and representation theory of affine Lie superalgebras

Minoru WAKIMOTO (Université de Kyushu) "Mock modular forms and representation theory of affine Lie superalgebras - the case of sl(2|1)^"

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CAS GeoGebra: Resolviendo ecuaciones cuadráticas (básico)

Utilizando la aplicación CAS de Geogebra podemos resolver fácilmente ecuaciones como las polinómicas de segundo grado. En el video se muestran algunos ejemplos.

From playlist GeoGebra para celulares

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Axel de Goursac: Noncommutative Supergeometry and Quantum Field Theory

In this talk, we present the philosophy and the basic concepts of Noncommutative Supergeometry, i.e. Hilbert superspaces, C*-superalgebras and quantum supergroups. Then, we give examples of these structures coming from deformation quantization and we expose an application to renormalizable

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