Geometric graphs | Geometric algorithms | Planar graphs

Planar straight-line graph

In computational geometry and geometric graph theory, a planar straight-line graph, in short PSLG, (or straight-line plane graph, or plane straight-line graph) is a term used for an embedding of a planar graph in the plane such that its edges are mapped into straight-line segments. Fáry's theorem (1948) states that every planar graph has this kind of embedding. In computational geometry, PSLGs have often been called planar subdivisions, with an assumption or assertion that subdivisions are polygonal rather than having curved boundaries. PSLGs may serve as representations of various maps, e.g., geographical maps in geographical information systems. Special cases of PSLGs are triangulations (polygon triangulation, point-set triangulation). Point-set triangulations are maximal PSLGs in the sense that it is impossible to add straight edges to them while keeping the graph planar. Triangulations have numerous applications in various areas. PSLGs may be seen as a special kind of Euclidean graphs. However, in discussions involving Euclidean graphs, the primary interest is their metric properties, i.e., distances between vertices, while for PSLGs the primary interest is the topological properties. For some graphs, such as Delaunay triangulations, both metric and topological properties are of importance. (Wikipedia).

Planar straight-line graph
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Planar graphs

Planar graphs, What are planar graphs? In this video we take a look at what a planar graph is and how Mathematica can check to see if a graph is planar. In short, a planar graph is one that can be drawn in the plane such that no edges cross. If you want to learn more about Mathematica,

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Planar Graphs - Intro to Algorithms

This video is part of an online course, Intro to Algorithms. Check out the course here:

From playlist Introduction to Algorithms

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Graph Theory: 57. Planar Graphs

A planar graph is a graph that can be drawn in the plane without any edge crossings. Such a drawing (with no edge crossings) is called a plane graph. A given plane graph divides the plane into regions and each region has a boundary that outlines it. We look at some examples and also giv

From playlist Graph Theory part-10

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Introduction to Planar Graphs and Euler's Formula

This video introduces planar graphs and Euler's formula.

From playlist Graph Theory (Discrete Math)

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Straight line graphs (parallel)

Powered by Straight line graphs (parallel)

From playlist Linear sequences & straight lines

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Straight line graphs (alternative way to define)

Powered by Straight line graphs (alternative way to define)

From playlist Linear sequences & straight lines

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Graph Theory: Planar Graphs

This video describes some of the basic properties of planar graphs.

From playlist Basics: Graph Theory

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MATH1081 Discrete Maths: Chapter 5 Question 27 a

This problem is about planar graphs. The theorem mentioned is Fáry's Theorem (1948); see . Presented by Thomas Britz of the School of Mathematics and Statistics, Faculty of Science, UNSW.

From playlist MATH1081 Discrete Mathematics

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Lecture 22 - Planarity

This is Lecture 22 of the CSE547 (Discrete Mathematics) taught by Professor Steven Skiena [] at Stony Brook University in 1999. The lecture slides are available at: More information may

From playlist CSE547 - Discrete Mathematics - 1999 SBU

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Planar Graphs - Numberphile

Featuring Professor Maria Chudnovsky from Princeton University - see part two about her work on Perfect Graphs - More links & stuff in full description below ↓↓↓ Correction at 13:58 - remove the word "not". Professor Chudnovsky's webpage: https://web.math.pri

From playlist Women in Mathematics - Numberphile

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離散数学入門#13: グラフの平面描画と地図の彩色

早稲田大学の全学部の3〜4年生を対象とする全学オープン科目「離散数学入門」(担当教員:早水 桃子)の授業動画です.文理を問わず,誰でもグラフ理論やグラフアルゴリズムの初歩を学ぶことができます.グラフ理論の定理やグラフに関するアルゴリズムを正しく理解して,現実の諸問題を解決するための応用力を身につけましょう. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- グラフは頂点集合と辺集合のペアとして定義され,必ずしも目に見える形で描画されているとは限りませ

From playlist 離散数学入門Ⅳ

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[Discrete Mathematics] Planar Graphs

We look at planar graphs and how to determine if a graph is planar or not. Visit our website: Subscribe on YouTube: *--Playlists--* Discrete Mathematics 1: Discrete Mathem

From playlist Discrete Math 2

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What are Planar Graphs? | Graph Theory

What are planar graphs? How can we draw them in the plane? In today's graph theory lesson we'll be defining planar graphs, plane graphs, regions of plane graphs, boundaries of regions of plane graphs, and introducing Euler's formula for connected plane graphs. A planar graph is a graph t

From playlist Graph Theory

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Jeff Erickson - Lecture 1 - Two-dimensional computational topology - 18/06/18

School on Low-Dimensional Geometry and Topology: Discrete and Algorithmic Aspects ( Jeff Erickson (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA) Two-dimensional computational topology - Lecture 1 Abstract: This series of lectures will describe recent

From playlist Jeff Erickson - School on Low-Dimensional Geometry and Topology: Discrete and Algorithmic Aspects

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Entanglement of embedded graphs - Toen Castle

Toen Castle University of Pennsylvania April 18, 2015 Even simple graphs can be embedded in space (𝔼3E3 or 𝕊3S3) in a topologically complex way. If there is a cycle in the graph then there can be knots in the embedding, if there are disjoint cycles then there can be links. However there a

From playlist Mathematics

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Scattering amplitudes and positive Grassmannian by Jaroslav Trnka

Program : School on Cluster Algebras ORGANIZERS : Ashish Gupta and Ashish K Srivastava DATE & TIME : 08 December 2018 to 22 December 2018 VENUE : Madhava Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore In 2000, S. Fomin and A. Zelevinsky introduced Cluster Algebras as abstractions of a combinatoro-algebra

From playlist School on Cluster Algebras 2018

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Graph Theory: 59. Maximal Planar Graphs

In this video we define a maximal planar graph and prove that if a maximal planar graph has n vertices and m edges then m = 3n-6. We use this to show that any planar graph with n vertices has at most 3n-6 edges. -- Bits of Graph Theory by Dr. Sarada Herke. Related videos: GT57 Planar G

From playlist Graph Theory part-10

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CMU Discrete Mathematics 5/7

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Carnegie Mellon University is protecting the health and safety of its community by holding all large classes online. People from outside Carnegie Mellon University are welcome to tune in to see how the class is taught, but unfortunately Prof. Loh will not be o

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