Algebraic surfaces | Singularity theory

Pinch point (mathematics)

In geometry, a pinch point or cuspidal point is a type of singular point on an algebraic surface. The equation for the surface near a pinch point may be put in the form where [4] denotes terms of degree 4 or more and is not a square in the ring of functions. For example the surface near the point , meaning in coordinates vanishing at that point, has the form above. In fact, if and then {} is a system of coordinates vanishing at then is written in the canonical form. The simplest example of a pinch point is the hypersurface defined by the equation called Whitney umbrella. The pinch point (in this case the origin) is a limit of normal crossings singular points (the -axis in this case). These singular points are intimately related in the sense that in order to resolve the pinch point singularity one must blow-up the whole -axis and not only the pinch point. (Wikipedia).

Pinch point (mathematics)
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The pinching theorem (Ch2 Pr13)

Presented by Galina Levitina from the UNSW School of Mathematics and Statistics

From playlist Mathematics 1A (Calculus)

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C72 What to do about the singular point

Now that we can calculate a solution at analytical points, what can we do about singular points. It turns out, not all singular points are created equal. The regular and irregular singular point.

From playlist Differential Equations

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What is a fixed point?

In this video, I prove a very neat result about fixed points and give some cool applications. This is a must-see for calculus lovers, enjoy! Old Fixed Point Video: Banach Fixed Point Theorem: Continuity Playlist: https://www.youtu

From playlist Calculus

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How to find and classify critical points of functions

Download the free PDF from This video shows how to calculate and classify the critical points of functions of two variables. The ideas involve first and second order derivatives and are seen in university mathematics.

From playlist Mathematics for Finance & Actuarial Studies 2

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How to find + classify critical points of functions

Download the free PDF This video shows how to calculate and classify the critical points of functions of two variables. The ideas involve first and second order derivatives and are seen in university mathematics.

From playlist Several Variable Calculus / Vector Calculus

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Limit at a Point and the Pinching Theorem (Ch2 Pr14)

We use the Pinching Theorem to show that sin(x)/x approaches one as x goes to zero. This is Chapter 2 Problem 14 of the MATH1141 Calculus notes. Presented by Peter Brown of the School of Mathematics and Statistics, UNSW.

From playlist Mathematics 1A (Calculus)

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Algebraic geometry 37: Singular points (replacement video))

This lecture is part of an online algebraic geometry course, based on chapter I of "Algebraic geometry" by Hartshorne. It defines singular points and tangents spaces, and shows that the set of nonsingular points of a variety is open and dense. This is a replacement for the original video,

From playlist Algebraic geometry I: Varieties

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Daniel Bertrand: Generalized Jacobians and Pellian polynomials

Find this video and other talks given by worldwide mathematicians on CIRM's Audiovisual Mathematics Library: And discover all its functionalities: - Chapter markers and keywords to watch the parts of your choice in the video - Videos enriched with abstracts, b

From playlist Number Theory

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The Weak Cosmic Censorship Conjecture: Status Report by Pau Figueras

PROGRAM Nonperturbative and Numerical Approaches to Quantum Gravity, String Theory and Holography (ONLINE) ORGANIZERS: David Berenstein (UCSB), Simon Catterall (Syracuse University), Masanori Hanada (University of Surrey), Anosh Joseph (IISER, Mohali), Jun Nishimura (KEK Japan), David Sc

From playlist Nonperturbative and Numerical Approaches to Quantum Gravity, String Theory and Holography (Online)

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Studying Fluid Flows with Persistent Homology - Rachel Levanger

Workshop on Topology: Identifying Order in Complex Systems Topic: Studying Fluid Flows with Persistent Homology Speaker: Rachel Levanger Affiliation: University of Pennsylvania Date: April 7, 2018 For more videos, please visit

From playlist Mathematics

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Planarity in Higher Codimension Mean Curvature Flow - Keaton Naff

Analysis Seminar Topic: Planarity in Higher Codimension Mean Curvature Flow Speaker: Keaton Naff Affiliation: Columbia University Date: February 08, 2021 For more video please visit

From playlist Mathematics

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Low-Energy Structure of Spiral Spin Liquids by Johannes Reuther

PROGRAM FRUSTRATED METALS AND INSULATORS (HYBRID) ORGANIZERS Federico Becca (University of Trieste, Italy), Subhro Bhattacharjee (ICTS-TIFR, India), Yasir Iqbal (IIT Madras, India), Bella Lake (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie, Germany), Yogesh Singh (IISER Mohali, In


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Eva Miranda: Geometric quantization of toric and semitoric systems

Abstract: One of the many contributions of Kostant is a rare gem which probably has not been sufficiently explored: a sheaf-theoretical model for geometric quantization associated to real polarizations. Kostant’s model works very well for polarizations given by fibrations or fibration-like

From playlist Topology

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The Nature of Causation: The Counterfactual Theory of Causation

In this second lecture in this series on the nature of causation, Marianne Talbot discusses the counterfactual theory of causation. We have causal theories of reference, perception, knowledge, content and numerous other things. If it were to turn out that causation doesn’t exist, we would

From playlist The Nature of Causation

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Richard Pinch: Fermat's Last Theorem [1994]

Richard Pinch: Fermat's Last Theorem Based on the 1994 London Mathematical Society Popular Lectures, this special 'television lecture' entitled "Fermat's last theorem" is presented by Dr Richard Pinch. The London Mathematical Society is one of the oldest mathematical societies, founded i

From playlist Mathematics

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Beginners Guide to Critical Points in Calculus - Chris Tisdell Live Stream

A beginner's guide to critical points of functions in mathematics using calculus. Here we look at the basic ideas including a few examples.

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