Regular graphs | Individual graphs

Perkel graph

In mathematics, the Perkel graph, named after Manley Perkel, is a 6-regular graph with 57 vertices and 171 edges. It is the unique distance-regular graph with intersection array (6, 5, 2; 1, 1, 3). The Perkel graph is also distance-transitive. It is also the skeleton of an abstract regular polytope, the 57-cell. (Wikipedia).

Perkel graph
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Cluster size distribution for Bernoulli site percolation on a Poisson disc process

Like the recent video , this simulation shows percolation on a Poisson disc process, but this time all clusters are shown in colors depending on their size. The Poisson disc process is similar to a Poisson point process (points thrown independently and uniforml

From playlist Percolation

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Using Perl to Display File Size

We have seen that we can prompt for user input and we now expand upon this into something a little more practical. In this video we prompt for a filename and then return the name and size of the file Additionally you can find my video courses on Pluralsight:

From playlist Learning Perl

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MagLab Theory Winter School 2018: Subir Sachdev: Transport in Non Fermi Liquids

The National MagLab held it's sixth Theory Winter School in Tallahassee, FL from January 8th - 13th, 2018.

From playlist 2018 Theory Winter School

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PERL Tutorial - 1 | PERL Tutorial for Beginners - 1 | Perl Scripting Language Tutorial | Edureka

( ) Perl is one of the most popular open source interpreted programming languages with a huge number of programmers, libraries and resources. Programmers are using Perl from decades because of its extensive libraries, consistently

From playlist Perl Scripting Tutorial Videos

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MagLab Theory Winter School 2018: Subir Sachdev - The SYK Model

The National MagLab held it's sixth Theory Winter School in Tallahassee, FL from January 8th - 13th, 2018.

From playlist 2018 Theory Winter School

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Perl Install on Windows

Additionally you can find my video courses on Pluralsight: and take time to see my own site In this video we look at installing Perl onto Windows 7 and customizing Notepad ++ so that we can run Pe

From playlist Learning Perl

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Étienne Ghys: A guided tour of the seventh dimension

Abstract: One of the most amazing discoveries of John Milnor is an exotic sphere in dimension 7. For the layman, a sphere of dimension 7 may not only look exotic but even esoteric... It took a long time for mathematicians to gradually accept the existence of geometries in dimensions higher

From playlist Abel Lectures

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Using Perl Scalar And Array Variables

Variables are named containers that can store single or multiple values, scalar or arrays. In this video we look at how variables are used, declared and initiated in Perl. Additionally you can find my video courses on Pluralsight:

From playlist Learning Perl

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Perl In Place Edits to Text Files from the Windows Command Line

Additionally you can find my video courses on Pluralsight: and take time to see my own site Here we will see one very good reason for adding Perl to winodws. It allows us to edit files from the co

From playlist Learning Perl

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Graphing the system of two linear inequalities with two horizontal line

👉 Learn how to graph a system of inequalities. A system of inequalities is a set of inequalities which are collectively satisfied by a certain range of values for the variables. To graph a system of inequalities, each inequality making up the system is graphed individually with the side of

From playlist Solve a System of Inequalities by Graphing

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Aspects of Eternal Inflation, part 2 - Leonard Susskind

Aspects of Eternal Inflation, part 2 Leonard Susskind Stanford University July 19, 2011

From playlist PiTP 2011

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6. Habitats at Herculaneum and Early Roman Interior Decoration

Roman Architecture (HSAR 252) Professor Kleiner discusses domestic architecture at Herculaneum and the First and Second Styles of Roman wall painting. The lecture begins with an introduction to the history of the city of Herculaneum and what befell some of its inhabitants when they trie

From playlist Roman Architecture with Diana E. E. Kleiner

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The Imprint of Congress: “How to Think About It”

Widely considered to be one of the leading scholars on the American Congress, David R. Mayhew, Sterling Professor Emeritus of Political Science at Yale University, gave a series of three lectures in September 2015 on “The Imprint of Congress” for the Henry L. Stimson Lectures on World Affa

From playlist The Institution for Social and Policy Studies (ISPS)

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7.2.3 Permutation Matrices Part 3

7.2.3 Permutation Matrices Part 3

From playlist Week 7

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What is PERL | Why PERL | PERL Tutorial for Beginners | Edureka

( ) Perl is one of the most popular open source interpreted programming languages with a huge number of programmers, libraries and resources. Programmers are using Perl from decades because of its extensive libraries, consistently

From playlist Perl Scripting Tutorial Videos

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Irina Gelbukh 2023: The Reeb graph of a smooth function encodes the function class and manifold type

Title: How the Reeb graph of a smooth function encodes the class of the function and the type of the manifold Abstract: The Reeb graph of a function is a space obtained by contracting connected components of the function's level sets to points. Computer scientists mostly deal with Morse f

From playlist Vietoris-Rips Seminar

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Graphs In Data Structures | Graph Representation In Data Structure | Data Structures | Simplilearn

This data structures tutorial is dedicated to helping beginners understand the graphs in data structures. In this tutorial, you will understand the fundamentals and terminologies of the graph data structure, their types and their representation using different methods. The graphs in this t

From playlist Data Structures & Algorithms [2022 Updated]

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What are Planar Graphs? | Graph Theory

What are planar graphs? How can we draw them in the plane? In today's graph theory lesson we'll be defining planar graphs, plane graphs, regions of plane graphs, boundaries of regions of plane graphs, and introducing Euler's formula for connected plane graphs. A planar graph is a graph t

From playlist Graph Theory

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Permutation Groups and Symmetric Groups | Abstract Algebra

We introduce permutation groups and symmetric groups. We cover some permutation notation, composition of permutations, composition of functions in general, and prove that the permutations of a set make a group (with certain details omitted). #abstractalgebra #grouptheory We will see the

From playlist Abstract Algebra

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