Paraconsistent logic

Paraconsistent deduction theorem

No description. (Wikipedia).

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Introduction to Parametric Equations

This video defines a parametric equations and shows how to graph a parametric equation by hand.

From playlist Parametric Equations

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Concavity and Parametric Equations Example

Please Subscribe here, thank you!!! Concavity and Parametric Equations Example. We find the open t-intervals on which the graph of the parametric equations is concave upward and concave downward.

From playlist Calculus

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Scalable Privacy-Friendly Client Cloud Computing

Carl Hewitt, Emeritus in the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science department at MIT, talks about Organizations of Restricted Generality (ORGs). ORGs is an architecture providing foundations for the development of privacy-friendly Internet applications by incorporating cloud computin

From playlist Engineering

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Eliminating the parameter for parametric trigonometric

Learn how to eliminate the parameter in a parametric equation. A parametric equation is a set of equations that express a set of quantities as explicit functions of a number of independent variables, known as parameters. Eliminating the parameter allows us to write parametric equation in r

From playlist Parametric Equations

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Learn how to eliminate the parameter given sine and cosine of t

Learn how to eliminate the parameter in a parametric equation. A parametric equation is a set of equations that express a set of quantities as explicit functions of a number of independent variables, known as parameters. Eliminating the parameter allows us to write parametric equation in r

From playlist Parametric Equations

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Convolution Theorem: Fourier Transforms

Free ebook Statement and proof of the convolution theorem for Fourier transforms. Such ideas are very important in the solution of partial differential equations.

From playlist Partial differential equations

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Calculus 2: Parametric Equations (7 of 20) How to Derive Parametric Equations Ex. 2

Visit for more math and science lectures! In this video I will derive parametric equations. Given x=f(t)=t +1and y=x^2-4x+10 find x(t)=? and y(t)=? Example 2. Next video in the series can be seen at:


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Ex 1: Find the Parametric Equations for a Lissajous Curve

This video explains how to determine possible parametric equations for a Lissajous figure. Site:

From playlist Parametric Equations

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Explosion and Minimal Logic

Minimal logic, or minimal calculus, is an intuitionistic and paraconsistent logic, that rejects both the Law of Excluded Middle (LEM) as well as the Principle Of Explosion (Ex Falso Quodlibet, EFQ).

From playlist Logic

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Calculus 2: Parametric Equations (1 of 20) What is a Parametric Equation?

Visit for more math and science lectures! In this video I will explain what is a parametric equation. A parametric equation is an equation that expresses each variable of an equation in terms of another variable. Next video in the series can be seen at: https://


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Foundations - Seminar 2

Billy Price and Will Troiani present a series of seminars on foundations of mathematics. In this seminar Billy introduces natural deduction as a proof system. You can join this seminar from anywhere, on any device, at This video was filmed in Deprecation (https:/

From playlist Foundations seminar

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Geometry - Ch. 2: Reasoning and Proofs (13 of 46) What is Deductive Reasoning?

Visit for more math and science lectures! In this video I will explain what is deductive reasoning. Sometime known as deductive logic or leading to a deductive conclusion. It is reasoning from one or more statements to reach a logical conclusion. And I will expla


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Find the Length of a Loop of a Curve Given by Parametric Equations

This video provides an example of how to determine the arc length of a loop of a plane curve given by parametric equations. Site:

From playlist Parametric Equations

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What if Current Foundations of Mathematics are Inconsistent? | Vladimir Voevodsky

Vladimir Voevodsky, Professor, School of Mathematics, Institute for Advanced Study In this lecture, Professor Vladimir Voevodsky begins with Gödel's second incompleteness theorem to discuss the possibility that the formal theory of f

From playlist Mathematics

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Foundations S2 - Seminar 1 - Ax-Grothendieck and model theory

A seminar series on the foundations of mathematics, by Will Troiani and Billy Snikkers. This season the focus is on the proof of the Ax-Grothendieck theorem: an injective polynomial function from affine space (over the complex numbers) to itself is surjective. There is an interesting role

From playlist Foundations seminar

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Topos seminar Lecture 15: Abstraction and adjunction (Part 1)

I begin by explaining in a simple example the connection between formal reasoning involving distinct concepts, and adjunctions between classifying topoi. This leads to a discussion of models in topoi (focused on the particular example of the theory of abelian groups) then to the syntactic

From playlist Topos theory seminar

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Foundations - Seminar 3

Billy Price and Will Troiani present a series of seminars on foundations of mathematics. In this seminar Billy continues to introduce natural deduction as a proof system, and proves soundness. You can join this seminar from anywhere, on any device, at This video

From playlist Foundations seminar

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Michael R. Douglas - How will we do mathematics in 2030?

Abstract: We make the case that over the coming decade, computer assisted reasoning will become far more widely used in the mathematical sciences. This includes interactive and automatic theorem verification, symbolic algebra, and emerging technologies such as formal knowledge repositories

From playlist 2nd workshop Nokia-IHES / AI: what's next?

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Learn to basics of eliminating the parameter with sine and cosine

Learn how to eliminate the parameter in a parametric equation. A parametric equation is a set of equations that express a set of quantities as explicit functions of a number of independent variables, known as parameters. Eliminating the parameter allows us to write parametric equation in r

From playlist Parametric Equations

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The Cube Root Of True

We give a basic construction in paraconsistent logic. If people want to know more about this, I can say a bit more.

From playlist Mathematical Shenanigans

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Deduction theorem