
Palatini identity

In general relativity and tensor calculus, the Palatini identity is: where denotes the variation of Christoffel symbols and indicates covariant differentiation. A proof can be found in the entry Einstein–Hilbert action. The "same" identity holds for the Lie derivative . In fact, one has: where denotes any vector field on the spacetime manifold . (Wikipedia).

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Gravitational radiation from post-Newtonian sources.... by Luc Blanchet (Lecture - 1)

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Jerzy Lewandowski: The quantum states and operators of the canonical LQG

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Lec 12. Einstein's General Relativity and Gravitation: Field Equations 2

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13. The Einstein field equation (variant derivation).

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A Paradigm for Dark Matter by Chethan Krishnan

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Using the Pythagorean identity to verify an identity

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Trig identities - What are they?

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How to verify a trig identity by factoring

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How to verify a trig identity by factoring

👉 Learn how to verify Pythagoras trigonometric identities. A Pythagoras trigonometric identity is a trigonometric identity of the form sin^2 (x) + cos^2 (x) or any of its derivations. To verify trigonometric expression means to verify that the term(s) on the left-hand side of the equality

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How to verify a trigonometric identity by using pythagorean identities

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Verify an identity using the pythagorean identities

👉 Learn how to verify Pythagoras trigonometric identities. A Pythagoras trigonometric identity is a trigonometric identity of the form sin^2 (x) + cos^2 (x) or any of its derivations. To verify trigonometric expression means to verify that the term(s) on the left-hand side of the equality

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A conversation between Lee Smolin and Stephen Wolfram

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Robustness of GR. Attempts to Modify Gravity, part 3 - Nima Arkani-Hamed

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Verify an identity by multiplying by the conjugate

👉 Learn how to verify Pythagoras trigonometric identities. A Pythagoras trigonometric identity is a trigonometric identity of the form sin^2 (x) + cos^2 (x) or any of its derivations. To verify trigonometric expression means to verify that the term(s) on the left-hand side of the equality

From playlist Verify Trigonometric Identities

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Use pythagorean identities to verify an identity

👉 Learn how to verify Pythagoras trigonometric identities. A Pythagoras trigonometric identity is a trigonometric identity of the form sin^2 (x) + cos^2 (x) or any of its derivations. To verify trigonometric expression means to verify that the term(s) on the left-hand side of the equality

From playlist Verify Trigonometric Identities

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How to verify a trigonometric identity by factoring

👉 Learn how to verify Pythagoras trigonometric identities. A Pythagoras trigonometric identity is a trigonometric identity of the form sin^2 (x) + cos^2 (x) or any of its derivations. To verify trigonometric expression means to verify that the term(s) on the left-hand side of the equality

From playlist Verify Trigonometric Identities

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