General topology | Algebraic topology

Pair of spaces

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How to Find the Intersection of Two Sets with Numbers Short Video

Please Subscribe here, thank you!!! How to Find the Intersection of Two Sets with Numbers Short Video

From playlist Functions, Sets, and Relations

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Duality Argument

In this video, I present a very classical example of a duality argument: Namely, I show that T^T is one-to-one if and only if T is onto and use that to show that T is one-to-one if and only if T^T is onto. This illustrates the beautiful interplay between a vector space and its dual space,

From playlist Dual Spaces

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Metric spaces -- Proofs

This lecture is on Introduction to Higher Mathematics (Proofs). For more see

From playlist Proofs

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Dual basis

Dual basis definition and proof that it's a basis In this video, given a basis beta of a vector space V, I define the dual basis beta* of V*, and show that it's indeed a basis. We'll see many more applications of this concept later on, but this video already shows that it's straightforwar

From playlist Dual Spaces

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Dual Basis Example

In this video, I show how to explicitly calculate dual bases. More specifically, I find the dual basis corresponding to the basis (2,1) and (3,1) of R^2. Hopefully this will give you a better idea of how dual bases work. Subscribe to my channel: What is

From playlist Dual Spaces

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What are opposite rays

👉 Learn essential definitions of points, lines, and planes. A point defines a position in space. A line is a set of points. A line can be created by a minimum of two points. A plane is a flat surface made up of at least three points. A plane contains infinite number of lines. A ray is a li

From playlist Points Lines and Planes

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What are opposite rays

👉 Learn essential definitions of points, lines, and planes. A point defines a position in space. A line is a set of points. A line can be created by a minimum of two points. A plane is a flat surface made up of at least three points. A plane contains infinite number of lines. A ray is a li

From playlist Points Lines and Planes

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What are opposite Rays

👉 Learn essential definitions of points, lines, and planes. A point defines a position in space. A line is a set of points. A line can be created by a minimum of two points. A plane is a flat surface made up of at least three points. A plane contains infinite number of lines. A ray is a li

From playlist Points Lines and Planes

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What is the Symmetric Difference of 2 Sets?

What is the symmetric difference of 2 sets? In this video we go over the symmetric difference of sets, explaining it in a couple ways including what is probably the briefest way. The symmetric difference of two sets A and B is (A union B)-(A intersect B). If you need to know what the defin

From playlist Set Theory

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Lara Ismert: "Heisenberg Pairs on Hilbert C*-modules"

Actions of Tensor Categories on C*-algebras 2021 "Heisenberg Pairs on Hilbert C*-modules" Lara Ismert - Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Mathematics Abstract: Roughly speaking, a Heisenberg pair on a Hilbert space is a pair of self-adjoint operators (A,B) which satisfy the Heisenber

From playlist Actions of Tensor Categories on C*-algebras 2021

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Pierrick Bousseau - Gromov-Witten Invariants of Complete Intersections II

I will describe an inductive algorithm computing Gromov-Witten invariants in all genera with arbitrary insertions of all smooth complete intersections in projective space. This uses a monodromy analysis, as well as new degeneration and splitting formulas for nodal Gromov--Witten invariants

From playlist Workshop on Quantum Geometry

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MAST30026 Lecture 7: Constructing topological spaces (Part 2)

I defined the disjoint union of topological spaces, quotient spaces and the pushout. Lecture notes: The class webpage: Have questions? I hold free public online office hours for this class, every

From playlist MAST30026 Metric and Hilbert spaces

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Landau-Ginzburg - Seminar 5 - From quadratic forms to bicategories

This seminar series is about the bicategory of Landau-Ginzburg models LG, hypersurface singularities and matrix factorisations. In this seminar Dan Murfet starts with quadratic forms and introduces Clifford algebras, their modules and bimodules and explains how these fit into a bicategory

From playlist Metauni

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MAST30026 Lecture 20: Hilbert space (Part 2)

I continued with the basic theory of inner product spaces and Hilbert spaces, by defining orthogonal complements and proving that every closed vector subspace of a Hilbert space gives rise to a direct sum decomposition of the Hilbert space. Then we proved the Riesz representation theorem,

From playlist MAST30026 Metric and Hilbert spaces

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LC001.04 - Exterior algebra as a Hilbert space

Introduces the natural Hilbert space structure on the exterior algebra, and relates the wedge product and contraction operators to creation and annihilation operators in quantum mechanics. This video is a recording made in a virtual world (

From playlist Metauni

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Jørgen E Andersen - Geometric Recursion with a View Towards Resurgence

We shall review the geometric recursion and its relation to topological recursion. In particular, we shall consider the target theory of continuous functions on Teichmüller spaces and we shall exhibit a number of classes of mapping class group invariant f

From playlist Resurgence in Mathematics and Physics

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Ulrich Bauer (3/4/22): Gromov hyperbolicity, geodesic defect, and apparent pairs in Rips filtrations

Motivated by computational aspects of persistent homology for Vietoris-Rips filtrations, we generalize a result of Eliyahu Rips on the contractibility of Vietoris-Rips complexes of geodesic spaces for a suitable parameter depending on the hyperbolicity of the space. We consider the notion

From playlist Vietoris-Rips Seminar

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Intersection of Planes on Geogebra

In this video, we look at a strategy for finding the intersection of planes on Geogebra.

From playlist Geogebra

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LG/CFT seminar - Poisson structures 2

This is a seminar series on the Landau-Ginzburg / Conformal Field Theory correspondence, and various mathematical ingredients related to it. This particular lecture is about Poisson varieties and Poisson manifolds, including the concept of rank. This video was recorded in the pocket Delta

From playlist Landau-Ginzburg seminar

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