Cationic surfactants


Pahutoxin, formerly called ostracitoxin, is a neurotoxin present in the mucous secretions of boxfish (Ostraciidae) skin, while under stress. It is an ichthyotoxic, hemolytic, nonpeptide (which is relatively unusual, although similar to tetrodotoxin in this way) toxin. It is heat-stable and non-, that is, foamed in aqueous solutions, and is toxic to various biological systems. It is unique among known fish poisons. It is toxic to other boxfish as well and looks like red tide and sea cucumber toxins in general properties. Although it is not recommended, it is a growing trend to keep boxfish in a home aquarium. Members of the family Ostraciidae secrete an ichthyotoxic mucus from their skin when stressed or disturbed. The boxfish must be alive to synthesize its bodily chemicals into the toxin, therefore it cannot release its toxin after it dies. It may, however, have residual toxin if it were in the process of releasing toxin when it died. (Wikipedia).

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Human Papillomavirus (HPV)

Human papillomavirus, or HPV, is a virus that many people are familiar with, as it is unbelievably prevalent in the human population. But there are many strains that do different things in the body, as they invade different types of tissues, so let's learn more about the structure of this

From playlist Microbiology/Infectious Diseases

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Pap Test

For Employees of Hospitals, Schools, Universities and Libraries: Download 8 FREE medical animations from Nucleus by signing up for a free trial: Biology students: Subscribe to the Nucleus Biology channel to see new animations on

From playlist Women's Health (OB/GYN)

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Acetaminophen/Paracetamol (Tylenol)

Acetaminophen, more commonly known by brand names such as Tylenol, is not a true NSAID, as it does not have anti-inflammatory properties. However, it is commonly discussed alongside NSAIDs as it has similar antipyretic and analgesic properties. Although its mechanism of action is not well-

From playlist Pharmacology

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An general explanation of the underactive thyroid.

From playlist For Patients

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Ibuprofen and Naproxen (Advil/Motrin/Aleve)

Ibuprofen is another one of the most commonly prescribed drugs in the world, and is also another NSAID. It was developed in the 1960s, so let's get a closer look at ibuprofen and a similar drug named naproxen, so that we can compare their properties and applications. Script by Chris Hofma

From playlist Pharmacology

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Methotrexate (Rheumatoid Arthritis Drug)

In the previous tutorial we introduced antirheumatic drugs called DMARDs. Now let's discuss in greater detail a particular small molecule DMARD called methotrexate. This was originally designed to be an anti-cancer drug, but it was fortuitously found to be effective against rheumatoid arth

From playlist Pharmacology

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Poliomyelitis (Poliovirus)

Poliomyelitis is a disease caused by the poliovirus, which has the ability to infect motor neurons in the spinal cord and cause paralysis. American President Franklin Roosevelt was famously crippled by polio. The poliovirus exists in a few different serotypes, which belong to the genus ent

From playlist Microbiology/Infectious Diseases

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Aspirin (Acetylsalicylic Acid)

Now that we understand the basics regarding NSAIDs, let's dive into a few specific drugs from this class. First up, aspirin. This drug has been around for centuries, but now with a modern understanding of chemistry and biochemistry, we are able to understand its precise structure and mecha

From playlist Pharmacology

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Human Papillomavirus | HPV | Nucleus Health

Visit our website to learn about using Nucleus animations for patient engagement and content marketing: This 3D medical animation shows an overview of the different types of human papillo

From playlist Nucleus Medical Animations in English

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Physics experiments Measure Laplace force (science demonstrations)

Physics (la physique).Measure Laplace force on a wire with electronic scale.


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