

The term p-process (p for proton) is used in two ways in the scientific literature concerning the astrophysical origin of the elements (nucleosynthesis). Originally it referred to a proton capture process which is the source of certain, naturally occurring, neutron-deficient isotopes of the elements from selenium to mercury. These nuclides are called p-nuclei and their origin is still not completely understood. Although it was shown that the originally suggested process cannot produce the p-nuclei, later on the term p-process was sometimes used to generally refer to any nucleosynthesis process supposed to be responsible for the p-nuclei. Often, the two meanings are confused. Recent scientific literature therefore suggests to use the term p-process only for the actual proton capture process, as it is customary with other nucleosynthesis processes in astrophysics. (Wikipedia).

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106 Solving for x

Using Sympy to solve algebraic expressions and equations.

From playlist Introduction to Pyhton for mathematical programming

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108 Matrices

Various manipulations of matrices including teh caclulation of eigenvalues and eigenvectors.

From playlist Introduction to Pyhton for mathematical programming

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107 Differential Equations

Setting up and solving ordinary differential equations with constant coefficients.

From playlist Introduction to Pyhton for mathematical programming

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102 Printing mathematical symbols in Sympy

How to output your mathematical code using an in built Sympy printer.

From playlist Introduction to Pyhton for mathematical programming

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pneumatic reciprocation circuit This pneumatic circuit shows working principle of a simple reciprocation circuit by using two 3 port 2 ways valve and one 5 port 4 ways valve. 2 way valves supply pressurized air two pilot ports of the 4 way valve. You can see the other pne

From playlist Pneumatic and Hydraulics

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Closed Center Valve This is a flash animation of a hydraulic closed center valve.

From playlist Pneumatic and Hydraulics

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003 The Math Module

Extending the capabilities of Python with the Math module

From playlist Introduction to Pyhton for mathematical programming

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001 Introduction

A brief introduction to Python. Where to go to download Python and what to install.

From playlist Introduction to Pyhton for mathematical programming

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Understanding the basic reproduction number via branching process by Sujit Kumar Nath

Seminar Understanding the basic reproduction number via branching process Speaker: Sujit Kumar Nath (University of Leeds) Date: Wed, 30 September 2020, 15:00 to 16:30 Venue: Online seminar Abstract Branching process is a random process having many applications in physics, biology a

From playlist Seminar Series

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13. Bernoulli Process

MIT 6.041 Probabilistic Systems Analysis and Applied Probability, Fall 2010 View the complete course: Instructor: John Tsitsiklis License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA More information at More courses at

From playlist MIT 6.041SC Probabilistic Systems Analysis and Applied Probability, Fall 2013

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Reduced form Setting undr Model Uncertainty w/ Nonlinear Affine Intensities - Prof Francesca Biagini

Abstract In this talk we present a market model including financial assets and life insurance liabilities within a reduced-form framework under model uncertainty by following [1]. In particular we extend this framework to include mortality intensities following an affine process unde

From playlist Uncertainty and Risk

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Peter Imkeller: An introduction to BSDE

Abstract: Backward stochastic differential equations have been a very successful and active tool for stochastic finance and insurance for some decades. More generally they serve as a central method in applications of control theory in many areas. We introduce BSDE by looking at a simple ut

From playlist Probability and Statistics

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Molecular Noise, Non-stationarity and Memory in Single-enzyme Kinetics by Arti Dua

PROGRAM STATISTICAL BIOLOGICAL PHYSICS: FROM SINGLE MOLECULE TO CELL ORGANIZERS: Debashish Chowdhury (IIT-Kanpur, India), Ambarish Kunwar (IIT-Bombay, India) and Prabal K Maiti (IISc, India) DATE: 11 October 2022 to 22 October 2022 VENUE: Ramanujan Lecture Hall 'Fluctuation-and-noise' a


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19. Countable-state Markov Processes

MIT 6.262 Discrete Stochastic Processes, Spring 2011 View the complete course: Instructor: Robert Gallager License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA More information at More courses at

From playlist MIT 6.262 Discrete Stochastic Processes, Spring 2011

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Modelling adaptation by Lindi Wahl

Program Fourth Bangalore School on Population Genetics and Evolution ORGANIZERS: Deepa Agashe and Kavita Jain DATE: 27 January 2020 to 07 February 2020 VENUE: Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore No living organism escapes evolutionary change, and evolutionary biology thus connect

From playlist Fourth Bangalore School On Population Genetics And Evolution

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Alexander Bufetov: Determinantal point processes - Lecture 3

Abstract: Determinantal point processes arise in a wide range of problems in asymptotic combinatorics, representation theory and mathematical physics, especially the theory of random matrices. While our understanding of determinantal point processes has greatly advanced in the last 20 year

From playlist Probability and Statistics

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Percolation: a Mathematical Phase Transition

—————SOURCES———————————————————————— Percolation – Béla Bollobás and Oliver Riordan Cambridge University Press, New York, 2006. Sixty Years of Percolation – Hugo Duminil-Copin Percolation – Geoffrey Grimmett volume 321 of Grundlehren der Ma

From playlist Prob and Stats

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Thermodynamic Cycle on a Pressure Volume Diagram

Thermodynamic Cycle on a Pressure Volume Diagram Thanks to Jacob Bowman for making this video for my channel!

From playlist Physics

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C Programming: Sorting and searching arrays of structs

In this session we learn how to sort an array of structs, then search it using the built-in binary search (bsearch) function.

From playlist C Programming

Related pages

S-process | Electric charge | Proton | Temperature | Neutron capture nucleosynthesis | Atomic nucleus | R-process | Neutron | Rp-process | Photodisintegration