Semiconductor material types

Organic photorefractive materials

Organic photorefractive materials are materials that exhibit a temporary change in refractive index when exposed to light. The changing refractive index causes light to change speed throughout the material and produce light and dark regions in the crystal. The buildup can be controlled to produce holographic images for use in biomedical scans and optical computing. The ease with which the chemical composition can be changed in organic materials makes the photorefractive effect more controllable. (Wikipedia).

Organic photorefractive materials
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What Is Thermosetting and Thermosoftening Polymers | Organic Chemistry | Chemistry | FuseSchool

Learn the basics about thermosetting and thermosoftening polymers, when learning about polymers as a part of organic chemistry. A polymer is a macromolecule made of many monomers, or repeating units. The properties of these polymers depend on a variety of factors – the monomer unit, the

From playlist CHEMISTRY

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Organic Molecules Overview

This video is an overview on the four main organic compounds: proteins, lipids, nucleic acids, and carbohydrates. Questions? Feel free to post them in the comments and I'll do my best to answer!

From playlist Biology

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Peterson Olefination

Next in the series of olefination reactions is the Peterson olefination. This uses alpha-halo silanes and is quite fascinating, with a number of unique advantages. Namely, the stereochemistry of the alkene product can be controlled by using either acid or base. How does this work? Let's ta

From playlist Organic Chemistry

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Why We Don't Have Real Holograms Yet (Part 2 of 3)

There are holograms on currency, credit cards, CD cases and more-- but they’re not the same as ones we see in movies. Where are the life-sized holograms? Part 1 of 3 - Part 3 of 3 - Coming Soon! Read More: How can you store a beam of light? https://www.exp

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Organic Compounds


From playlist Biology

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Michael Weinstein: Waves and microstructures

Find this video and other talks given by worldwide mathematicians on CIRM's Audiovisual Mathematics Library: And discover all its functionalities: - Chapter markers and keywords to watch the parts of your choice in the video - Videos enriched with abstracts, b

From playlist Partial Differential Equations

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Breaking Barriers: Ellen Ochoa's Journey from Stanford to Space

In 1993, flying aboard NASA’s Discovery shuttle, Ellen Ochoa, MS ’81, PhD ’85, became the first Latina to travel to space. Tune in as she reflects on her barrier-breaking life journey, which has included four separate missions, 1,000 hours in orbit, a role in the first docking to the Inter

From playlist Stanford Engineering Heroes

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Uses Of Polymers | Organic Chemistry | Chemistry | FuseSchool

DESCRIPTION Learn the basics about the uses of polymers, as a part of organic chemistry. Learn about PVC and PTFE. Different polymers have their specific uses and also problems associated with polymers. Polymers are long chain organic molecules made by repeating monomer units. There ar

From playlist CHEMISTRY

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Organolithium Reagents

We've seen one organometallic reagent before, the Grignard reagent. That had magnesium in it. Well now let's learn another! Organolithium reagents are commonly used, so let's see what they do. Watch the whole Organic Chemistry playlist: General Chemistry Tut

From playlist Organic Chemistry

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Hydrocarbons - Aliphatic vs Aromatic Molecules - Saturated & Unsaturated Compounds

This organic chemistry video tutorial provides a basic introduction into hydrocarbons. It explains the difference between aliphatic hydrocarbons and aromatic hydrocarbons as well as saturated hydrocarbons and unsaturated hydrocarbons. It covers the difference between alkanes, alkenes, al

From playlist New Organic Chemistry Playlist

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Seeing Is Believing

(February 2, 2010) Carla Shatz, professor of biology and neurobiology at the Stanford School of Medicine, discusses the visual processes of the brain, while Mark Blumenkranz, professor of opthalmology at Stanford Medical Center, focuses on developments in ophthalmological treatment. Stanf

From playlist Lecture Collection | Mini Med School

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Ozonolysis? Ozone is in the sky, right? That thing that shields us from UV light? That's right friend, but ozone is also used in the lab to cleave carbon-carbon double bonds. Check it out if you don't believe me. Watch the whole Organic Chemistry playlist:

From playlist Organic Chemistry

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Making The Dye That’s in Your Jeans (Indigo)

In this video we are going to make the dye in your jeans. Indigo is a blue pigment and we are going to make it in this video. Patreon: Discord: (Let me know if the discord link does not work) Instagram:

From playlist Organic Chemistry

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Light and Beyond (Lecture 4) by Rajaram Nityananda

SUMMER COURSES : LIGHT AND BEYOND SPEAKER : Rajaram Nityananda (Azim Premji University) DATE : 31 May 2020 to 28 June 2020 VENUE : Online Lectures and Tutorials This short and intensive advanced undergraduate level course starts with the understanding of light as an electromagnetic wave

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Astronomy - Ch. 12: Mars (53 of 62) Viking's Search for Life - The Mass Spectrometer Test

Visit for more math and science lectures! To donate: We will learn about the mass spectrometer test Viking 1 lander where the gas chromatograph mass spectromer (GCMS) test is used to det

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Materialism Podcast Ep 23: μ-Bioprinting

Printing human organs? Replacing worn-out body parts with fresh, newly printed ones? This sounds like science fiction but in some ways, it's already here! From kidneys to bladders and even more complex organs the bizarre future of 3D-bioprinting is here! In this micro-materialism episode w

From playlist Materialism Podcast

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Synthetic Biology and Materials Science Part 1: Biological Manufacturing

We've discussed some aspects of biotechnology already, but we have yet to discuss the promising field of synthetic biology. We are now able to manipulate biological organisms in ways that have technological applications, and one of the most important of these applications has to do with ma

From playlist Biology/Genetics

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New Mars Science Results

NASA discusses new science results from NASA's Mars Curiosity rover. The media and public are invited to ask questions. Michelle Thaller, assistant director of science for communications, in NASA's Planetary Science Division will host the chat. Participants include: Paul Mahaffy, directo

From playlist Mars

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Introduction to Inorganic and Organometallic Chemistry

So far we've learned a lot about general chemistry and organic chemistry, so let's move into inorganic chemistry and organometallic chemistry. In this series we will investigate all the elements on the periodic table that were ignored in organic chemistry, especially the transition metals.

From playlist Inorganic/Organometallic Chemistry

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Active processes in cells and tissues (Lecture 1) by Frank Jülicher

INFOSYS-ICTS TURING LECTURES ACTIVE PROCESSES IN CELLS AND TISSUES SPEAKER: Frank Jülicher (Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden, Germany) DATE: 09 December 2019, 16:00 to 17:30 VENUE: Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS-TIFR, Bengaluru Living matter is highly dyn

From playlist Infosys-ICTS Turing Lectures

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