Game theory

Null move

In game theory, a null move or pass is a decision by a player to not make a move when it is that player's turn to move. Even though null moves are against the rules of many games, they are often useful to consider when analyzing these games. Examples of this include the analysis of zugzwang (a situation in chess or other games in which a null move, if it were allowed, would be better than any other move), and the null-move heuristic in game tree analysis (a method of pruning game trees involving making a null move and then searching to a lower depth). The reason a reduced-depth null move is effective in game tree alpha-beta search reduction is that tactical threats tend to show up very quickly, in just one or two moves. If the opponent has no tactical threats revealed by null move search, the position may be good enough to exceed the best result obtainable in another branch of the tree (i.e. "beta"), so that no further search need be done from the current node, and the result from the null move can be returned as the search value. Even if the null move search value doesn't exceed beta, the returned value may set a higher floor on the valuation of the position than the present alpha, so more cutoffs will occur at descendant sibling nodes from the position. The underlying assumption is that at least some legal move available to the player on move at the node is better than no move at all. In the case of the player on move being in zugzwang, that assumption is false, and the null move result is invalid (in that case, it actually sets a ceiling on the value of the position). Therefore it is necessary to have logic to exclude null moves at nodes in the tree where zugzwang is possible. In chess, zugzwang positions can occur in king and pawn endgames, and sometimes in end games that include other pieces as well. (Wikipedia).

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Null space of a matrix

In this video I start to discuss the idea of the null space of a matrix. In these situations, the right-hand side of all the equations in the linear system is equal to zero. There is the trivial solution, where all the elements of the solution is zero. We are more interested in the spec

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Null space of a matrix example

In today's lecture I work through an example to show you a well-known pitfall when it comes to the null space of a matrix. In the example I show you how to create the special cases and how to use them to represent the null space. There is also a quick look at the NullSpace function in Ma

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Null points and null lines | Universal Hyperbolic Geometry 12 | NJ Wildberger

Null points and null lines are central in universal hyperbolic geometry. By definition a null point is just a point which lies on its dual line, and dually a null line is just a line which passes through its dual point. We extend the rational parametrization of the unit circle to the proj

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Null space examples

In this video we finish with three more example of calculating the null space of a matrix. These three example help us gain an even deeper insight into the null space by consider how many special cases we will get. Remember that the linear combinations of the special cases give us the nu

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Rank Nullity Theorem

Proof of the Rank-Nullity Theorem, one of the cornerstones of linear algebra. Intuitively, it says that the rank and the nullity of a linear transformation are related: the more vectors T sends to 0, the smaller its range. The proof is especially elegant and uses important concepts in line

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Null space of a matrix using sympy

In this video I give a brief overview of the null space of a matrix and how to calculate (y hand) the column vectors that will make up the null space of the column. This becomes much easier in sympy, by simply using the nullspace function. If you want to learn more about the null space o

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Null Space: Is a Vector in a Null Space? Find a Basis for a Null Space

This video explains how to determine if a vector is in a null space and how to find a basis for a null space.

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Kotlin Interview Questions and Answers For 2022 | Kotlin Interview Questions | Simplilearn

Kotlin is a type-inferred, cross-platform, statically typed general-purpose programming language. The JVM version of Kotlin's standard library relies on the Java Class Library, and Kotlin is meant to work seamlessly with Java. In this video on Kotlin interview questions, we will cover all

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C: Pointer arithmetic and the call stack

In this video I show examples of pointer arithmetic. In particular, C strings (which are just arrays of chars). I also briefly go over the C call stack and show an example of a function being called.

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C Programming: More string functions

Let's learn how a few more string functions work: trim newline, substring search. Plus: returning pointers instead of an index. Finally, we'll answer questions about the CSI assignment.

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Data Structure Full Course 2023 - Part 1 | Data Structures Course Using C and C++ | Simplilearn

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Singly-Linked Lists

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Null Space and Column Space of a Matrix

Given a matrix A(ie a linear transformation) there are several important related subspaces. In this video we investigate the Nullspace of A and the column space of A. The null space is the vectors that are "killed" by the transformation - ie sent to zero. The column space will be the image

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Computing the Four Fundamental Subspaces

MIT 18.06SC Linear Algebra, Fall 2011 View the complete course: Instructor: Ben Harris A teaching assistant works through a problem on the four fundamental subspaces. License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA More information at More cour

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Null-move heuristic | Zugzwang | Game theory | Game tree