Morse theory | Commutative algebra | Ring theory

Novikov ring

In mathematics, given an additive subgroup , the Novikov ring of is the subring of consisting of formal sums such that and . The notion was introduced by Sergei Novikov in the papers that initiated the generalization of Morse theory using a closed one-form instead of a function. The notion is used in quantum cohomology, among the others. The Novikov ring is a principal ideal domain. Let S be the subset of consisting of those with leading term 1. Since the elements of S are unit elements of , the localization of with respect to S is a subring of called the "rational part" of ; it is also a principal ideal domain. (Wikipedia).

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Symphony of the Rings - Linking Rings

With some moves from Jeff McBride and Dan Harlan

From playlist My Magic

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(English Version: - 这个三维动画介绍了右髋关节的全髋关节置换术。该手术包括切开、露出髋关节、放置髋臼修复假体(窝)、割掉发炎的股沟头、放置股骨头假体(球)。

From playlist 在中国医学动画

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The Lenovo Tapes - Wayne

A viral film we created for Lenovo featuring futuristic technology from their R&D labs.

From playlist Lenovo: For Those Who Do.

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How I Use Simulink

This video I created to Simulink Student Challenge contest.

From playlist Simulink Student Challenge 2012 Entries

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Jeremy Hahn : Prismatic and syntomic cohomology of ring spectra

CONFERENCE Recording during the thematic meeting : « Chromatic Homotopy, K-Theory and Functors» the January 24, 2023 at the Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques (Marseille, France) Filmmaker: Jean Petit Find this video and other talks given by worldwide mathematicians on CIR

From playlist Topology

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Versality for the relative Fukaya category - Nick Sheridan

Speaker: Nick Sheridan Title: Versality for the relative Fukaya category Affiliation: IAS Date: November 9, 2016 For more video, visit

From playlist Mathematics

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Georges Skandalis - K-théorie à coefficients réels...

K-théorie à coefficients réels et une conjecture de Baum-Connes localisée à l'élément neutre Une difficulté de la conjecture de Baum-Connes, déjà remarquée par Alain Valette, est que, alors que la K-théorie topologique K*top(Γ) d’un groupe – le 'membre de gauche’ de cette conjectu

From playlist Groupes, géométrie et analyse : conférence en l'honneur des 60 ans d'Alain Valette

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Quantum cohomology as a deformation of symplectic cohomology - Nicolas Sheridan

IAS/PU-Montreal-Paris-Tel-Aviv Symplectic Geometry Topic: Quantum cohomology as a deformation of symplectic cohomology Speaker: Nicolas Sheridan Affiliation: University of Edinburgh Date: November 13, 2020 For more video please visit

From playlist Mathematics

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On Floer cohomology and non-archimedian geometry - Mohammed Abouzaid

Mohammed Abouzaid Columbia University February 14, 2014 Ideas of Kontsevich-Soibelman and Fukaya indicate that there is a natural rigid analytic space (the mirror) associated to a symplectic manifold equipped with a Lagrangian torus fibration. I will explain a construction which associates

From playlist Mathematics

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Tsar bomba

The Tsar Bomba footage 50Mt. The largest nuclear detonation in history.

From playlist Best of Science!

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Emanuele Dotto: Real topological Hochschild homology and the Hermitian K-theory...

Emanuele Dotto: Real topological Hochschild homology and the Hermitian K theory of Z2 equivariant rin The lecture was held within the framework of the Hausdorff Trimester Program: K-Theory and Related Fields. Real topological Hochschild homology (THR) is a Z/2-equivariant spectrum introd

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Family Floer theory and mirror symmetry - Mohammed Abouzaid

Workshop on Homological Mirror Symmetry: Methods and Structures Speaker Mohammed Abouzaid Title: Family Floer theory and mirror symmetry Affiliation: IAS Date: November 11, 2016 For more video, visit

From playlist Mathematics

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Gromov–Witten Invariants and the Virasoro Conjecture. III by Ezra Getzler

J-Holomorphic Curves and Gromov-Witten Invariants DATE:25 December 2017 to 04 January 2018 VENUE:Madhava Lecture Hall, ICTS, Bangalore Holomorphic curves are a central object of study in complex algebraic geometry. Such curves are meaningful even when the target has an almost complex stru

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Ualbai Umirbaev, Wayne State University

September 30, Ualbai Umirbaev, Wayne State University Some combinatorial questions of differential polynomial algebras

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This levitron manufactured by my friend İzzet Özgöçmen. We enjoyed playing with it.

From playlist Izzet Özgöçmen

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The Computational Complexity of Geometric Topology Problems - Greg Kuperberg

Greg Kuperberg University of California, Davis September 24, 2012 This talk will be a partial survey of the first questions in the complexity theory of geometric topology problems. What is the complexity, or what are known complexity bounds, for distinguishing n-manifolds for various n? Fo

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