Formal languages

Noncontracting grammar

In formal language theory, a grammar is noncontracting (or monotonic) if all of its production rules are of the form α → β where α and β are strings of nonterminal and terminal symbols, and the length of α is less than or equal to that of β, |α| ≤ |β|, that is β is not shorter than α. A grammar is essentially noncontracting if there may be one exception, namely, a ruleS → εwhere S is the start symbol and ε the empty string, and furthermore, S never occurs in the right-hand side of any rule. None of the rules of a noncontracting grammar decreases the length of the string that is being rewritten. If each rule even properly increases the length, the grammar is called a growing context-sensitive grammar. (Wikipedia).

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Determining the negation of a hypothesis and conclusion from a statement

👉 Learn how to find the negation of a statement. The negation of a statement is the opposite of the statement. It is the 'not' of a statement. If a statement is represented by p, then the negation is represented by ~p. For example, The statement "It is raining" has a negation of "It is not

From playlist Negation of a Statement

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What is the negation of a statement and examples

👉 Learn how to find the negation of a statement. The negation of a statement is the opposite of the statement. It is the 'not' of a statement. If a statement is represented by p, then the negation is represented by ~p. For example, The statement "It is raining" has a negation of "It is not

From playlist Negation of a Statement

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What are Non-Classical logics?

Some of the general classes of non-classical logics I touch in this videos are linear logic, relevant logic, modal logic, many-valued logics, minimal logic, paraconsistent logics and so on and so forth. Let me know if I should dive deeping into a certain scene?

From playlist Programming

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Definition of a Surjective Function and a Function that is NOT Surjective

We define what it means for a function to be surjective and explain the intuition behind the definition. We then do an example where we show a function is not surjective. Surjective functions are also called onto functions. Useful Math Supplies My Recording Gear ht

From playlist Injective, Surjective, and Bijective Functions

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Spectral invariants for contactomorphisms of prequantization bundles and applications - Zapolsky

Princeton/IAS Symplectic Geometry Seminar Topic: Spectral invariants for contactomorphisms of prequantization bundles and applications Speaker: Frol Zapolsky Date: Thursday, February 18 I'll outline the construction and computation of a Floer homology theory for contact manifolds which ar

From playlist Mathematics

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Active vs Passive Voice in Your Writing

Have you ever noticed how some parts of your writing work really well, while other parts aren’t so great? You can improve those dull sentences if you consider how you structure them. There are two voices in writing: active and passive. In the active voice, the subject of a sentence acts,

From playlist Grammar

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Learn how to identify the discontinuities as removable or non removable

👉 Learn how to find the removable and non-removable discontinuity of a function. A function is said to be discontinuous at a point when there is a gap in the graph of the function at that point. A discontinuity is said to be removable when there is a factor in the numerator which can cance

From playlist Find the Asymptotes of Rational Functions

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Improved contraction methods for discrete boundary value problems

This work features new mathematical research. It analyzes a two--point boundary value problem (BVP) involving a first--order difference equation, known as the ``discrete'' BVP. Some sufficient conditions are formulated under which the discrete BVP will possess a unique solution. The inno

From playlist Mathematical analysis and applications

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Ex: Add and Subtract Rational Expressions - Opposite Denominators

This video provides two examples of how to add and subtraction rational expressions when the denominators are opposites. Library: Search:

From playlist Adding and Subtracting Rational Expressions

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C. Judge - Systoles in translation surfaces

I will discuss joint work with Hugo Parlier concerning the shortest noncontractible loops—’systoles’—in a translation surface. In particular, we provide estimates (some sharp) on the number of systoles (up to homotopy) in the strata H(2g-2) and the stratum H(1,1). We also determine the ma

From playlist Ecole d'été 2018 - Teichmüller dynamics, mapping class groups and applications

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What are removable and non-removable discontinuties

👉 Learn how to find the removable and non-removable discontinuity of a function. A function is said to be discontinuous at a point when there is a gap in the graph of the function at that point. A discontinuity is said to be removable when there is a factor in the numerator which can cance

From playlist Find the Asymptotes of Rational Functions

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Definition of an Injective Function and Sample Proof

We define what it means for a function to be injective and do a simple proof where we show a specific function is injective. Injective functions are also called one-to-one functions. Useful Math Supplies My Recording Gear (these are my affil

From playlist Injective, Surjective, and Bijective Functions

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Computation Ep19, Linear Grammars (Mar 8, 2022)

This is a recording of a live class for Math 3342, Theory of Computation, an undergraduate course for math and computer science majors at Fairfield University, Spring 2022. The course is about finite automata, Turing machines, and related topics. Homework and handouts at the class websi

From playlist Math 3342 (Theory of Computation) Spring 2022

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Context Free Languages

Theory of Computation 5. Context Free Languages ADUni

From playlist [Shai Simonson]Theory of Computation

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7.1: Intro to Session 7: Context-Free Grammar - Programming with Text

This video introduces Session 7: Context-Free Grammar from the ITP course "Programming from A to Z". A Context-Free Grammar is a set of recursive "replacement" rules to generate text. In this session, I discuss two JavaScript libraries: Tracery and RiTa.js for working with context-free gr

From playlist Programming with Text - All Videos

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Grammars: Theory of Computation (Mar 9 2021)

Grammars! This is a recording of a live class for Math 3342, Theory of Computation, an undergraduate course for math & computer science majors at Fairfield University, Spring 2021. Class website:

From playlist Math 3342 (Theory of Computation) Spring 2021

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Theory of Computation: Converting Stack Machines to CFGs

This video is for my Spring 2020 section of MA 342, for the class meeting on Tuesday March 24. Visit the class website for homework as usual! Fast forward music is from "Now Get Busy" by the Beastie Boys, licensed Creative Commons Noncommercial Sampling Plus.

From playlist Math 342 (Theory of Computation) Spring 2020

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Ruby Conference 2007 Treetop: Syntactic Analysis with Ruby by Nathan Sobo

Help us caption & translate this video!

From playlist Ruby Conference 2007

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Concrete nouns are nouns that can be heard, tasted, smelled, touched, or seen. Abstract nouns are nouns that can be believed, felt emotionally, understood, learned, or known. LIKE AND SHARE THE VIDEO IF IT HELPED! Support me on Patreon: Visit our website: http://

From playlist English Grammar

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Grammars & stack machines: Theory of Computation (Mar 23 2021)

This is a recording of a live class for Math 3342, Theory of Computation, an undergraduate course for math & computer science majors at Fairfield University, Spring 2021. Class website:

From playlist Math 3342 (Theory of Computation) Spring 2021

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Growing context-sensitive grammar | Context-sensitive language | Chomsky hierarchy | Formal grammar | Context-sensitive grammar | Pumping lemma for context-free languages | Context-free language | Kuroda normal form