Graph theory objects | Computational problems in graph theory


In graph theory, a nonblocker is a subset of vertices in an undirected graph, all of which are adjacent to vertices outside of the subset. Equivalently, a nonblocker is the complement of a dominating set. The computational problem of finding the largest nonblocker in a graph was formulated by , who observed that it belongs to MaxSNP.Although computing a dominating set is not fixed-parameter tractable under standard assumptions, the complementary problem of finding a nonblocker of a given size is fixed-parameter tractable. In graphs with no isolated vertices, every maximal nonblocker (one to which no more vertices can be added) is itself a dominating set. (Wikipedia).

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A14 Nonhomegeneous linear systems solved by undetermined coefficients

There are two methods for solving nonhomogeneous systems. The first uses undetermined coefficients.

From playlist A Second Course in Differential Equations

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What is the negation of a statement and examples

👉 Learn how to find the negation of a statement. The negation of a statement is the opposite of the statement. It is the 'not' of a statement. If a statement is represented by p, then the negation is represented by ~p. For example, The statement "It is raining" has a negation of "It is not

From playlist Negation of a Statement

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Determining the negation of a hypothesis and conclusion from a statement

👉 Learn how to find the negation of a statement. The negation of a statement is the opposite of the statement. It is the 'not' of a statement. If a statement is represented by p, then the negation is represented by ~p. For example, The statement "It is raining" has a negation of "It is not

From playlist Negation of a Statement

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Differential Equations | Variation of Parameters for a System of DEs

We solve a nonhomogeneous system of linear differential equations using the method of variation of parameters.

From playlist Systems of Differential Equations

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Differential Equations | Undetermined Coefficients for a System of DEs

We use the method of undetermined coefficients to solve a nonhomogeneous system of first order linear differential equations.

From playlist Systems of Differential Equations

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Zero-Phase Filtering for more great signal processing content, including concept/screenshot files, quizzes, MATLAB and data files. Noncausal filtering of stored data to obtain zero-phase response using the time-reversal property of the DFT, as implemented by the "filtfilt" comma

From playlist Introduction to Filter Design

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Derive the Variation of Parameters Formula to Solve Linear Second Order Nonhomogeneous DEs

This video derives or proves the variation of parameters formula used to find a particular solution and solve linear second order nonhomogeneous differential equations. Site:

From playlist Linear Second Order Nonhomogeneous Differential Equations: Variation of Parameters

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What Are Non-Minimum Phase Systems? | Control Systems in Practice

Check out the other videos in the series: Part 1 - What Does a Controls Engineer Do? Part 2 - What Is Gain Scheduling? Part 3 - What Is Feedforward Control? Part 4 - Why Time Delay Matters https://youtu.

From playlist Control Systems in Practice

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Find a General Solution to a Nonhomogeneous DE Using Undetermined Coefficients (Linear)

This video explains how to determine the general solution to a linear second order nonhomogeneous differential equation using the method of undetermined coefficients.

From playlist Linear Second Order Nonhomogeneous Differential Equations: Method of Undetermined Coefficients

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Introduction to Removable and Nonremovable Discontinuities

Introduction to Removable and Nonremovable Discontinuities A complete introduction with definitions, examples, and the intuition behind the definitions.

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