Theorems in quantum mechanics | Quantum measurement | Statistical mechanics theorems | Quantum information science

No-communication theorem

In physics, the no-communication theorem or no-signaling principle is a no-go theorem from quantum information theory which states that, during measurement of an entangled quantum state, it is not possible for one observer, by making a measurement of a subsystem of the total state, to communicate information to another observer. The theorem is important because, in quantum mechanics, quantum entanglement is an effect by which certain widely separated events can be correlated in ways that, at first glance, suggest the possibility of communication faster-than-light. The no-communication theorem gives conditions under which such transfer of information between two observers is impossible. These results can be applied to understand the so-called paradoxes in quantum mechanics, such as the EPR paradox, or violations of local realism obtained in tests of Bell's theorem. In these experiments, the no-communication theorem shows that failure of local realism does not lead to what could be referred to as "spooky communication at a distance" (in analogy with Einstein's labeling of quantum entanglement as requiring "spooky action at a distance" on the assumption of QM's completeness). (Wikipedia).

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Quantum Entanglement and The No-Communication Theorem

Quantum entanglement is a physical phenomenon that occurs when pairs or groups of particles are generated, interact, or share spatial proximity in ways such that the quantum state of each particle cannot be described independently of the state of the others, even when the particles are sep

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No-Cloning Theorem (Proof) | No-Broadcast Theorem | Quantum Mechanics

We present and prove the no-cloning theorem in #QuantumMechanics and mention the no-broadcast theorem, which is a generalization of the no-cloning theorem. For further information on the no-cloning theorem, we can recommend the book „Introduction to Quantum Mechanics“ by Griffiths, espec

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Introduction and Definition of Communication | Human Communication | Study Hall

You cannot escape communication! No matter what we're doing, we're always communicating. Whether through verbal or non-verbal cues, communication is how we interact with our surroundings. In this episode, we discuss meaning-making, and what communication really means. ____________________

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f/g is continuous

Here I show that the ratio of two continuous functions is continuous. I do it both by using epsilon-delta and the sequence definition of continuity. Interestingly, the proof is similar to the proof of the quotient rule for derivatives. Enjoy! Reciprocals of limits:

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The Friendship Theorem - You Always Have 3 Friends Or 3 Strangers At A Party

In a group of 6 people, you might find that some people are friends on Facebook, or you might find out that no one is friends on Facebook. Show that there is always a group of 3 people in which either: (a) all 3 people are mutual friends or (b) the 3 people are mutual strangers (no one is

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If you are interested in learning more about this topic, please visit to view the entire tutorial on our website. It includes instructional text, informational graphics, examples, and even interactives for you to practice and apply what you've learned.

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The No Cloning Theorem

Support MinutePhysics on Patreon: Three Blue One Brown: Why you can’t clone Schrödinger’s cat: this video presents the full proof of the “No Cloning” Theorem in Quantum Mechanics – without any f

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Lifting theorems in communication complexity and applications - Toniann Pitassi

Computer Science/Discrete Mathematics Seminar II Topic: Lifting theorems in communication complexity and applications Speaker: Toniann Pitassi Affiliation: University of Toronto; Visiting Professor, School of Mathematics Date: September 26, 2017 For more videos, please visit http://video.

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Body Language

In this video, you’ll learn more about the power of body language and its effect on relationships and communication. Visit to learn even more. We hope you enjoy!

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The amazing power of composition - Toniann Pitassi More videos on

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Communication complexity of approximate Nash equilibria - Aviad Rubinstein

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Anti-concentration and the Gap-Hamming problem - Anup Rao

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Lower bounds for clique vs. independent set - Mika Goos

Mika Göös University of Toronto February 23, 2015 We prove an ω(logn)ω(log⁡n) lower bound on the conondeterministic communication complexity of the Clique vs. Independent Set problem introduced by Yannakakis (STOC 1988, JCSS 1991). As a corollary, this implies superpolynomial lower bounds

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Nexus trimester - Omri Weinstein (Courant Institute (NYU)) 3/6

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Introduction to Query-to-Communication Lifting - Mika Goos

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Geoffroy Horel - Knots and Motives

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Laurent Massoulié : Non-backtracking spectrum of random graphs: community detection and ...

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