Lattice points | Quadratic forms

Niemeier lattice

In mathematics, a Niemeier lattice is one of the 24 positive definite even unimodular lattices of rank 24,which were classified by Hans-Volker Niemeier. gave a simplified proof of the classification. has a sentence mentioning that he found more than 10 such lattices, but gives no further details. One example of a Niemeier lattice is the Leech lattice. (Wikipedia).

Niemeier lattice
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Introduction to Solid State Physics, Lecture 8: Reciprocal Lattice

Upper-level undergraduate course taught at the University of Pittsburgh in the Fall 2015 semester by Sergey Frolov. The course is based on Steven Simon's "Oxford Solid State Basics" textbook. Lectures recorded using Panopto, to see them in Panopto viewer follow this link:

From playlist Introduction to Solid State Physics

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Introduction to Solid State Physics, Lecture 7: Crystal Structure

Upper-level undergraduate course taught at the University of Pittsburgh in the Fall 2015 semester by Sergey Frolov. The course is based on Steven Simon's "Oxford Solid State Basics" textbook. Lectures recorded using Panopto, to see them in Panopto viewer follow this link:

From playlist Introduction to Solid State Physics

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Phong NGUYEN - Recent progress on lattices's computations 1

This is an introduction to the mysterious world of lattice algorithms, which have found many applications in computer science, notably in cryptography. We will explain how lattices are represented by computers. We will present the main hard computational problems on lattices: SVP, CVP and

From playlist École d'Été 2022 - Cohomology Geometry and Explicit Number Theory

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Gabriele NEBE - Lattices, Perfects lattices, Voronoi reduction theory, modular forms, ...

Lattices, Perfects lattices, Voronoi reduction theory, modular forms, computations of isometries and automorphisms The talks of Coulangeon will introduce the notion of perfect, eutactic and extreme lattices and the Voronoi's algorithm to enumerate perfect lattices (both Eulcidean and He

From playlist École d'Été 2022 - Cohomology Geometry and Explicit Number Theory

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History of science 7: Did Witt discover the Leech lattice?

In about 1970 the German mathematician Witt claimed to have discovered the Leech lattice many years before Leech. This video explains what the Leech lattice is and examines the evidence for Witt's claim. Lieven Lebruyn discussed this question on his blog:

From playlist History of science

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A simple proof of a reverse Minkowski inequality - Noah Stephens-Davidowitz

Computer Science/Discrete Mathematics Seminar II Topic: A simple proof of a reverse Minkowski inequality Speaker: Noah Stephens-Davidowitz Affiliation: Visitor, School of Mathematics Date: April 17, 2018 For more videos, please visit

From playlist Mathematics

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Elliptic Curves - Lecture 14b - Elliptic curves over the complex numbers

This video is part of a graduate course on elliptic curves that I taught at UConn in Spring 2021. The course is an introduction to the theory of elliptic curves. More information about the course can be found at the course website:

From playlist An Introduction to the Arithmetic of Elliptic Curves

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Counting points on the E8 lattice with modular forms (theta functions) | #SoME2

In this video, I show a use of modular forms to answer a question about the E8 lattice. This video is meant to serve as an introduction to theta functions of lattices and to modular forms for those with some knowledge of vector spaces and series. -------------- References: (Paper on MIT

From playlist Summer of Math Exposition 2 videos

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Nihar Gargava - Random lattices as sphere packings

In 1945, Siegel showed that the expected value of the lattice-sums of a function over all the lattices of unit covolume in an n-dimensional real vector space is equal to the integral of the function. In 2012, Venkatesh restricted the lattice- sum function to a collection of lattices that h

From playlist Combinatorics and Arithmetic for Physics: Special Days 2022

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Lattices, Hecke Operators, and the Well-Rounded Retract - Mark McConnell

Mark McConnell Center for Communications Research, Princeton University March 7, 2012 For more videos, visit

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