Frequency-domain analysis

Negative imaginary systems

Negative imaginary (NI) systems theory was introduced by Lanzon and Petersen in. A generalization of the theory was presented in In the single-input single-output (SISO) case, such systems are defined by considering the properties of the imaginary part of the frequency response G(jω) and require the system to have no poles in the right half plane and > 0 for all ω in (0, ∞). This means that a system is Negative imaginary if it is both stable and a nyquist plot will have a phase lag between [-π 0] for all ω > 0. (Wikipedia).

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Imaginary Numbers, Functions of Complex Variables: 3D animations.

Visualization explaining imaginary numbers and functions of complex variables. Includes exponentials (Euler’s Formula) and the sine and cosine of complex numbers.

From playlist Physics

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What are imaginary numbers?

Imaginary numbers are any numbers that include the imaginary number i. A mix of imaginary and real numbers gives you what’s called a complex number. The primary reason we use imaginary numbers is to give us a way to find the root (radical) of a negative number. There’s no way to use real

From playlist Popular Questions

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Tutorial - What is an imaginary number In this video playlist you will learn everything you need to know with complex and imaginary numbers

From playlist Complex Numbers

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Ex: Simplifying the Opposites of Negatives Integers

This video provides several examples of simplifying opposites of negative integers. Search Complete Video Library at

From playlist Introduction to Integers

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logarithm with negative base and negative input

What if we have both a negative base and a negative input in a logarithm! People often say we cannot have a negative number inside of a logarithm. Most of the time log(negative) gives us an imaginary number. But since (-2)^3=-8, so what do you think the answer to log base -2 of -8? Check

From playlist math for fun, complex world

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Imaginary Numbers Are Real [Part 11: Wandering in 4 Dimensions]

More information and resources: Supporting Code: Imaginary numbers are not some wild invention, they are the deep and natural result of extending our number system. Imaginary numbers are all about the di

From playlist Imaginary Numbers are Real

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Simplifying a rational expression raised to a negative power

👉 Learn how to simplify expressions using the power rule and the negative exponent rule of exponents. When several terms of an expression is raised to an exponent outside the parenthesis, the exponent is distributed over the individual terms in the expression and the exponent outside the p

From playlist Simplify Using the Rules of Exponents

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Negative Exponents

From playlist Polynomial Operations

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Applying the reciprocal rule with negative exponents to simplify an expression

👉 Learn how to simplify expressions using the power rule and the negative exponent rule of exponents. When several terms of an expression is raised to an exponent outside the parenthesis, the exponent is distributed over the individual terms in the expression and the exponent outside the p

From playlist Simplify Using the Rules of Exponents

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Introduction to Frequency Domain Analysis

In this video we introduce the concept of frequency domain analysis for a linear dynamic system. At its core, this involves understanding how the system responds to sinusoidal inputs at steady state. We derive the relationship that shows that for a linear system, when it is subjected to

From playlist Control Theory

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Imaginary numbers? Weird….but, real…..

TabletClass Math: Math help with imaginary numbers and complex number system. For more math help to include math lessons, practice problems and math tutorials check out my full math help program at Math Notes: Pre-Algebra Notes:

From playlist Algebra

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How Imaginary Numbers Make Real Physics Easier to Understand

Go to for a free trial, and when you’re ready to launch, go to to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain. #imaginarynumber #complexnumbers #physics In this video, we'll look at the basics of complex and imaginary numbers,

From playlist Quantum Physics by Parth G

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V6_10: Complex eigenvalues Phase portrait for spiral, ODE systems. Elementary differential equations

Elementary differential equations Video6_10. Solutions for 2x2 linear ODE systems with Complex eigenvalues, complex eigenvalues, Phase portrait and stability for spiral points. Connection to second order equations. Course playlist:

From playlist Elementary Differential Equations

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GED 2018 Algebra Review (Complex Numbers)

GED exam math and algebra review- this video goes over the concept of complex and real numbers. Free GED Math Course please visit

From playlist GED Prep Videos

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What is the square root of – 20?

How to find the square root of a negative number. For more in-depth math help check out my catalog of courses. Every course includes over 275 videos of easy to follow and understand math instruction, with fully explained practice problems and printable worksheets, review notes and quiz

From playlist GED Prep Videos

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Algebra 2 - Why do we use complex numbers for square roots presents Intro into complex numbers. In this video playlist I will explain where imaginary and complex numbers come from and how we can use them to help us solve problems. We will also explore the complex property of equality to solve for values of complex nu

From playlist Complex Numbers

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imaginary number (i) to 30th power = ?

How to find powers of imaginary numbers with no calculator. For more in-depth math help check out my catalog of courses. Every course includes over 275 videos of easy to follow and understand math instruction, with fully explained practice problems and printable worksheets, review notes

From playlist Pre-Calculus / Trigonometry

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What is a Complex Number (a + bi) ? Must Know To PASS Algebra

TabletClass Math: Math help with complex numbers a + bi. Complex numbers are very important in Algebra and a must know for all students. For more math help to include math lessons, practice problems and math tutorials check out my full math help program at h

From playlist GED Prep Videos

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Algebra - Ch. 0.6: Basic Concepts (2 of 36) What are Imaginary Numbers?

Visit for more math and science lectures! In this video I will explain the differences between real and imaginary numbers on a number line, a real and imaginary axis, and the x-y plane. Next video in this series can be seen at:


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(3.5) Types of Behavior of 2D Linear Homogeneous Const Coefficient Systems of ODEs Using Eigenvalues

This lesson explains how to determine the type of of the solution to linear homogeneous constant coefficient systems of ordinary differential equations

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Frequency response | Transfer function matrix | Single-input single-output system | Minimal realization