Factorial and binomial topics

Multiplicative partitions of factorials

Multiplicative partitions of factorials are expressions of values of the factorial function as products of powers of prime numbers. They have been studied by Paul Erdős and others. The factorial of a positive integer is a product of decreasing integer factors, which can in turn be factored into prime numbers. This means that any factorial can be written as a product of powers of primes. For example, If we wish to write as a product of factors of the form , where each is a prime number, and the factors are sorted in nondecreasing order, then we have three ways of doing so:The number of such "sorted multiplicative partitions" of grows with , and is given by the sequence 1, 1, 3, 3, 10, 10, 30, 75, 220, 220, 588, 588, 1568, 3696, 11616, ... (sequence in the OEIS). Not all sorted multiplicative partitions of a given factorial have the same length. For example, the partitions of have lengths 4, 3 and 5. In other words, exactly one of the partitions of has length 5. The number of sorted multiplicative partitions of that have length equal to is 1 for and , and thereafter increases as 2, 2, 5, 12, 31, 31, 78, 78, 191, 418, 1220, 1220, 3015, ... (sequence in the OEIS). Consider all sorted multiplicative partitions of that have length , and find the partition whose first factor is the largest. (Since the first factor in a partition is the smallest within that partition, this means finding the maximum of all the minima.) Call this factor . The value of is 2 for and , and thereafter grows as 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, ... (sequence in the OEIS). To express the asymptotic behavior of , let As tends to infinity, approaches a limiting value, the Alladi–Grinstead constant (named for the mathematicians Krishnaswami Alladi and Charles Grinstead). The decimal representation of the Alladi–Grinstead constant begins, 0.80939402054063913071793188059409131721595399242500030424202871504... (sequence in the OEIS). The exact value of the constant can be written as the exponential of a certain infinite series. Explicitly, where is given byThis sum can alternatively be expressed as follows, writing for the Riemann zeta function:This series for the constant converges more rapidly than the one before. The function is constant over stretches of , but jumps from 5 to 7, skipping the value 6. Erdős raised the question of how large the gaps in the sequence of can grow, and how long the constant stretches can be. (Wikipedia).

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Factoring a binomial using distributive property

👉Learn how to factor quadratics using the difference of two squares method. When a quadratic contains two terms where each of the terms can be expressed as the square of a number and the sign between the two terms is the minus sign, then the quadratic can be factored easily using the diffe

From playlist Factor Quadratic Expressions | Difference of Two Squares

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Factoring a binomial using the difference of two squares

👉Learn how to factor quadratics using the difference of two squares method. When a quadratic contains two terms where each of the terms can be expressed as the square of a number and the sign between the two terms is the minus sign, then the quadratic can be factored easily using the diffe

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How to factor a binomial by factoring out the GCF as well as by difference of two squares

👉Learn how to factor quadratics using the difference of two squares method. When a quadratic contains two terms where each of the terms can be expressed as the square of a number and the sign between the two terms is the minus sign, then the quadratic can be factored easily using the diffe

From playlist Factor Quadratic Expressions | Difference of Two Squares

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Learning how to factor a binomial using the difference of two squares

👉Learn how to factor quadratics using the difference of two squares method. When a quadratic contains two terms where each of the terms can be expressed as the square of a number and the sign between the two terms is the minus sign, then the quadratic can be factored easily using the diffe

From playlist Factor Quadratic Expressions | Difference of Two Squares

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Factoring trinomials #2 difference of two squares

👉Learn how to factor quadratics using the difference of two squares method. When a quadratic contains two terms where each of the terms can be expressed as the square of a number and the sign between the two terms is the minus sign, then the quadratic can be factored easily using the diffe

From playlist Factor Quadratic Expressions | Difference of Two Squares

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Using the difference of two squares to factor a binomial

👉Learn how to factor quadratics using the difference of two squares method. When a quadratic contains two terms where each of the terms can be expressed as the square of a number and the sign between the two terms is the minus sign, then the quadratic can be factored easily using the diffe

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Factoring using difference of two squares, x^2 - 9, 16x^4 - 100y^2, 4(4x^4 - 25y^2)

👉Learn how to factor quadratics using the difference of two squares method. When a quadratic contains two terms where each of the terms can be expressed as the square of a number and the sign between the two terms is the minus sign, then the quadratic can be factored easily using the diffe

From playlist Factor Quadratic Expressions | Difference of Two Squares

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16. Interacting Particles Part 2

MIT 8.333 Statistical Mechanics I: Statistical Mechanics of Particles, Fall 2013 View the complete course: http://ocw.mit.edu/8-333F13 Instructor: Mehran Kardar This is the second of five lectures on Interacting Particles. License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA More information at http://ocw

From playlist MIT 8.333 Statistical Mechanics I: Statistical Mechanics of Particles, Fall 2013

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Network Science. Lecture11.Graph partitioning algorithms

Graph partitioning algorithms Lecture slides: http://www.leonidzhukov.net/hse/2020/networks/lectures/lecture11.pdf

From playlist Network Science. Module 2, 2020

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Representation Theory & Combinatorics of the Symmetry Group &Related Structures III -Monica Vazirani

2021 Women and Mathematics - Terng Course Lecture Topic: Representation Theory & Combinatorics of the Symmetry Group and Related Structures III Speaker: Monica Vazirani Affiliation: University of California, Davis Date: May 27, 2021 With an eye toward coordinating with the advanced cours

From playlist Mathematics

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Lecture 11 - Stirling & Harmonic Numbers

This is Lecture 11 of the CSE547 (Discrete Mathematics) taught by Professor Steven Skiena [http://www.cs.sunysb.edu/~skiena/] at Stony Brook University in 1999. The lecture slides are available at: http://www.cs.sunysb.edu/~algorith/math-video/slides/Lecture%2011.pdf More information may

From playlist CSE547 - Discrete Mathematics - 1999 SBU

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GT17. Symmetric and Alternating Groups

EDIT: at 15:00, we have (abcde) = (abc)(cde) instead of (abc)(ade) Abstract Algebra: We review symmetric and alternating groups. We show that S_n is generated by its 2-cycles and that A_n is generated by its 3-cycles. Applying the latter with the Conjugation Formula, we show that A_5 i

From playlist Abstract Algebra

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Factoring trinomials

👉Learn how to factor quadratics using the difference of two squares method. When a quadratic contains two terms where each of the terms can be expressed as the square of a number and the sign between the two terms is the minus sign, then the quadratic can be factored easily using the diffe

From playlist Factor Quadratic Expressions | Difference of Two Squares

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Factoring trinomials

👉Learn how to factor quadratics using the difference of two squares method. When a quadratic contains two terms where each of the terms can be expressed as the square of a number and the sign between the two terms is the minus sign, then the quadratic can be factored easily using the diffe

From playlist Factor Quadratic Expressions | Difference of Two Squares

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Damir Yeliussizov: "Bounds and inequalities for the Littlewood-Richardson coefficients"

Asymptotic Algebraic Combinatorics 2020 "Bounds and inequalities for the Littlewood-Richardson coefficients" Damir Yeliussizov - Kazakh-British Technical University Abstract: I will talk about various bounds, inequalities, and asymptotic estimates for the Littlewood-Richardson (LR) coeff

From playlist Asymptotic Algebraic Combinatorics 2020

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Thermodynamics and Chemical Dynamics 131C. Lecture 04. Entropy.

UCI Chem 131C Thermodynamics and Chemical Dynamics (Spring 2012) Lec 04. Thermodynamics and Chemical Dynamics -- Entropy -- View the complete course: http://ocw.uci.edu/courses/chem_131c_thermodynamics_and_chemical_dynamics.html Instructor: Reginald Penner, Ph.D. License: Creative Common

From playlist Chemistry 131C: Thermodynamics and Chemical Dynamics

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Jeffrey Lagarias: Splitting measures on polynomials and the field with one element

The lecture was held within the framework of the Hausdorff Trimester Program: Non-commutative Geometry and its Applications and the Workshop: Number theory and non-commutative geometry 26.11.2014

From playlist HIM Lectures: Trimester Program "Non-commutative Geometry and its Applications"

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Vic Reiner, Lecture III - 13 February 2015 (49)

Vic Reiner (University of Minnesota) - Lecture III http://www.crm.sns.it/course/4036/ Many results in the combinatorics and invariant theory of reflection groups have q-analogues for the finite general linear groups GLn(Fq). These lectures will discuss several examples, and open question

From playlist Vertex algebras, W-algebras, and applications - 2014-2015

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Satya Majumdar - Introduction to random matrix theory (4)

PROGRAM: BANGALORE SCHOOL ON STATISTICAL PHYSICS - V DATES: Monday 31 Mar, 2014 - Saturday 12 Apr, 2014 VENUE: Raman Research Institute, Bangalore PROGRAM LINK: http://www.icts.res.in/program/BSSP2014 This advanced level school was started in 2010 at the Raman Research Institute, Banga

From playlist Bangalore School on Statistical Physics - V

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Factoring using the difference of two squares with multiple terms, 64m^2 - 9y^2

👉Learn how to factor quadratics using the difference of two squares method. When a quadratic contains two terms where each of the terms can be expressed as the square of a number and the sign between the two terms is the minus sign, then the quadratic can be factored easily using the diffe

From playlist Factor Quadratic Expressions | Difference of Two Squares

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Maxima and minima | Series (mathematics) | Prime number | Factorial | Exponential function | Paul Erdős | Decimal representation | Asymptote | Riemann zeta function