Number theory

Multiplicative independence

In number theory, two positive integers a and b are said to be multiplicatively independent if their only common integer power is 1. That is, for integers n and m, implies . Two integers which are not multiplicatively independent are said to be multiplicatively dependent. As examples, 36 and 216 are multiplicatively dependent since , whereas 6 and 12 are multiplicatively independent. (Wikipedia).

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Multilinear Algebra

Multilinearity of the determinant In this video, I define the notion of a multilinear function and I show that the determinant is multilinear. Come and get a taste of the beauty of multilinear algebra :) Check out my Determinants Playlist:

From playlist Determinants

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Differential Equations: Linear Independence

Linear independence is a core idea from Linear Algebra. Surprisingly, it's also important in differential equations. This video is the second precursor to our discussion of homogeneous differential equations.

From playlist Differential Equations

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Local linearity for a multivariable function

A visual representation of local linearity for a function with a 2d input and a 2d output, in preparation for learning about the Jacobian matrix.

From playlist Multivariable calculus

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Math 060 092717 Linear Independence

Linear independence: definition of, examples and non-examples; intuition (dependence is redundancy; independence is minimality). Equivalence of dependence and a vector being included in the span of the others. Equivalence of independence with every vector in the span being uniquely expre

From playlist Course 4: Linear Algebra (Fall 2017)

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Multivariable Calculus: Cross Product

In this video we explore how to compute the cross product of two vectors using determinants.

From playlist Multivariable Calculus

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How to Evaluate a Multivariable Function Defined by an Integral

How to Evaluate a Multivariable Function Defined by an Integral If you enjoyed this video please consider liking, sharing, and subscribing. You can also help support my channel by becoming a member Thank you:)

From playlist Calculus 3

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Multivariable Calculus | Differentiability

We give the definition of differentiability for a multivariable function and provide a few examples.

From playlist Multivariable Calculus

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Introduction to Linearly Independent and Linearly Dependent Sets of Vectors

This video introduced the topic of linearly independent and dependent sets of vectors.

From playlist Linear Independence and Bases

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One to one and linear independence

In this video, I explore an interesting relationship between linear independence and injectivity. In other words, I show that a set of vectors is linearly independent if and only if a related transformation is one-to-one. So, in some sense, those two notions are just different sides of the

From playlist Linear Transformations

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Excel Statistical Analysis 21: Multiplication Law of Probability, AND Logical Test, Probability Tree

Download Excel File: pdf notes: Learn about the Multiplication Law of Probability to calculate AND Logical Test Probabilities. Learn how to build a probability tree too. Topics: 1. (00:00) Introduction 2.

From playlist Excel Statistical Analysis for Business Class Playlist of Videos from excelisfun

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(3.7) Intro to Solving a Linear System of ODEs using the Eigenvalue Method: Repeated Eigenvalues

This video explains how to solve the system x'=Ax when matrix A has repeated eigenvalues.

From playlist Differential Equations: Complete Set of Course Videos

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Vectors and matrices, multiplication, rank

This series of lecturelets is all about matrix analysis. This first lecture is necessary for all the other ones, because it provides important introductions to what can be done with matrices and vectors, how to scale and multiply them, special kinds of matrices, rank and indendence, and ot

From playlist OLD ANTS #9) Matrix analysis

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Elementary Linear Algebra: Facts about Linear Independence

In this video we discuss the various methods for determining whether a given set of vectors is linearly dependent or linearly independent.

From playlist Linear Algebra

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Part III: Linear Algebra, Lec 2: Spanning Vectors

Part III: Linear Algebra, Lecture 2: Spanning Vectors Instructor: Herbert Gross View the complete course: License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA More information at More courses at

From playlist MIT Calculus Revisited: Calculus of Complex Variables

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Chapter 4.4: The Multiplication Rule

Chapter 4.4 from "Introduction to Statistics, Think & Do" by Scott Stevens ( Textbook from Publisher, $29.95 print, $9.95 PDF Textbook from Amazon:

From playlist Statistics Lecture Videos

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Mod-01 Lec-36 Spectral Theorem

Elementary Numerical Analysis by Prof. Rekha P. Kulkarni,Department of Mathematics,IIT Bombay.For more details on NPTEL visit

From playlist NPTEL: Elementary Numerical Analysis | CosmoLearning Mathematics

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Excel 2013 Statistical Analysis #28: Multiplication Law of Probability AND Events (16 Examples)

Download Excel file: Download pdf notes file: Topics in this video: 1. (00:25) Conditional Probability (3 E

From playlist Excel for Statistical Analysis in Business & Economics Free Course at YouTube (75 Videos)

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Multivariable maxima and minima

A description of maxima and minima of multivariable functions, what they look like, and a little bit about how to find them.

From playlist Multivariable calculus

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Lecture 1: The Column Space of A Contains All Vectors Ax

MIT 18.065 Matrix Methods in Data Analysis, Signal Processing, and Machine Learning, Spring 2018 Instructor: Gilbert Strang View the complete course: YouTube Playlist: In this first lect

From playlist MIT 18.065 Matrix Methods in Data Analysis, Signal Processing, and Machine Learning, Spring 2018

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