Information theory | Applied mathematics

Multiparty communication complexity

In theoretical computer science, multiparty communication complexity is the study of communication complexity in the setting where there are more than 2 players. In the traditional two–party communication game, introduced by , two players, P1 and P2 attempt to compute a Boolean function Player P1 knows the value of x2, P2 knows the value of x1, but Pi does not know the value of xi, for i = 1, 2. In other words, the players know the other's variables, but not their own. The minimum number of bits that must be communicated by the players to compute f is the communication complexity of f, denoted by κ(f). The multiparty communication game, defined in 1983, is a powerful generalization of the 2–party case: Here the players know all the others' input, except their own. Because of this property, sometimes this model is called "numbers on the forehead" model, since if the players were seated around a round table, each wearing their own input on the forehead, then every player would see all the others' input, except their own. The formal definition is as follows: players: intend to compute a Boolean function On set of variables there is a fixed partition of classes , and player knows every variable, except those in , for . The players have unlimited computational power, and they communicate with the help of a blackboard, viewed by all players. The aim is to compute ), such that at the end of the computation, every player knows this value. The cost of the computation is the number of bits written onto the blackboard for the given input and partition . The cost of a multiparty protocol is the maximum number of bits communicated for any from the set {0,1}n and the given partition . The -party communication complexity, of a function , with respect to partition , is the minimum of costs of those -party protocols which compute . The -party symmetric communication complexity of is defined as where the maximum is taken over all k-partitions of set . (Wikipedia).

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More formal treatment of multivariable chain rule

For those of you who want to see how the multivariable chain rule looks in the context of the limit definitions of various forms of the derivative.

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Worldwide Calculus: Multi-Component Functions of a Single Variable

Lecture on 'Multi-Component Functions of a Single Variable' from 'Worldwide Multivariable Calculus'. For more lecture videos and $10 digital textbooks, visit

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Nexus Trimester - Himanshu Tyagi (Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore) 1/3

Information Theoretic Secrecy and Interactive Communication Himanshu Tyagi (Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore) March 23, 2016 Abstract: Information theoretic secrecy refers to unconditional secrecy against a computationally unbounded adversary with any statistical procedure at his o

From playlist Nexus Trimester - 2016 - Secrecy and Privacy Theme

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Nexus Trimester - Shun Watanabe (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology) 3/3

Information Theoretic Secrecy and Interactive Communication Shun Watanabe (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology) March 23, 2016 Abstract: Information theoretic secrecy refers to unconditional secrecy against a computationally unbounded adversary with any statistical procedure a

From playlist Nexus Trimester - 2016 - Secrecy and Privacy Theme

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Nexus Trimester - H. Tyagi - S. Watanabe 2/3

Information Theoretic Secrecy and Interactive Communication 2/3 Himanshu Tyagi (Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore) Shun Watanabe (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology) March 23, 2016 Abstract: Information theoretic secrecy refers to unconditional secrecy against a computat

From playlist Nexus Trimester - 2016 - Secrecy and Privacy Theme

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Solving a multi-step equation with fractions and variable on both sides

👉 Learn how to solve multi-step equations with variable on both sides of the equation. An equation is a statement stating that two values are equal. A multi-step equation is an equation which can be solved by applying multiple steps of operations to get to the solution. To solve a multi-s

From playlist How to Solve Multi Step Equations with Variables on Both Sides

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Solving an equation with variables on both side and one solution

👉 Learn how to solve multi-step equations with variable on both sides of the equation. An equation is a statement stating that two values are equal. A multi-step equation is an equation which can be solved by applying multiple steps of operations to get to the solution. To solve a multi-s

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Solving a multi step equation with variables on both sides 5+3r=5r–19

👉 Learn how to solve multi-step equations with variable on both sides of the equation. An equation is a statement stating that two values are equal. A multi-step equation is an equation which can be solved by applying multiple steps of operations to get to the solution. To solve a multi-s

From playlist How to Solve Multi Step Equations with Variables on Both Sides

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Stanford Seminar - Protecting Patient Privacy in Genomic Analysis

One of the challenges for patients with rare diseases is the lack of local data to use for analysis. As a result, patients are having to rely on 3rd party facilities to carry out the computations based on data collected around the globe. But due to patient privacy concerns, as well as heav

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Solving a multi-step equation by multiplying by the denominator

👉 Learn how to solve multi-step equations with variable on both sides of the equation. An equation is a statement stating that two values are equal. A multi-step equation is an equation which can be solved by applying multiple steps of operations to get to the solution. To solve a multi-s

From playlist How to Solve Multi Step Equations with Variables on Both Sides

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Lecture 22: Political Sources of Populism - Misdiagnosing Democracy’s Ills

What is it about democratic political systems that has fostered the resurgence of population? Prof. Ian Shapiro discusses answers to this question by shifting the focus away from exclusive attention to the attitudes of voters to include the incentives and motivations of politicians.

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Nexus Trimester - Yuval Ishai (Technion) 1/2

Secure Multiparty Computation - 1/2 Yuval Ishai (Technion) March 28, 2016 Abstract: Secure multiparty computation allows two or more parties to perform a distributed computation on their local inputs while hiding the inputs from each other. This part of the minicourse will give a broad o

From playlist Nexus Trimester - 2016 - Secrecy and Privacy Theme

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Solving an equation with infinite many solutions 2a+3=3+2a

👉 Learn how to solve multi-step equations with variable on both sides of the equation. An equation is a statement stating that two values are equal. A multi-step equation is an equation which can be solved by applying multiple steps of operations to get to the solution. To solve a multi-s

From playlist How to Solve Multi Step Equations with Variables on Both Sides

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11_3_6 Continuity and Differentiablility

Prerequisites for continuity. What criteria need to be fulfilled to call a multivariable function continuous.

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Nexus Trimester - Qin Zhang (Indiana University Bloomington)

Lower Bound Techniques for Multiparty Communication Complexity Qin Zhang (Indiana University Bloomington) February 15, 2016 Abstract: In this talk we will discuss multiparty communication complexity in the k-site model, where we have k machines, each having a piece of data and they want t

From playlist Nexus Trimester - 2016 - Fundamental Inequalities and Lower Bounds Theme

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Solving an equation with fraction where your variable is on both sides

👉 Learn how to solve multi-step equations with variable on both sides of the equation. An equation is a statement stating that two values are equal. A multi-step equation is an equation which can be solved by applying multiple steps of operations to get to the solution. To solve a multi-s

From playlist How to Solve Multi Step Equations with Variables on Both Sides

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The King And His People: The Swazi's Struggle (Monarchy Documentary) | Real Stories

The King and the People is a dramatic film that captures the spirit of the Swazi people’s struggle from absolute monarchism. At the heart of the story, runs a common thread where an entire nation is subjugated through various subtle means such as culture, tradition and religion; economic c

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CERIAS Security: Applying Recreational Mathematics to Secure Multiparty Computation 3/5

Clip 3/5 Speaker: Yvo Desmedt · University College, London The problem of a mice traveling through a maze is well known. The maze can be represented using a planar graph. We present a variant of the maze. We consider a grid vertex colored planar graph in which an adversary can choose

From playlist The CERIAS Security Seminars 2007

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CERIAS Security: Applying Recreational Mathematics to Secure Multiparty Computation 4/5

Clip 4/5 Speaker: Yvo Desmedt · University College, London The problem of a mice traveling through a maze is well known. The maze can be represented using a planar graph. We present a variant of the maze. We consider a grid vertex colored planar graph in which an adversary can choose

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A10 Example problem of multiplicity three

An example problem of multiplicity three.

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