Analysis of variance | Regression models

Multilevel regression with poststratification

Multilevel regression with poststratification (MRP) (sometimes called "Mister P") is a statistical technique used for correcting model estimates for known differences between a sample population (the population of the data you have), and a target population (a population you would like to estimate for). For example, Wang et al. used survey data from Xbox gamers to predict U.S. presidential election results. The Xbox gamers were 65% 18- to 29-year-olds and 93% male, while the electorate as a whole was 19% 18- to 29-year-olds and 47% male. The poststratification refers to the process of adjusting the estimates, essentially a weighted average of estimates from all possible combinations of attributes (in this example age and sex, though there were more). Each combination is sometimes called a "cell." The multilevel regression is used to smooth noisy estimates in the cells with too little data by using overall or nearby averages. One application is estimating preferences in sub-regions (e.g., states, individual constituencies) based on individual-level survey data gathered at other levels of aggregation (e.g., national surveys). (Wikipedia).

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Linear regression

Linear regression is used to compare sets or pairs of numerical data points. We use it to find a correlation between variables.

From playlist Learning medical statistics with python and Jupyter notebooks

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What is Multicollinearity? Extensive video + simulation!

See all my videos at 0:00 Introduction 2:16 Intuition 4:13 How does it affect our regression output? 6:55 Detection method I: Correlations 8:37 Detection method II: Variance Inflation Factors (VIFs) 11:50 Remedies 15:13 Justin's Simulation (COOL!) 22:17

From playlist Regression series (10 videos)

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Multiple Regression, Clearly Explained!!!

This video directly follows part 1 in the StatQuest series on General Linear Models (GLMs) on Linear Regression . This StatQuest shows how the exact same principles from "simple" linear regression also apply multiple regression. At the end, I show how to test i

From playlist StatQuest

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R - Multilevel Model Example

Recorded: Fall 2015 Lecturer: Dr. Erin M. Buchanan This video gives an example of multilevel modeling in R - covers data screening in wide format, melting to long format, nlme for analysis, and interpretation of predictors. Lecture materials and assignments available at statisticsofdoom.

From playlist Advanced Statistics Videos

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Statistics: Ch 3 Bivariate Data (23 of 25) Linear Regression: Method 2: Ex.

Visit for more math and science lectures! We will find the linear regression, best fit line, y=mx+b=? using 10-sets of push-ups and sit-up data. Method 2 To donate: . Next video in this


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R - Mediation Analyses with the multilevel package

Lecturer: Dr. Erin M. Buchanan Missouri State University Spring 2018 This video replaces a previous live in-class video. You will learn how to do mediation analyses in regression. First, we start with power in G*Power, work through data screening, and then analyze the stages of mediation

From playlist Learn and Use G*Power

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An introduction to Regression Analysis

Regression Analysis, R squared, statistics class, GCSE Like us on: Related Videos Playlist on Linear Regression Using SPSS for Multiple Linear Regression

From playlist Linear Regression.

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Ex: Comparing Linear and Exponential Regression

This video provides an example on how to perform linear regression and exponential regression on the TI84. The best model is identified based up the value of R^2. Site: Blog:

From playlist Solving Applications Using Exponential Equations / Compounded and Continuous Interest / Exponential Regression

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Multilevel Latent Class Regression of Stages of Change for Multiple Health Behaviors

Multilevel Laten Class Regression of Stages of Change for Multiple Health Behaviors, recorded November 26th, 2012. For more information and access to courses, lectures, and teaching material, please visit the official UC Irvine OpenCourseWare website at:

From playlist Public Health: Collections

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R - Multilevel Models Workshop Part 1

Lecturer: Dr. Erin M. Buchanan Harrisburg University of Science and Technology Spring 2019 Workshop for Rutgers Spanish and Portuguese department ( covering multilevel models (linear, nonlinear, and growth examples). Check out the materials at https://rstudi

From playlist Advanced Statistics Videos

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R - Binary Logistic Multilevel Models

Lecturer: Dr. Erin M. Buchanan Harrisburg University of Science and Technology Fall 2019 This video covers binary logistic regression + multilevel models in R using glmer and the lme4 package. I cover an example of a project that our research lab has under review. We talk about assumption

From playlist Advanced Statistics Videos

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R - Multilevel Models Workshop Part 2

Lecturer: Dr. Erin M. Buchanan Harrisburg University of Science and Technology Spring 2019 Workshop for Rutgers Spanish and Portuguese department ( covering multilevel models (linear, nonlinear, and growth examples). Check out the materials at https://rstudi

From playlist Advanced Statistics Videos

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R - Multilevel Models Lecture (Updated)

Lecturer: Dr. Erin M. Buchanan Missouri State University Spring 2017 This video is a rerecording of a multilevel model lecture I gave a while back - covers the ideas behind MLM and how to run a model in R using nlme. The example is new! Lecture materials and assignment available at sta

From playlist Advanced Statistics Videos

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An Introduction to Linear Regression Analysis

Tutorial introducing the idea of linear regression analysis and the least square method. Typically used in a statistics class. Playlist on Linear Regression Like us on: Created by David Lon

From playlist Linear Regression.

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Introducing Artificial Neural Networks in SPSS | Analysis and Interpretation

In this video, I will demonstrate how to run an artificial neural network (ANN) analysis in SPSS and interpret the output. The concepts discussed include multilevel perceptron ANN, deep learning, hidden layer, accuracy, specificity, sensitivity, training, and testing. Related papers and

From playlist Clustering

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Linear Regression Using R

How to calculate Linear Regression using R. http://www.MyBookSucks.Com/R/Linear_Regression.R http://www.MyBookSucks.Com/R Playlist

From playlist Linear Regression.

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Logistic Regression Details Pt1: Coefficients

When you do logistic regression you have to make sense of the coefficients. These are based on the log(odds) and log(odds ratio), but, to be honest, the easiest way to make sense of these are through examples. In this StatQuest, I walk you though two Logistic Regression Examples, step-by-s

From playlist StatQuest

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R - Mediation Analyses Example

PLEASE NOTE THE Z FORMULA SHOULD BE pnorm(abs(save$z.value), lower.tail = F)*2 - this formula will work for both positives and negatives. Lecturer: Dr. Erin M. Buchanan Missouri State University Spring 2016 This video covers how to run and interpret a traditional mediation model. We wa

From playlist Learn and Use G*Power

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How to Fit Linear Regression: Test Assumptions in R Rstudio | Model Diagnostic Tutorial Data Science

Learn how to fit a simple linear regression model with #R #rstudio Test and check Multiple Linear Regression analysis Assumptions? are they met? - Preparing data for fitting a model - Split data intro train and test data - Build the model with functions - Check models performance with Ca

From playlist Regression with R

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Word 2010: Lists

In this video, you’ll learn more about working with lists in Word 2010. Visit for our text-based lesson. This video includes information on: • Using bulleted and numbered lists • Using a symbol as a bullet • Creating multilevel l

From playlist Microsoft Word 2010

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