Functors | Monoidal categories

Monoidal category action

In algebra, an action of a monoidal category S on a category X is a functor such that there are natural isomorphisms and and those natural isomorphism satisfy the coherence conditions analogous to those in S. If there is such an action, S is said to act on X. For example, S acts on itself via the monoid operation ⊗. (Wikipedia).

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Categories 6 Monoidal categories

This lecture is part of an online course on categories. We define strict monoidal categories, and then show how to relax the definition by introducing coherence conditions to define (non-strict) monoidal categories. We finish by defining symmetric monoidal categories and showing how super

From playlist Categories for the idle mathematician

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Category Theory 10.2: Monoid in the category of endofunctors

Monad as a monoid in the category of endofunctors

From playlist Category Theory

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Geometry of Frobenioids - part 2 - (Set) Monoids

This is an introduction to the basic properties of Monoids. This video intended to be a starting place for log-schemes, Mochizuki's IUT or other absolute geometric constructions using monoids.

From playlist Geometry of Frobenioids

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Homomorphisms in abstract algebra

In this video we add some more definition to our toolbox before we go any further in our study into group theory and abstract algebra. The definition at hand is the homomorphism. A homomorphism is a function that maps the elements for one group to another whilst maintaining their structu

From playlist Abstract algebra

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Category Theory 3.1: Examples of categories, orders, monoids

Examples of categories, orders, monoids.

From playlist Category Theory

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Category Theory 2.2: Monomorphisms, simple types

Monomorphisms, simple types.

From playlist Category Theory

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Higher Algebra 9: Symmetric monoidal infinity categories

In this video, we introduce the notion of a symmetric monoidal infinity categories and give some examples. Feel free to post comments and questions at our public forum at Homepage with further information: https://www.uni-mu

From playlist Higher Algebra

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Foundations S2 - Seminar 9 - Morgan Rogers on Morita equivalences and topological monoids

In this guest lecture, Morgan Rogers presents some results on topological monoids, topoi and Morita equivalences. Abstract: This talk presents the story which convinced me that logic has something positive to contribute in resolving questions in other areas of mathematics. Groups (and mor

From playlist Foundations seminar

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Morgan Rogers - Toposes of Topological Monoid Actions

Talk at the school and conference “Toposes online” (24-30 June 2021): Slides: We explain the properties of the familiar properties of continuous actions of groups o

From playlist Toposes online

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On the classification of fusion categories – Sonia Natale – ICM2018

Algebra Invited Lecture 2.5 On the classification of fusion categories Sonia Natale Abstract: We report, from an algebraic point of view, on some methods and results on the classification problem of fusion categories over an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero. © Interna

From playlist Algebra

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Two Geometric Realizations of the Affine Hecke Algebra IPablo Boixeda Alvarez

Geometric and Modular Representation Theory Seminar Topic: Two Geometric Realizations of the Affine Hecke Algebra I Speaker: Pablo Boixeda Alvarez Affiliation: Member, School of Mathematics Date: March 10, 2021 For more video please visit

From playlist Seminar on Geometric and Modular Representation Theory

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Higher Algebra 13: The Tate diagonal

In this video we discuss the Tate diagonal, which is a surprising feature of the world of spectra. For further details on this construction, see, section III.1. Feel free to post comments and questions at our public forum at https://www.uni-muenster

From playlist Higher Algebra

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Tom Leinster : The categorical origins of entropy

Recording during the thematic meeting : "Geometrical and Topological Structures of Information" the August 29, 2017 at the Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques (Marseille, France) Filmmaker: Guillaume Hennenfent

From playlist Geometry

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Lecture 10: The circle action on THH

In this video we construct an action of the circle group S^1 = U(1) on the spectrum THH(R). We will see how this is the homotopical generalisation of the Connes operator. The key tool will be Connes' cyclic category. The speaker is of course Achim Krause and not Thomas Nikolaus as falsely

From playlist Topological Cyclic Homology

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Matt SZCZESNY - Toric Hall Algebras and infinite-dimentional Lie algebras

The process of counting extensions in categories yields an associative (and sometimes Hopf) algebra called a Hall algebra. Applied to the category of Feynman graphs, this process recovers the Connes-Kreimer Hopf algebra. Other examples abound, yielding various combinatorial Hopf algebras.

From playlist Algebraic Structures in Perturbative Quantum Field Theory: a conference in honour of Dirk Kreimer's 60th birthday

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Stable Homotopy Seminar, 13: The Smash Product

I describe a bunch of desirable properties of the smash product on spectra, and then prove Lewis's theorem that no category of spectra has them. However, there are ways of sacrificing one or the other of the properties and getting something fairly well-behaved. The earliest attempts are Bo

From playlist Stable Homotopy Seminar

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Category theory for JavaScript programmers #16: monoid homomorphisms We can make a category from any collection of mathematical gadgets like monoids and the structure-preserving functions between them.

From playlist Category theory for JavaScript programmers

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Alon Nissan-Cohen: Towards an ∞-categorical version of real THH

The lecture was held within the framework of the (Junior) Hausdorff Trimester Program Topology: "Workshop: Hermitian K-theory and trace methods" Following Hesselholt and Madsen's development of the so-called "real" (i.e. Z/2-equivariant) version of algebraic K-theory, Dotto developed a th

From playlist HIM Lectures: Junior Trimester Program "Topology"

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Functor | Monoidal category