Mathematical optimization in business


ModelOps (model operations), as defined by Gartner, "is focused primarily on the governance and life cycle management of a wide range of operationalized artificial intelligence (AI) and decision models, including machine learning, knowledge graphs, rules, optimization, linguistic and agent-based models". “ModelOps lies at the heart of any enterprise AI strategy”.It orchestrates the model life cycles of all models in production across the entire enterprise, from putting a model into production, then evaluating and updating the resulting application according to a set of governance rules, including both technical and business KPI's. It grants business domain experts the capability to evaluate AI models in production, independent of data scientists. A Forbes article promoted ModelOps: "As enterprises scale up their AI initiatives to become a true Enterprise AI organization, having full operationalized analytics capability puts ModelOps in the center, connecting both DataOps and DevOps." (Wikipedia).

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Live from the ATLAS Experiment

Find out more about the ATLAS Experiment and recent upgrades of the detector.

From playlist 360° videos

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Atlas Update

Atlas is an anthropomorphic robot designed to operate on rough terrain. The video shows Atlas balancing as it walks on rocky terrain and when pushed from the side. The balance and control system places the feet and swings the arms and upper body to stay upright. The controller uses iner

From playlist Robots, AI, and human-machine interfaces

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Simplifying Logarithms 3

In this video, we simplify a logarithm.

From playlist Logs - Worked Examples

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AWESOME Physics experiment electron beam (science demonstrations)

Physics (la physique)(science experiments)!!!

From playlist physics

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Amphibious Robot Snake

Read more at and

From playlist Robots, AI, and human-machine interfaces

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OpenGL - 3D rendering overview

Part of a series covering OpenGL. (revision of an earlier video: some restructuring and narration fixes)

From playlist OpenGL

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If you are interested in learning more about this topic, please visit to view the entire tutorial on our website. It includes instructional text, informational graphics, examples, and even interactives for you to practice and apply what you've learned.

From playlist Photoshop

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Building a Miniature Greenhouse

via YouTube Capture

From playlist Random

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The Emergence of KnowledgeOps

see more slides, notes, and other material here: ** KnowledgeOps and Development Processes 1/14: #KnowledgeOps is about managing an organization's or community’s knowledge assets and processes to

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Mathematical optimization | Time series | Artificial intelligence