Magnetic exchange interactions


Mictomagnetism is a spin system in which various exchange interactions are mixed. It is observed in several kinds of alloys, including Cu-Mn, Fe-Al and Ni-Mn alloys. Cooled in zero magnetic field, these materials have low remanence and coercivity. Cooled in a magnetic field, they have much larger remanence and the hysteresis loop is shifted in the direction opposite to the field (an effect similar to exchange bias). (Wikipedia).

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Thermodynamics: Mechanical Equivalent of Heat

The mechanical equivalent of heat is the idea that motion and heat are interchangeable. When a certain amount of work is done it can generate an equivalent amount of heat, as long as the work done is completely converted to heat energy. The mechanical equivalent of heat was important in th

From playlist Thermal Physics/Fluid Mechanics

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Musimathics: Rhythm & Meter (Part 4)

Welcome to the Musimathics series! Musimathics gives an overview of some of the most interesting topics in the field of mathematical music theory! You are watching the fourth video in the series. In this video, Chloe goes over calculating note durations using summations, different metric

From playlist Musimathics: Music & Math

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Chemical Reactions (3 of 11) Combustion Reactions, An Explanation

Describes the basics of combustion reactions, how to identify them, predict the products and balance the chemical equation. Three explosions are included, methane mamba, whoosh bottle and hydrogen gas balloon. A chemical reaction is a process that leads to the chemical change of one set o

From playlist Chemical Reactions and Stoichiometry

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Electromagnetic, Mutual and Self induction!!!

In this video i demonstrate and explain Electromagnetic, Mutual and Self induction!


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AWESOME Electromagnetic force oscillation!!!

In this video i show electromagnetic force oscillation on a ruler. Also i demonstrate the standing wave on a ruler!


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Buoyancy; Floating and Sinking

Instead of density this video will explain how to use buoyancy and the buoyant force to determine whether an object will float or sink in a fluid. This is done by comparing the weight of the object to the buoyant force from the fluid. The buoyant force is the upward force exerted by a flui

From playlist Thermal Physics/Fluid Mechanics

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Dynamics : An overview of the cause of mechanics

Dynamics is a subset of mechanics, which is the study of motion. Whereas kinetics studies that motion itself, dynamics is concerned about the CAUSES of motion. In particular, it involves the concepts of force, momentum and energy. This video gives an overview of what dynamics is, and is u

From playlist Dynamics

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AWESOME antigravity electromagnetic levitator (explaining simply)

Physics levitron (science experiments)


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Electromagnets! How Do They Work?

In this video i show and explained the power of electromagnets!!!


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Chemistry - Thermochemistry (21 of 37) Heat and Calorimetry: Basic Definition

Visit for more math and science lectures! In this video I will give the definition and an example of heat and calorimetry.


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Coercivity | Remanence | Exchange bias