Geometric topology | Algebraic topology


In mathematics, a microbundle is a generalization of the concept of vector bundle, introduced by the American mathematician John Milnor in 1964. It allows the creation of bundle-like objects in situations where they would not ordinarily be thought to exist. For example, the tangent bundle is defined for a smooth manifold but not a topological manifold; use of microbundles allows the definition of a topological tangent bundle. (Wikipedia).

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MicroPython – Python for Microcontrollers

MicroPython is a lean and efficient implementation of the Python 3 programming language that includes a small subset of the Python standard library and is optimised to run on microcontrollers and in constrained environments. This talk will give an overview about the MicroPython. EVENT: m

From playlist IoT

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Defining Microservices | SHORTS

What are microservices? What is microservice architecture for and why are they more complex than they look on the surface? In this #shorts episode, Dave Farley give his definition of microservices. For a fuller exploration of Microservices, see Dave's video "The Problem with Microservices

From playlist Microservices

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MicroRaman Sample Pump

I'm putting this here for a talk I'm giving next week. It is how we pump our nanoparticle samples for optical measurements. I'm sure I could write a fluids problem about it!

From playlist Off Topic

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What are microservices and why would you use them?

Sam Newman introduces you to microservices and explains what you will learn in this course.More details about the course, as well as more free lessons, can be found at

From playlist Microservices

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What are Microservices?

An introduction to microservices from Software Engineering Daily. Find out about microservices and microservice architecture in this quick animation. Music by The Prion. -- Learn to code for free and get a developer job:

From playlist Computer Science Concepts

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What Are MicroVMs? And Why Should I Care?

Have you heard the word “microVMs” and wondered what they are? Or perhaps it's a new term to you? The word itself implies that they are tiny virtual machines but is this true, and what really is microVM technology? MicroVM technology is used by AWS as a core building block for some of its

From playlist Containers

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Derived orbifold chart lifts of flow categories and bimodules - Guangbo Xu

Guangbo Xu's Seminar Topic: Derived orbifold chart lifts of flow categories and bimodules Speaker: Guangbo Xu Affiliation: University of North Carolina; Member, School of Mathematics Date: October 14, 2022 In Hamiltonian Floer theory one needs to regularize infinitely many moduli spaces.

From playlist Mathematics

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Breaking down the definition of microservices - key characteristics

Sam Newman explains what microservices are and why you should use them. More details about the course, as well as more free lessons, can be found at

From playlist Microservices

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What Are Microservices Really All About? (And When Not To Use It)

Weekly system design newsletter: Checkout our bestselling System Design Interview books: Volume 1: Volume 2: ABOUT US: Covering topics and trends in large-scale system design, from the authors of the best-selling Sy

From playlist Computer Science Fundamentals

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Databases in the Microservices World

Web technologies have come leaps and bounds. But are you still using the tired old database from last generation? Let’s look at the methodology of microservices, compare it to bounded contexts, and look at ops tasks for micro-databases. Let’s tour all the flavors of databases, understand t

From playlist Microservices

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AMS construction for Floer moduli spaces - Guangbo Xu

Guangbo Xu's Seminar Topic: AMS construction for Floer moduli spaces Speaker: Guangbo Xu Affiliation: University of North Carolina; Member, School of Mathematics Date: October 18, 2022 I will explain how to generalize Abouzaid-McLean-Smith's construction to Floer moduli spaces. As we nee

From playlist Mathematics

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How Well Designed Is Your Microservice?

Microservices are not what a lot of people think they are, so what are microservices? There are some defining characteristics of microservices that liberate the approach, but which also add some serious challenges to their adoption and use. Designing microservices is not a simple task: whe

From playlist Software Engineering

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Tangent bundle | Topological manifold | Topological space | Homotopy | Fiber bundle | Homeomorphism | Germ (mathematics) | Parallelizable manifold | Piecewise linear manifold | Dimension | Pullback bundle | Commutative diagram | Neighbourhood (mathematics) | Mathematics | Integer | Section (fiber bundle) | Cartesian product | Vector bundle | Category of manifolds | Smooth structure | Category (mathematics)