Gas-filled tubes

Mercury-arc valve

A mercury-arc valve or mercury-vapor rectifier or (UK) mercury-arc rectifier is a type of electrical rectifier used for converting high-voltage or high-current alternating current (AC) into direct current (DC). It is a type of cold cathode gas-filled tube, but is unusual in that the cathode, instead of being solid, is made from a pool of liquid mercury and is therefore self-restoring. As a result mercury-arc valves, when used as intended, are far more robust and durable and can carry much higher currents than most other types of gas discharge tube. Some examples have been in continuous service, rectifying 50 ampere currents for decades. Invented in 1902 by Peter Cooper Hewitt, mercury-arc rectifiers were used to provide power for industrial motors, electric railways, streetcars, and electric locomotives, as well as for radio transmitters and for high-voltage direct current (HVDC) power transmission. They were the primary method of high power rectification before the advent of semiconductor rectifiers, such as diodes, thyristors and gate turn-off thyristors (GTOs) in the 1970s. These solid state rectifiers have almost completely replaced mercury-arc rectifiers thanks to their higher reliability, lower cost and maintenance and lower environmental risk. (Wikipedia).

Mercury-arc valve
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Mercury Arc Rectifier - Siemens

Glowing arc rectifier in a glass enclosure. The arc rectifier was replaced by the diode in the early part of the 20th century. The mercury arc rectifier as large and fragile and therefore was not practical over time as a power converter. It converted AC power to DC power using current thro

From playlist Early AC Power History

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The Mercury Vapor Lamp 1901

How it works, Inventors, Uses. Learn about this popular light invented in 1901 by Peter Cooper Hewitt. See diagrams on how it works using an electric arc through a vaporized mercury warmed by a starting arc through argon gas. Uses of phosphors, lumens per watt, 6800 Kelvin. Part of a serie

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Identify the spectral lines of Mercury light by a coarse diffraction grating

Enjoy! Music:

From playlist Optics

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All about Mercury, the Liquid Metal | Element Series

In this video, I'll be talking about the very interesting element Mercury. I try to cover as much as I can, including its properties, its history and interesting reactions. Let me know what other element you would like to see. Keep in mind that this takes a lot of work though, and that no

From playlist Mercury

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The Carbon Arc Lamp

The first electric light: inventors, history, how it works. From Volta to Sperry the development of the arc lamp. The carbon arc lamp is a HID - High Intensity Discharge lamp which sends an arc through the vaporized carbon formed between two electrodes. Charles Brush and Pavel Yablochkov p

From playlist Lighting Technology

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mercury water pump

I see how high a little electric water pump can pump mercury

From playlist Mercury Vids

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What is an HID Lamp?

List of HID lamps and how to classify the lamp. Mercury Vapor, Metal Halide, Carbon Arc Lamp, High Pressure Sodium, Xenon Short-arc Lamp, Xenon Metal Halide. Learn more at YouTube/EdisonTechCenter.

From playlist How Things Work

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The Neon and Argon Lamp

How it works, inventors, development, types of low pressure gas-discharge lamps. The Neon Lamp has occupied a unique niche in modern society since 1915. It was and will likely continue to be the most attractive form of light for certain types of signage. The Neon and Argon Glow Lamps wer

From playlist Lighting Technology

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Crock Pot Full of Mercury In a Vacuum

a wave of inspiration hit me last night and I put a small 20W warming pot into a vacuum chamber and filled it up with mercury. Sure enough the mercury slowly evaporates out of the pot and collects on the side of the chamber where it drips down and collects on the bottom. its not as fast a

From playlist Mercury Vids

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Aortic stenosis and aortic regurgitation | Circulatory System and Disease | NCLEX-RN | Khan Academy

Created by Joshua Cohen. Watch the next lesson: Missed the previous lesson? https:

From playlist Circulatory system diseases | NCLEX-RN | Khan Academy

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الميكانيك التقليدي (إم آي تي) 32: الحرارة، التمدد الحراري

MIT المحاضرة الثانية والثلاثون من مساق "الميكانيك التقليدي" من جامعة "إم آي تي" للبروفيسور والتر لوين وهي عن: الحرارة، التمدد الحراري بالإضافة للفيديو هناك ملفات مرفقة على موقعنا الالكترونيﺍﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴﻚ-التقليدي/ رابط المساق

From playlist 8.01 Arabic Subtitles

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Astronomy - Ch. 10: Mercury (25 of 42) The Relativity Effect on the Precession of Mercury

Visit for more math and science lectures! In this video I will explain why there is a 43” per century discrepancy from the observed and calculated precession of Mercury (approximately 5600' per century). We know, from Einstein's general relativity, time runs slow

From playlist ASTRONOMY 10 MERCURY

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Astronomy - General Relativity (15 of 17) Proof Theory: Precession of Apsides Calculated for Mercury

Visit for more math and science lectures! To donate: We will now learn how to calculate precession of apsides for Mercury (see video 7 of 17, Proof of Theory: Precession of Mercury Link


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Julius Sumner Miller: Lesson 10 - Atmospheric Pressure

Put out your open hand - grab hold of a handful of air - there is NOTHING there! Or so it seems! But there is - there's a powerful lot of STUFF there -an enormous array of it! The ATMOSPHERE is a massive thing. The pressure of the air is about 15 pounds per square inch at sea le

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The Metal Halide Lamp (MH)

How it works, Inventors, all about the lamp. Has the best bright white light for sporting events and big arenas, areas, etc. Invented by Charles P. Steinmetz in 1912 this lamp wasn't fully ready for the market until the 1960s. It has a fused quartz arc tube where halide salts combine with

From playlist Lighting Technology

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Lec 32: Thermal Expansion | 8.01 Classical Mechanics, Fall 1999 (Walter Lewin)

Heat raises the temperature, and usually the volume of the material that absorbs the heat. The linear and cubical thermal expansion coefficients of metals (including mercury) are described and demonstrated. Ice is discussed as a special case. This lecture is part of 8.01 Physics I: Classi

From playlist 8.01 Physics I: Classical Mechanics, Fall 1999 (Complete Lectures by Walter Lewin)

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The High Pressure Sodium Lamp (HPS)

How it works, inventors, variations. This lamp is the most popular lamp for street and outdoor lighting in the world due to its high efficiency and acceptable color rendering. The lamp has an arc tube made of Lucalox. It uses mercury and sodium vapor combined to create a yellow-pink light.

From playlist Lighting Technology

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Astronomy - General Relativity (7 of 17) Proof of Theory: Precession of Mercury

Visit for more math and science lectures! To donate: We will proof existence of the theory of the precession of Mercury which Einstein's Theory of General Relativity predicted a precessi


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Sprengel Vacuum Pump: The most efficient vacuum pump ever?

In this video I build and use a vacuum pump powered by falling mercury. more about the pump: Applied Science video: more 18th century technology using liquid mercu

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